
Chapter 318 - No return

Chapter 318: No return

Translated by: La0o9

Edited by:? VindiFan#1 & Juicetin

Proofreader:? Arya

Before he even finished his line, a light erupted from the Earth Sword.

Arcs of lightning darted across the blade of the sword as Gu Qing Shan concentrated them there.

In just a few moments, a blinding blue light with lightning had covered the Earth Sword.

“Go” Gu Qing Shan muttered.

The lightning shot straight up from where the Earth Sword pointed, a giant pillar of light broke through the enveloping fog and pierced through the clouds above.

The shining pillar of blue lightning suddenly appeared as it went above and beyond the highest layers of clouds.

Such a magnificent sight was instantly caught by Impartial Goddess.

[Sir, I’ve located you! We’ll be there immediately!]

“Very good”

Gu Qing Shan put his sword down, hovering in the air with Ye Fei Li as they waited.

In the silent night sky, loud engine noises started to appear from afar.

The noise became more and more intense.

Suddenly, a large-size Interstellar Warship appeared from the fog.

An electronic voice came from the Warship, echoing across the sky.

[The Confederate’s No.1 Interstellar fleet has come at your command sir]

Following that, the second Interstellar Warship appeared from the fog.

Then the third.

The fourth.

The fifth.

A total of 12 Interstellar Warships that formed a fleet came out from the fog.

This is military might enough to deal with the highest level of war.

These large-sized Interstellar Warships flew past the air above Gu Qing Shan and Ye Fei Li, heading to a different location.

“Where are they going?” Ye Fei Li couldn’t help but ask.

“They have their mission” Gu Qing Shan answered.

While they were talking, three Interstellar Warships came out from another side of the fog.

[Sir, the Confederate’s No.3 Interstellar fleet has come at your command]

“I see you”

Gu Qing Shan raised his sword to greet the Interstellar Warships.

21 more Warships followed the lead of the first three, going past where they were.

“Who’s controlling them?” Ye Fei Li once again asked.

“Impartial Goddess together with her group of military AIs” Gu Qing Shan answered.

“What a sight to behold” Gu Qing Shan muttered.

Gu Qing Shan’s Holo-Brain lit up inside his breast pocket.

Impartial Goddess spoke: [Feng Lake, 15.1km long, maximum width 7.6km, average width 4.3km, total coastline 59.1km, total area 431.64 km squared, average water level of 3.29m for many years, a typical shallow lake]

[Sir, we need about 10 minutes of preparation time]

“Do what you have to” Gu Qing Shan answered.

The Holo-Brain became silent again.

On the frozen lake surface, a face popped out from below the ice, staring at the sky above.

“Technology has advanced this far huh” the face sighed.

But then it suddenly broke into a frenzied laughter: “But then, even such technology can’t kill us!!”

On the lake, the countless dead people also broke into laughter.

Ye Fei Li looked at Gu Qing Shan.

Gu Qing Shan only smiled.

10 minutes passed in the blink of an eye.

[Sir, we’re ready] Impartial Goddess’ voice came.

“Then I’ll trouble you, Ye Fei Li and I will retreat now” Gu Qing Shan said.

He gestured to Ye Fei Li.

“Are we going to just leave?” Ye Fei Li asked.

“Let’s go” Gu Qing Shan answered.

“What about these monsters?”

“Already dealt with” Gu Qing Shan took a glance at the multitudes of dead people below and said: “I’ll have them know exactly what the living world is capable of”

They both flew up and away towards the Confederate.

“He’s gone”

One of the faces looked at the sky in confusion.

All the faces below the ice were also confused and suspicious.

One of the faces spoke: “Large-sized Interstellar Warships… I know of this technology, but no matter how strong it is, after it kills us, we’d still quickly reappear…”

——so what exactly did that brat mean just now?

Rumble, rumble!

Two fleets of large-sized Interstellar Warships hovered around the vicinity of the ice lake and opened their hatches.

Over hundreds, thousands of Mobile Mechs appeared from inside.

They carried large engineering impact stabilizers, which is a fixing hook made of metal alloy attached to a special high-strength material cable.

Unified under the command of Impartial Goddess, all the Mechs quickly moved.

In just a few moments, the fixing hooks has been stabbed deep everywhere around the ice lake.

As the Mechs finished their job, they quickly returned to their respective Interstellar Warships.

The hooks were attached to the underside of the Warships.

A total of 48 large-sized Interstellar Warships were attached with a number of high-strength cable attached.

Each and every Warship’s location, angle, power and speed has gone through extremely fine calculations by Impartial Goddess.

The very next moment——-

The 48 Warships all started at once.

They let out ear-ringing engine noises as they flew.

They were trying to fly up.

Under the powerful force of 48 Warships, the frozen lake slowly started to rise, dislodging itself completely from the ground below.

The 48 Warships flew up and past the clouds with the entire ice lake in tow.

Around them, patrolling shuttles and Warships were very careful, looking out for any threats that might attempt to come close.

Just like that, the entire 2 fleets of large-sized Interstellar Warships pulled the ice lake up into the sky.

“Do they want to drop us to our deaths, ahahahaha!”

“How na?ve!”

“This will only quicken our release from the ice”

“I can’t wait to eat human flesh again!”

At the outer layer of the ice, the countless faces were jeering, ridiculing the machine’s effort.

But no one reacted to them at all.

Occasionally, one or two dead people would manage to pull half of themselves out of the ice, but will instantly be held back by metal alloy shackles.

As the Warships moved as fast as they could, the ice lake had already made it out of orbit.

Very quickly, the dead people couldn’t laugh anymore.

The 2 fleets didn’t intend to stop there at all.

They kept pulling the ice lake outward, leaving the planet and headed towards space.

[Fleet No.1, confirm if you see any space monsters. Over]

[No space monsters were found in the vicinity. They won’t affect our plan. Over]

[Requesting time synchronization and determine acceleration time. Over]

[Time has been synchronized, preparing to accelerate to exit planet orbit. Over]

[3, 2, 1, acceleration begin!]

48 Warships all accelerated at the same time.

After a few seconds, the combined fleet of Warships escaped the planet orbit.

The ice lake also escaped the planet’s gravity.

From now on, there’s no way for the ice lake to return to the planet ever again.

[Begin release]

All the hooks attached to the Interstellar Warships began to detach themselves at the same time.

The cables were detached from the Warships.

And so the ice lake also escaped from the Warships’ guiding force.

But with the immense momentum, the ice lake maintained its previous speed and started to head further into space, away from the planet.

If there are no surprises, the ice lake will keep flying through the void of space indefinitely.

Or, this small piece of ice will be swallowed by a space monster, digested by it over and over until the space monster dies.

Either way, these malicious dead people have no way to return.

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