
Chapter 931 - The Beginning of The Apocalypse War

Chapter 931: The Beginning of The Apocalypse War

While Gu Qing Shan was traveling through the space vortex

Strife Zones.

The Holy Church of Fate.

Su Xue Er stood at the center of the main ceremonial hall, silently looking up at the stars.

No one knew what exactly she was thinking.

Two priests hurriedly ran in and reported: “Cardinal Su, the divine light of God’s statue had disappeared!”

Following them, 5 Cardinals and several knights of the Church entered.

One of the Cardinals shouted: “Su Xue Er, it is all because of your uncompromising methodology that has angered God and caused our Holy Church of Fate to lose his gaze!”

Su Xue Er didn’t turn around, nor reply to them.

The Cardinals exchanged glances before looking around.

There were no other priests or followers in the hall.

They felt even more assured.

“Su Xue Er, I suggest that you step down from your position as acting Pope. You’ve committed too many mistakes, causing the disappointment of too many followers already” another Cardinal said.

Su Xue Er slowly turned around.

She now carried considerably more dignified air, but even more so, the enhanced sense of purity on her beautiful face had largely neutralized the dignity she carried.

“You old sacks of bones” Su Xue Er muttered, “The Pope didn’t kill you because she values your old relations, and yet you really think it suitable to take this chance and rebel while she’s dormant? How ridiculous”

“We just want a way out! A way to survive, don’t you get it!?” one Cardinal suddenly shouted in anger.

Su Xue Er coldly replied: “Then you could have ran away without issues, not try to come to me looking for trouble”

She made a gesture.

Groups after groups of divine knights appeared out of nowhere, quickly filling the entire ceremonial hall.

They stepped forward and swiftly surrounded the Cardinals and their knights.

One Cardinal shouted: “Su Xue Er, you dare! You’ve already angered God——”

Su Xue Er cut him off: “All 7 Holy Churches have lost the gaze of God, the entire Strife Zones have lost contact with God, and you really think this is something I can do?”

That Cardinal froze.

Su Xue Er shook her head and softly spoke: “Obsolete fools”

She waved her hand.

The massacre began.

One after another, the rebels were killed, their bodies fell and soaked the floor in blood.

Su Xue Er watched this with indifference, not displaying any emotion in her eyes except boredom.

After all the rebels were killed, she calmly declared:

“The ceremonial hall must be kept clean”

“Yes!” the divine enforcers responded in unison.

Su Xue Er turned around to leave, not caring a single bit about the work that must be done.

However, almost immediately, the icy expression on her face was thawed.

What is this sensation?

Her beautiful eyebrows furrowed deeply together.

A blood-colored book appeared in her hand and swiftly turned to a certain page.

On the seventh-to-last page, among a long list of names, one of them vanished.

Su Xue Er felt tense.

She hurriedly made her way out of the hall.

“Cardinal Su, where are you going now?”

A relatively high-ranking divine enforcer asked doubtfully.

“I need to make some preparations, I’ll return soon” Su Xue Er nodded and replied.

She vanished from the ceremonial hall and returned to her room, took out a Card, and muttered:

“O’ boundless and mystical Blood Sea, I wish to pursue your change, please tell me what I wish to know”

Following her incantation, a unique Card appeared in her hand.

Su Xue Er held and stared closely at the card.

A slightly angry voice emerged from the Card

——-the voice of the [Bloodsea God Army].

「 Su Xue Er, the person you nominated had severed the Covenant because he needed to consume that Card to evolve his power 」

Hearing that, Su Xue Er fell silent for a few seconds.

What kind of power was able to consume even a Covenant Card like the [Bloodsea God Army]?

Gu Qing Shan might have already grown vastly stronger than I currently am.

That’s great.

The corner of her lips curled up slightly and asked: “Your Excellency, do you know where he is?”

「 No, I am not sure, both space and time are highly chaotic, I am unable to sense anything 」-[Bloodsea God Army] replied.

“Is he current in the Strife Zones?”

「 Unclear 」

Su Xue Er deeply sighed and dispelled the Card.

Since I’ve finally gotten some good news, I need to do my best as well.

She opened the door and went out.

Two rows of female priests were waiting on the outside and swiftly knelt as they saw her come out.

Su Xue Er said nothing.

At some unknown point, a suit of armor had appeared on her body.

She swiftly made her way forward, walking through countless knights and casters who were waiting to sortie, making her way up a high platform.

Looking down at the countless soldiers below, Su Xue Er coldly declared: “Move out!”


Gu Qing Shan and Lin were moving through a space tunnel inside an elliptical barrier of light.

An invisible force was guiding them towards a certain direction.

“This is a space tunnel that was already created, all we needed to do was move in to enjoy a relatively safe environment that would take us to our destination” Lin explained to Gu Qing Shan.

“But isn’t this path a bit too long?” Gu Qing Shan smiled bitterly.

They had been flying for over a day and a half already.

“It is actually quite fast, all things considered. We’ve been traveling through numerous layered spaces, and from my estimation, we should be approaching the Mystic Zones soon” Lin replied.

