
Chapter 925 - Personal Intelligence Function

Ever since this morning, there have been airships leaving this world one after another.

Just now, a Combatant even walked up to the sky, delivered a kick into the void of space to manifest about 50 images of various worlds in the void of space.

That Combatant then carefully chose before heading into one of the images.

As time went by, larger and larger scale flying implements and Combatants were heading off-world.

As if something big was going on.

After watching them for a bit, Lin stopped caring and prepared for morning training.

At this time, Gu Qing Shan returned.

“I might have to leave for a short while”

Gu Qing Shan told her.

Lin slowly practiced her shadowboxing without turning around and asked:

“Where to?”

“A friend seems to be in a world near this one, so I’m going to look for him” Gu Qing Shan replied.

“A good friend?”


“Zhang Ying Hao or Ye Fei Li?”


Gu Qing Shan then recalled that she once read his mind.

“Zhang Ying Hao”

He directly explained the situation to her.

Lin silently listened and muttered: “So that’s what it was, he’s being surrounded in pursuit?”

At this point, another Combatant had leapt to the sky, manifested several hundred worlds with a single punch, and jumped in.

“With so many people leaving like that, they’re most likely after the Gods’ bounty”

Gu Qing Shan looked up at the sky and muttered.

Lin scoffed: “What God? It’s just the Abyssal Demon Dragon, you know it’s the current mastermind behind everything”

After finishing up her shadowboxing routine, she undid her stance, turned around, and said: “I’m coming with you”

Gu Qing Shan hesitantly said: “The situation might get a bit dangerous, I’m not sure I’d be able to protect you as well”

Lin gave it a brief thought, then raised her left arm and lightly stretched.

“It would still be better to go together” she decided.

As she spoke, the air gave off heavy screeching sounds following her movement.

——–immense power.

“So your recovery is going well?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

“Thanks to the medicine yesterday, my arms have recovered around 30% of their power. Should be no issue fighting Lord-class opponents, and I might have a chance of winning against Demi-gods with only unique abilities” Lin replied.

“Alright, then we’ll go together” Gu Qing Shan also agreed.

The two of them packed up, checked-out from their rooms and left the hotel.

“Not leaving directly?” Lin asked.

“We’re in no hurry, let’s first learn about the situation”

Gu Qing Shan replied.

Lin was doubtful: “With so many people on his tail, aren’t you afraid he’s going to be killed?”

“If he can be killed with only that much, he would’ve already been dead” Gu Qing Shan casually answered.

He brought Lin into a certain bar and sat down in front of the counter.

“Welcome to the Nightshade Bar, what will you two have?” the bartender asked.

“Hot milk” Lin replied.

The bartender gave her a weird look.

Gu Qing Shan sent his voice: “This is a base of information brokers within the 900 million World Layers with a long history, they only sell information and maybe a bit of liquor, there’s no breakfast”

“So that’s what they are, I was wondering why they were still opened at this time of the day” Lin nodded, then continued her order: “Other than hot milk, I’d like the best breakfast you can provide as well”

The bartender looked up: “So you two are here to mess with us?”

“No, I’m really hungry” Lin replied.

The bartender scowled.

Seeing that, Gu Qing Shan put up one finger and released a single strand of razor-sharp sword qi.

The sword qi jet around the bar and cut a lock of hair from every single person.

Everyone in the bar opened their eyes in fear.

There were several Combatants here that were just a step away from becoming a Lord.

But none of them managed to react at all.

In other words, if he was willing to, he would’ve taken everyone’s heads instead.

——-this was a Lord!

A true Lord-class Combatant!

The bartender immediately showed a respectful expression and ordered one of his waiters: “Go prepare a fulfilling breakfast for this esteemed lady”

“Yes, I’ll see to it right away”

The waiter vanished on the spot and went out of the bar, disappearing somewhere.

The bartender rubbed his hands together and hunched his body a little bit: “Esteemed lady, please wait a moment, I guarantee you will enjoy the most perfect breakfast our Seaside World has to offer”

“Thank you” Lin gave Gu Qing Shan a sidelong glare.

Gu Qing Shan cleared his throat and spoke: “Good, now let’s get to business”

He put a bag of coins onto the counter.

“I know your reputation within the 900 million World Layers, so I want to buy some intel”

“What kind of intel do you want, sir?”

“About the recent mass encirclement, other than that, if there are any important intel, give me a portion of that too”

The bartender picked up the bag, glanced over the inside and smiled.

Although the other party was a Combatant, he was a Combatant who understood and followed the rules of the trade.

These kinds of people wouldn’t rely on their strength to arbitrarily default on a debt, or use violence to obtain intel from us.

Combatants like these are the true valuable customers that we would provide the best possible services to.

“The place of the mass encirclement is quite close to where we are, please wait a moment, I need to organize all the information—— would you like something to drink for now?” the bartender asked.

“Give me a shot of your strongest liquor” Gu Qing Shan replied.


The bartender poured Gu Qing Shan a shot of liquor, took the bag, and left the counter temporarily.

