
Chapter 410 - I’ve said my piece

Chapter 410: I’ve said my piece

Translated by: La0o9

[This Divine Armament’s spirit is dead, since you were bestowed the previous Devil King’s control schemes, you are now capable of activating this Divine Armament’s abilities”

[Please do not let go as the bestowal control schemes are currently waking up the Divine Armament]

Reading the descriptions on the War God UI, Gu Qing Shan understood.

Of the 3 cards that Haze gave him, the 3rd one included the control schemes for the Devil King Warden Rod.

And now those control schemes are being used to wake up the rod.

Intense heat began to emit from where Gu Qing Shan’s hand held the Devil King Warden Rod.

The body of the rod itself was also heating up and vibrating nonstop.

As if Gu Qing Shan was pouring some sort of power into it.

After a while, the rod became calm again.

The red glow of the rod also slowly went away.

The jet black rod was now held in Gu Qing Shan’s hand.

A few lines of glowing text scrolled through the War God UI.

[Devil King Warden Rod]

[Due to the death of this rod’s spirit, all its Thaumaturgies are lost]

[Because you’ve gained complete control over the rod, you’ve now gained the full abilities that the rod possesses]

[Rod Secret Art: Samsara Conquer]

[Description: You’ve learnt how to use the power of Karma to allow hell to separate from Huang Quan and move to other worlds]

[Rod Secret Art: Breaking Cells]

[Description: Holding this rod in hand, you are capable of opening all 18 layers of hell at anytime, releasing all the dead]

[Rod Secret Art: Dead Essence]

[Description: The Devil King may travel as they please through the layers of hell, communicate from far distances with the dead, and instantly wake up the dead who fall into slumber]

[Rod Secret Art: Soul Dispersion]

[Description: The Devil King can use the power of the rod to permanently kill any disobedient dead. Any dead killed by this will no longer be able to revive, becoming sustenance for the rod]

[He who holds this rod is the Devil King and all 18 layers of hell are his subjects]

[Your voice is the will of hell itself]

Gu Qing Shan quickly read through everything and was speechless at the end.

Even with its weapon spirit gone, the Devil King Warden Rod still has so many Secret Arts.

What a powerful Divine Armament, no wonder the Forgetting River Soul Separation Hook had claimed this to be the strongest of the 3 Divine Armaments.

The Six Paths Great Mountain sword lightly shook as Shannu appeared from the sword.

She looked at Gu Qing Shan, then at the Devil King Warden Rod in his hand, also speechless.

“What is it?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

Shannu sighed: “I really couldn’t believe it, a living person actually became the Devil King of the 18 layers of hell…”

A living person had come to Huang Quan, took advantage of the 7-colored spear to massacre the countless Demon Lords and demons that took over Huang Quan.

Even now, no demon had dared to enter Huang Quan yet.

This living person also disguised himself as a dead person, then went on to win and become the owner of the Devil King Warden Rod.

When was the last time such unbelievable things happened in Huang Quan?

Shannu was even thinking that this might just be a dream.

“If there were any other ways, I don’t actually want to become a living dead person either” Gu Qing Shan angrily refuted.

Taking hold of the Devil King Warden Rod, with a single thought, he could sense and feel even the smallest blade of glass in the 18 layers of hell.

The billions of souls suffering in hell are within his perception.

At the same time, the dead of hell also noticed the Devil King’s gaze upon them.

This was the effect of the Secret Art [Dead Essence].

「 Ehem, attention please, dead people, I am the Devil King 」Gu Qing Shan spoke.

The hundreds of billions of the 18 layers of hell silently listened.

「 My first order as the Devil King, all hells are to retreat from the human realm and get back to the Grand Tie Wei Mountain 」

「 You’ve all killed too many living people, your karma is heavy, quickly return 」

Gu Qing Shan said.

“We refuse!” a loud voice declared.

Using his inner sight to sense it, Gu Qing Shan found that was a voice from the Devouring Hell.

If you kill too many creatures while you were alive, you’ll end up in the Devouring Hell after death.

And from the various Eras, the Fiendkinds have the most amount of cruel villains.

Even without any reason, as long as they see living creatures, these cruel Fiendkinds would crush and kill them.

So most of the population of this hell are Fiendkinds.

They’ve set up various cities of their own in the Holy Empire in the human realm as well.

After the Pope’s death, no one in the Holy Empire could manage to stop the Fiendkind’s invasion.

And now, they treat living humans as a sort of delicacy, killing them to sate their desire to kill.

Whenever the pain of suffering from hell comes, they only need to eat a living human and it would all go away.

A sort of luxurious enjoyment like no other.

But since the Devouring Hell hasn’t fully escaped from Huang Quan, only a small fraction of Fiendkinds managed to appear in the human realm.

All the Fiendkinds were hurriedly trying to leave hell, wanting to manifest the entirety of the Devouring Hell on the human realm.

And their numbers are astronomical.

When that happens, the human realm will become their own personal garden.

So the Fiendkinds insistently refuse to return to Huang Quan.