Gu Qing Shan was doubtful: “How could you tell?”

Lin explained: “From the cardinal direction. The Strife Zones and Fallen Zones should be on the same level, while the Mystic Zones lied above both of them. From our flight so far, we clearly aren’t heading across the Strife Zones, so I’m guessing that we should be approaching the Mystic Zones soon”

Gu Qing Shan appeared intrigued.

The Mystic Zones.

As the name implied, this was a mystical area.

The Bramble Bird Kingdom was situated here.

The Samsara where the Age of Old cultivators were hiding should also be here.

So is Hazeden’s Card kingdom also in the Mystic Zones?

Gu Qing Shan muttered to himself.

While they were talking, a monster suddenly showed up in front of them in the tunnel.

The monster wasn’t very big, its legs were at least 2 meters tall, but its torso was considerably shorter, it had six claws of bones with a head without any flesh, almost like a skull.

The thing that caused Gu Qing Shan to feel wary was that the monster was wearing armor.

The fact that it had defensive equipment meant that it was a sentient being that came from a certain civilization.

The monster’s presence was also very strange, fluctuating from high to low, unclear, and unstable.

The monster also noticed the two of them.

When the monster was about to do something, Lin had already acted.

She raised her arm and struck at it from afar.


With a huge sound of impact, the monster’s body was flattened onto the wall of the tunnel, then was swiftly blown away by the chaotic winds of the space vortex.

“An enemy?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

“Not quite, a scavenger”

While answering him, Lin’s complexion clearly worsened.

“What exactly was that monster?” Gu Qing Shan pursued further.

Lin quickly regained her senses and slowly explained: “I’m not sure if I can explain so that you can understand—— in the Abyss, there are some especially gigantic entities whose bodies are the size of an entire star system, we call them Abyssal Behemoths[1]—– their power level can’t be accurately measured because most likely you would die immediately as they focused their attention on you”

“You’re saying that all it needs to do in order to kill me is think of me?”


“Al...right” Gu Qing Shan muttered: “Although I’ve never seen such a terrifying existence, I can certainly imagine them”

Lin continued: “Such a great and gigantic entity would naturally have various life forms being its dependants. They live under its shelter, serve it, and help it with various things——– like grooming its body, point out preys for it to hunt, cleaning up its surrounding environments, provide information—– in short, there are countless life forms living on that gigantic entity and depend entirely on it to survive”

Gu Qing Shan thought about it briefly and nodded: “I understand what you’re trying to say”

Lin continued: “Good. Now, to make it clear, that minion we ran into just now, by the standard of you cultivators, it should be around 2 realms below yours”

“Which means it was at Void Wanderer realm, from the standard of the 900 million World Layers, it had only just reached Lord-class” Gu Qing Shan followed up.

Lin continued: “And it came from a civilization—— one born from and lives dependently on the body of a certain Abyssal Behemoth”

“Simply put, it was a flea on the body of that Abyssal Behemoth”

The two of them had no time to continue their talk.

In front of them, a screen of blurry light finally appeared at the other end of the space tunnel.

“We’re about to arrive”

Lin cautiously said.

She couldn’t help but form a fighting stance.

Gu Qing Shan’s thought moved and summoned his 4 flying swords behind his back.

“If we actually run into the kind of Abyssal Behemoth you just mentioned, is this going to be useful at all?” Gu Qing Shan asked in a low voice.

“Completely useless, but I won’t just lay down and die” Lin replied.

“They won’t even let you go when you’re an Abyssal entity?”

“Even humans kill one another, what do you think?”

Gu Qing Shan sighed.

The difference between them was too great, like a God to an ant.

Lin also realized his state and mind and consoled him: “Don’t worry, an Abyssal Behemoth wouldn’t focus its attention on you, because you aren’t even worth considering a speck of dust in front of them”

“Thanks, but you telling me that doesn’t make me feel any better”

The tunnel began to become narrower.

The force acting on them started becoming stronger.

It seems they were about to arrive.

“Sometimes I think: ‘why can’t I be an Abyssal monster instead?’; this way, at least my strength won’t grow so painfully slow” Gu Qing Shan deeply sighed.

Hearing that, Lin made a complicated smile.

She muttered: “If you’re really thinking that, there could only be one reason”

“What reason?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

“The Abyss is currently watching you”

Before they finished speaking, the light ahead of them formed into a solid screen of light.

The two of them went straight into the screen of light and appeared ten thousands of meters in the sky.

They had arrived in the world of Sky Haze Kingdom.

“This is the Card world that you talked about?”

Lin looked around and asked him.

Gu Qing Shan caught the medallion that led him here and confirmed: “Indeed, but only the place, the people seem to be missing”

Below them, it was a scene of carnage as far as the eye can see, the entire world had been broken and collapsed into countless pieces with some of them still floating around in the void of space.

This world had been destroyed.

[1] if you’ve ever played the Xenoblade series, the Titans are what these guys basically are.

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