Gu Qing Shan took a sip of liquor and muttered: “Quite close...”

He was feeling a bit cautious.

At this time, the waiter returned.

He first placed a large tray in front of Lin, then made and poured her a glass of hot milk.

“Sorry to leave you waiting” the waiter bowed.

“It’s fine”

Lin glanced at Gu Qing Shan.

Gu Qing Shan gave the waiter a tip.

Only now did Lin pick up the utensils and started having breakfast.

She was eating very slowly, occasionally drinking a sip of milk.

“Aren’t you going to have breakfast? An empty stomach will affect your blood flow, and contribute to lack of nutrient” she asked Gu Qing Shan.

Gu Qing Shan raised his shot glass and signaled that this much was enough for him.


A while later.

The bartender returned behind the counter.

He put an iron rooster statue around the size of a palm on the counter and pushed it towards Gu Qing Shan.

“This is?”

“All the intelligence you asked for are stored inside, as long as you ask, it would answer”

The bartender continued: “Other than that, it would also provide you a piece of intel once a month”

“Ah, thank you”

Gu Qing Shan lightly touched the iron rooster statue and was startled.

Lines of glowing text appeared on the War God UI:

[Intelligence source: Calling chicken (low)]

[This item will automatically obtain intelligence from the existing intelligence network inside the void of space and provide it to you as reference (once a month)]

[Note: Although it is the lowest level of an intelligence source, it still has the characteristics of an intelligence source]

Gu Qing Shan looked down at the iron rooster and temporarily said nothing.

No wonder the Nightshade Bar is able to become one of the biggest information brokers in the 900 million World Layers.

It was because they have this as well as an overwhelmingly large intelligence network.

A few more glowing lines of text appeared on the War God UI:

[This item has fulfilled the War God System’s lowest requirement]

Followed by another notification:

[Doomsday Chronicles has finished evolving]

——even before he first went back to the Age of Old, [Doomsday Chronicles] had already begun to evolve, but it was only now, did its evolution finally complete.

The icon below the War God UI that represented [Doomsday Chronicles] slowly disappeared.

Instead, it was replaced by an icon with a scroll.

[Personal intelligence function has been activated]

[You can now affix the personal intelligence function on items specifically designed to transfer and receive information. This way, the information provided to you will only include information related to yourself]

Gu Qing Shan held the iron rooster up in one hand and muses.

“Do you have items that can transfer and receive information like this but with higher quality?” he asked the bartender.

The bartender gave him an unexpected look and replied: “We do, but it would cost more”

“Do you accept things other than money?”

“As long as they are valuable enough, what would you like to sell, sir?”

“I have a bit of intelligence that I can sell”

“We will naturally accept, please follow me, sir”

The bartender’s attitude became even more respectful.

A secret that a Lord holds would naturally be worth a lot, so they were more than willing to conduct such a transaction.

Gu Qing Shan glanced at Lin.

“Let’s go”

Lin picked up the entire tray and went with Gu Qing Shan to the back of the bar.


Half an hour later.

Gu Qing Shan had sold them the intelligence regarding the Demon Dragon, as well as news of the Great Pixie’s death.

It was no longer the bartender in front of him, the one responsible for receiving this information was the owner of the bar.

Through some sort of method, the owner confirmed the authenticity of Gu Qing Shan’s information, then took the iron rooster off his hand.

“Sir, the information you provided has far exceeded what we expect. Not only was it exceptionally valuable, but it was also directly related to the direction of the 900 million World Layers’ future, thus you have earned the privilege of obtaining our highest grade information source”

The owner said solemnly.

“Thanks for that” Gu Qing Shan replied.

“But there is one issue——- only our members can have the highest grade information source”

“What’s the duty of a member?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

“With someone of your caliber, it would be enough for you to agree to our mutual information exchange policy and guarantee the authenticity of the information you provide” the owner rubbed his hands together.

Gu Qing Shan easily agreed: “No problem”

The owner laughed heartily, then put a colorful rooster statue in front of Gu Qing Shan.

“Once a day, it will provide you a crucial piece of information within the 900 million World Layers”

“I still want information regarding this time’s encirclement”

“It is here”

The owner took out a file of documents and put it in front of Gu Qing Shan.

“We’ve received updated news. That world had begun to enter a fully sealed state to only allow entry, but not departure. This is to prevent that person from escaping” the owner informed him.

“And the other information is inside this file?”

“Indeed, I won’t bother you any further”

The owner nodded to greet Gu Qing Shan and Lin before leaving the secret room of the bar.

He closed the door behind him.

Gu Qing Shan didn’t take a look at the file first, but rather put his hand on the colorful rooster statue.

A line of glowing text appeared on the War God UI:

[Would you like to affix your personal intelligence function to this advanced information source?]

Gu Qing Shan muttered: “Yes”

He heard the sound of a rooster’s morning call, in his head.

[Affix complete]

[From now on, you can receive a piece of information related to yourself once a day]

[Each activation of this function will require 100 Soul Points]

Reading the last line of text, Gu Qing Shan silently thought to himself.

I knew it.

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