「 Listen to me, I’m the Devil King, if you won’t obey my orders, the consequences will be very bad, ok?」 Gu Qing Shan tried advising them.

The leading Fiendkind loudly declared: “Even if you are the Devil King, you can’t stop us from taking over the human realm, this is our matter, completely unrelated to you”

“That’s right!”

“This is our Fiendkind matter!”

The Fiendkinds all agreed, loudly declaring their unwillingness.

Another Fiendkind spoke: “Although you’re good in single combat, the overall power level of the Blood River Hell isn’t comparable to our Devouring Hell”

“How about we two hells fight each other, the winner will be the Devil King!”

“That’s right! That’s how it should be!”

“Hell vs Hell!”

The Fiendkinds keep voicing their opinions.

Since the Devil King Warden Rod is acting as an antenna that connects everyone, any creature can hear other creature’s voices as long as they tune in.

Unless the Devil King limits it, this type of communication is free and limitless.

The loud protests of the Fiendkinds quickly gained the attention of the 18 layers of hell.

The rest of the dead was also waiting to see how the Devil king deals with this.

“Gongzi…” Shannu was a bit anxious, wanting to say something.

Gu Qing Shan waved his hand to gesture her not to worry.

He shook his head and sighed: 「 So you guys think I’m doing some sort of good-will charity work when I’ve become the Devil King? 」

He infused his inner sight into the Devil King Warden Rod.

The horned skull on top of the Devil King Warden Rod began to vibrate.

Deep in the eye sockets of the skull, two points of red light shined.

He just activated the Rod Secret Art, [Soul Dispersion].

[Description: The Devil King can use the power of the rod to permanently kill any disobedient dead. Any dead killed by this will no longer be able to revive, becoming sustenance for the rod]

Even the Grand Tie Wei Mountain itself was trembling.

In the Devouring Hell, the loud mouths that were protesting just a while ago all shut up.

The Fiendkinds started running.

But where could they run from the absolute Law of the Devil King?

And so, over a hundred billions screaming voices came all at once from the Devouring Hell.

The Fiendkind’s bodies collapsed as they turned into small sprites of light, disappearing from the Devouring hell.

They were permanently dead.

From now on, not even their soul remain, so they can’t be revived through sleeping.

Billions of sprites of light flowed like a river, passing through the distance of hell to be absorbed by the Devil King Warden Rod.

This was sustenance for the Devil King Warden Rod, its source of power.

A tiny sound of satisfied chewing could be heard from the Devil King Warden Rod.

10,000 years without replenishing power.

It was happily absorbing the power that exists in the souls it just ate to sustain itself.

Gu Qing Shan then stabbed the rod down into the ground, lightly rubbing the head of the horned skull with his hand.

All 18 layers of hell were silent.

The Devil King of hell just casually killed off over a hundred billion souls.

“You…” Shannu wanted to say something, but stopped herself.

There were only very few people left in the Devouring Hell that didn’t voice their protests.

“We agree! We agree with the Devil King’s decision!”

The remaining giants and humans were frantically screaming to show their obedience.

No matter how much suffering they have to feel in hell, at least there would be an end, some day, they might be able to reincarnate.

But if they permanently disappear like this, then there’s nothing left.

It was true death in every meaning of the word!

The dead from the other 17 layers of hell still stayed silent.

Even those who are enduring their suffering didn’t dare to utter a word.

The Devil King cleared his throat and said: 「 You’ve all seen just now, those Fiendkind wanted to disobey me 」

His voice then suddenly raised and shouted: 「 Did all of you bastards see that? Nod if you did 」

All hundred quintillion dead of the 18 layers of hell frantically nodded like crazy.

Gu Qing Shan’s voice calmed down a bit and slowly declared: 「 And so, for reason that your sins don’t get any heavier than they are now, I once more request that you retreat from the human realm 」

Lightly tilting the Devil King Warden Rod back and forth, he humbly asked: “I’ve said my piece, who agrees and who disagrees?”

A moment of silence.

Hurried voices came one after another.

“We agree!”

“That’s right, all hail the Devil King!”

“I’ll return right away!”

“We obey the Devil King!”

“We of the Frozen Hell will return immediately!”

“Our Hell will return too, we’ll return now!”

The other 3 hells that were taking over the human realm also expressed the same thing.

「 Now that’s a good attitude, I’ll give you 10 minutes, when time is up, if you haven’t returned yet, then die 」after saying so, Gu Qing Shan cut off connection with all the hells.

It was now that Shannu sneaked a glance at him, asking softly: “A hundred billion souls killed just like that… aren’t you a bit too cruel?”

“Not at all, the situation in the human realm is already very urgent, more innocent people are dying in their hands by the minute”

Gu Qing Shan evaluated the Devil King Warden Rod for a bit as he continued: “Truthfully, I wanted to kill all the villains of these four hells, but since they’re so understanding, I’m not exactly one fond of flexing”

“Let’s just say I’m giving them a chance to repent and become a better person”

Looking at his calm expression, Shannu suddenly sighed: “Although you’re a living person, you’re a real Devil King through and through”

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