
Chapter 448 - Last bit of Origin

Deep inside the Library.

Using Zhao Wu Chui’s seal, Gu Qing Shan opened a secret room.

He led Shannu, Qing Rou and Wan Er together inside.

There were only a few dozen rows of jade tags arranged neatly inside.

All the best scriptures of the sect were stored here.

This was also Grand Elder Wang Hong Dao’s personal stash for the last few thousand years.

Normally, his disciple Zhao Wu Chui was responsible for looking over this place.

So basically no one else was allowed to enter.

Even Qi Ruo Ya was stopped by Wang Hong Dao.

At the time, Wang Hong Dao gave the reason that this place was where he was compiling the cultivation of his entire life to create a legendary secret technique for ages to come.

Wang Hong Dao accused Qi Ruo Ya of wanting to steal the crystallization of his efforts.

Being the sect master of Guang Yang sect, Qi Ruo Ya’s status was the same if not slightly higher than Wang Hong Dao, but he still got told off to his face like that.

From then on, this place became forbidden for anyone and everyone.

This time when Gu Qing Shan entered, it was the very first time this secret room had so many guests.

Inside the secret room.

Scanning through the room with his inner sight, Gu Qing Shan got an idea of what was inside.

The first row of jade tag had a total of 73 tags, which discussed talismans.

The second row had 96 tags, all about Martial art techniques and abilities.

The third row had 31 tags, detailing Metal-elemental Secret Arts.

The fourth row had 164 tags about formations.

They don’t have much time and Zhao Wu Chui could return at any time.

Zhao Wu Chui had guaranteed that Wang Hong Dao wouldn’t return for at least half a day.

But Gu Qing Shan still felt uneasy.

He didn’t trust him.

To save time, Gu Qing Shan quickly delegated roles.

“Qing Rou, your eyes have always been quite good, help me pick out the necessary jade tags about formation, I’ll take a look at them now”

“You were a formation user?” Wan Er curiously asked.

Gu Qing Shan nodded, silently adding in his mind: I am now.

“Very well, I’ll help you”

Qing Rou was surprised to hear him say that, but quickly agreed.

Both she and Wan Er were Tribulation realm cultivators.

So they definitely had the eyes necessary to pick out scriptures.

“I’ll do it as well!”

Wan Er excitedly spoke.

Gu Qing Shan tapped his Inventory Bag and took out a large bag full of blank jade tags, shoving it into Wan Er’s hands.

“Wan Er, you have another job——– we don’t have enough people right now, you have to make a copy of all the jade tags here, since there’s a lot of work, I’ll have Shannu help you”

“Fine, I know what’s necessary”

Pouting a bit, Wan Er left with Shannu.

Seeing the three girls getting busy, Gu Qing Shan also prepared to begin his study of the art of formation.

Just as he took a step forward, a [Ting] rang out.

The System’s sound!

Gu Qing Shan stopped.

Ever since he turned the thaumaturgy Quest in, the System had gone silent, not responding no matter how much he called out.

But now, the System is back!

“Are you ok?” Gu Qing Shan immediately asked.

[Thank you for your concern, although it was very dangerous, I’ve completed the search for this world’s Origin]

The System quickly answered.

[Please take a look now]

Notifications began to pop up on the War God UI.

[Attempting to sense this world’s Origin Laws]

[Discovered Origin Law, it has been absorbed almost completely]

[After 391 tests and reconfirmations, conclusion drawn: This world’s Origin power isn’t enough to form a new thaumaturgy]

[Seeing how this was an unprecedented situation, please make a choice from the two options below]

[No.1: Temporarily give up receiving the thaumaturgy and use the Quest reward to exchange for a thaumaturgy once you enter another world]

[No.2: Permanently give up receiving the Sainted realm thaumaturgy and use the remaining Origin of this world to evolve an existing thaumaturgy that can be improved]

Gu Qing Shan quickly read through all the notifications.

He went into thought: “This world’s Origin Laws were already eaten by the realm demon to that degree?”

[Correct, the Origin is already gone, what’s left are only scraps] the System answered.

“What happens if all the Origin Laws disappear?”

[The world will collapse]

Gu Qing Shan’s expression changed, asking: “How long until the world collapses?”

[Hard to say, the collapse of the world is a complicated process, it might happen a second later, or a few days later, but at most it will only be 7 days]

7 days!

It can be destroyed at any time!

There really wasn’t any time at all!

Gu Qing Shan forced himself to be calm.

