
Chapter 107 - Regular Report, Part II

Chapter 107: Chapter 107. Regular Report, Part II

Translator: Khan

Editor: Aelryinth

“So … as a result, we’ve made a three hundred and sixty percent return on Kai Games, eighty percent on Blue E&M, and thirty percent on OH Entertainment in the first and second quarters of this year,” Vice President Jang explained by turning the point beams around, and as he spoke, the five company presidents never took their eyes off him. In fact, Jang was as powerful as me in our company, just as the Emperor’s second man had more power than the king of other kingdoms; his title was Vice President, but he had to be virtually above other presidents.

“As a result, the assets of Invictus Investment have also risen by two hundred and sixty percent, and I think this is due to all your hard work.”

Clap clap clap clap… Each president gathered their hands and applauded. They would all be applauded in their company, but here they were applauding. By the time the applause had died down, I had words for them.

“And as I said, two more companies have become our subsidiaries. First, as you know, Hyun Young Pharmaceutical is a long-standing and traditional pharmaceutical company that has achieved long-term results in the Korean market. Recently, they’ve been knocking on the international pharmaceutical market through new drug development. I’ve decided to invest this time as I highly approve their growth.”

Chairman Shin Jae-eun and his white hair rose slightly and greeted me and other presidents who were younger than him. “Nice to see you all. As CEO Han Sang-hoon said, our company Hyun Young Pharmaceutical has been leading the way to the international market from Korea. During the process, we met CEO Han Sang-hoon and Invictus Investment, who have made successful investments, and made a decision to work with them.”

Clap clap clap clap… The audience applauded again, especially Ahn Yong-kyun, president of the Blue E&M, Sapphire TV, applauded a little too much. He clapped overlong and applauded. He seemed a bit of an idiot.

Shin Jae-eun, who had been solidifying his face all the time, laughed a little. He turned to me and said, “To be honest, there was a bit of doubt when I first got the offer, but I’m relieved to see the presidents who are doing so well. I’ll ask you for your help.”

I bowed my head a little bit and extended my hand. I hurried to stand up and received his greeting. Clap clap clap clap… Once again, the applause echoed. From what he said, he didn’t seem to be sure what the development of their new drug would be like. I knew they were doing their best, but they would have to get the approval of the FDA in the US, which was famous for its strict screening standards.

If they had known about the success of their new drug development, they would have bought their own shares to the best of their ability. As was the case with the Kai Games, I was more likely to believe in the success of the company than the owners of the invested companies were. No, to put it right, I knew more than to “believe.”

“The next announcer is President Chung So-young of Oracle News, the new leader of the Internet news industry.”

Chung So-young got up from her seat. At the same time, the eyes of the other presidents turned to her. The mature sexiness flowing out of her seemed to attract their attention.

“Hello, presidents. I am Chung So-young of Oracle News. We received a large investment from CEO Han Sang-hoon last month and became a subsidiary. Please take good care of us from now on.”

It was a short greeting, but it seemed to attract more attention from the three middle-aged men.

I said afterward, “You know, I want to create some synergy between the companies I’ve invested in. Wouldn’t it be better if we could invest in and help each other from an investment standpoint? Blue E&M is playing the role of the bridge now…”

At my words, President Ahn Yong-kyun bowed deeply.

“I want my subsidiaries to create some synergy together, with games and Internet broadcasting, and Internet broadcasting and OH entertainment, in that way. In that sense, I’m not saying it directly, but the reason I invested in Oracle News… You know that.”

Everyone nodded at what I said.

‘Whatever they do these days, the news soon becomes an advertisement. As a game is released, when a new drug comes out, and as a new drama is released, they put a great deal of energy into the advertisement.’

“I’ve already talked about the advantages with President Chung So-young when I invested. Share your contacts today, and be sure to help one another do business.”

I didn’t say it directly at the end, but I made it clear: If anything happens, give the news to Oracle News first!

It was also good for me to see the future news. ‘The more news comes from our company, the more likely it will be to appear in future news. If anything is in the news of the future, we can deal with it, good or bad.’