He carefully asked: “If I use that last remaining bit of Origin to improve my thaumaturgy, will it affect this world?”

[It will not, the world’s collapse is already irreversible, whether that bit of Origin remains or not doesn’t affect the situation as a whole]

Gu Qing Shan hurriedly decided: “Good, then I want to use that bit of Origin to evolve a thaumaturgy that I have”

[Understood] the System answered.

More lines of glowing text scrolled past the UI.

[Special Quest: “Wu San must die”’s reward had been used]

[Checking for thaumaturgies that can be evolved]

[You only have one thaumaturgy that can evolve]

[The thaumaturgy you can evolve is: Smiting]

[Smiting thaumaturgy level 1: Seven Shackles – learnt]

[Smiting thaumaturgy level 2: Stiffness – learnt]

[You may evolve your thaumaturgy to: Smiting thaumaturgy level 3]

[Would you like to use the last bit of Origin from the Suspended world to evolve your Smiting thaumaturgy?]

Gu Qing Shan immediately answered: “Yes”

The darkness on the War God UI slowly faded away.

This meant that the Sainted realm thaumaturgy Quest had disappeared.

Gu Qing Shan sighed regretfully.

But it can’t be helped.

No matter how powerful the thaumaturgy might be, if it can’t be collected it was nothing but a flower in a mirror and the moon in the water.

Right now, he needed all the power he could utilize.

Because he was about to fight for his life.

Right as the thaumaturgy Quest disappeared, a thin, long streak of light appeared.

This streak of light slowly took up the entire UI, moving around, morphing.

As Gu Qing Shan stared at it, the streak of light stopped in place.


The System spoke.

Three blue lights slowly rose up from the background of light.

They silently hovered in front of Gu Qing Shan.

[Please choose one of three choices to complete your Smiting thaumaturgy evolution]

[Attention, this is the 3rd level of Smiting thaumaturgy, reaching the borderline of becoming a Law, every choice is as powerful as the next, choose carefully]

The System reminded him again.

“Got it” Gu Qing Shan answered.

He looked at the first of the three lights.

Following his gaze, some small text appeared by the light.

[Heaven realm’s Divine Smiting Lightning: Your next attack is infused with the power of Heaven realm’s Divine Smiting Lightning, damage to demons and wraiths +1000%]

[Note: Lighting itself has always contained the power of Smiting evil, the 3rd level of your Smiting thaumaturgy allows you to compress Divine Smiting Lighting into an attack that can be unleashed once]

1000% extra damage, this was an exceedingly powerful evolved thaumaturgy!

Gu Qing Shan understood just how good it was, but he couldn’t help but shake his head.

The one he was about to fight was Wang Hong Dao.

A living, breathing Cryptic Realm cultivator, not a demon or wraith.

This wouldn’t help me at all.

He could only give it up.

If he weren’t so pressed for time, or if it was any other situation, Gu Qing Shan might have actually considered this.

He then glanced at the second light.

[Spirit Lightning Mystic Heavenly Sense: Using the Law of lightning, you form a faint connection with fate, occasionally sensing what would happen in a short period of time]

[Note: This thaumaturgy isn’t suitable to be used for oracles or divination, it’s more suited to become a 6th sense in battle, avoiding dangerous and possibly fatal situations]

Gu Qing Shan nodded.

This was exactly 6th sense in thaumaturgy form.

Having this will give him a great advantage when fighting cultivators of the same strength.

Unfortunately, the opponent I’m about to face is several realms above mine.

Even with such a powerful thaumaturgy as support, Gu Qing Shan didn’t feel like he would be able to win against the enemy in a direct confrontation.

Gu Qing Shan’s gaze just passed this one and moved towards the 3rd light.

[Severance: Those hit by your Lightning-element spirit energy will have their consciousness severed from their body, ending after 3 seconds]

[Note: This is Seven Shackles and Stiffness’s evolved thaumaturgy, unable to be resisted by any living being]

[Note: This thaumaturgy consumes a lot of spirit energy, use with care]

[Special note: Because both levels of your lightning thaumaturgy were control-type that you were lucky enough to receive information about Severance in the 3rd level of your thaumaturgy]

After reading through the 3rd choice, Gu Qing Shan stopped for a few seconds.

3 seconds…


He hurriedly asked: “System, does this thaumaturgy still work if my opponent is several levels above mine?”

[The System is now very tired, please read the corresponding details yourself]

“I choose Severance”

[Are you sure?]

“I’m sure”

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