“Then, let’s finish our regular report, and go eat together.”


During the following meal time, I talked with Shin Jae-eun more closely than the other presidents. As I had already had quite an acquaintance with other presidents, I thought that I should get acquainted with Chairman Shin Jae-eun.

“Well, I see. Your father ran a Judo training center?”

“Yes, I suggested he retire, but… even now, he’s almost sixty years old, and he’s still motivated to work. ”

“Oh, I see.”

“Yes, so I recently bought him a building that he had rented… He has been bothered by the building owners all his life, but now he is the owner of the building.”

“You are a devoted son, CEO Han.”

I smiled and nodded. “I’ve received something, so I have to answer for it; it’s a son’s responsibility.”

“Oh, I see. CEO Han Sang-hoon, what’s your age this year…”

“I’m thirty.”

“You are very young, and you are very successful.”

“Don’t mention it.”

But then, Shin asked me with his eyes glinting. “I’m sorry to ask you a personal question, but… are you married, by any chance?”

“No. I’m still single.”

“Then the woman you’re dating…”

This was a real personal question. I hesitated for a moment, then said, “Recently, I have had one.”

“Ah… I see.”

Chairman Shin Jae-eun licked his lips with his tongue, as if it was a bit disappointing. I didn’t know what it was. But if I had said no, he would have taken a picture of someone from his phone and shown it to me, a daughter or a niece. Now that I had invested three hundred million dollars in Hyun Young Pharmaceutical, if I would enter his son-in-law, I would gain more than that. I watched him sipping soup.

‘I thought he was just talking to me as an acquaintance. He is not just an old man.’

I turned to President Kwon Oh-hyuk on the other side, for fear of further stories coming out that way. “President Kwon.”

“Yes, boss.”

President Kwon Oh-hyuk was actually a bit down today, because it recorded the lowest return among the three companies. The thirty percent rise in the first and second quarters was also quite high, but it looked relatively less since even Blue E&M, let alone Kai Games, had elevated like a rocket. But that would also be different in a little while.

“The… Idol Management 108 is about to start filming, right? What about the trainees’ practice…?”

“They have been practicing hard for this program. You can look forward to it.”

‘The upcoming Idol Management 108 is a TV show that creates idol groups through Internet voting, making it one of the hottest topics in the entertainment industry this year.’

“Okay. If two or three of our people are finalists in the last group, it’s a big hit. Please pay as much attention to that side as possible.”

“Yes, boss.”

‘In particular, the program is designed to bring together Korean, Japanese, and Chinese trainees from all three countries at the same time, so it will be very popular during the selection process in the Japanese and Chinese markets, as well as the Korean market. If it succeeds here, it will be a dramatic turnaround for OH Entertainment, which has had a bad result for years in the idol business.’

“And because it’s a public event anyway… Even with Ahn Yong-kyun…” That was what I was saying.

“Yes, sir. Did you call me?” President Ahn Yong-kyun, who was at the next table, ran up and stuck close to me. I had talked low, but he heard it.

I said with a dingy smile, “Oh, you’ve been listening. You know about Idol Management 108, right?”

“Yes, of course, sir.”

“Is there any way Sapphire TV can push them?”

“There’s a lot were can do. I’ll try decorating the main banner and famous BJs with this content.”

“Yes, then, especially…” I glanced at President Kwon as I said that.

President Ahn Yong-kyun continued, “Of course. We’ll do our best to support OH Entertainment’s trainees. Our BJs have amazing skills at gathering public opinion.”

“Yes, then…” I glanced at Chung So-young. She nodded like the president of the media company, blinking even if I didn’t say a word. In a few weeks, she would put out the news like this:

[A fresh look at Heo Yoon-mi from OH Entertainment]

[Special event launching at Sapphire TV for Idol Manager 108]

At the end of my talk, Chairman Shin Jae-eun also said to President Kwon Oh-hyuk. “Oh, Hyun-joo is from OH Entertainment?”

“Yes, Chairman. Our company name is OH, which is named after my name Oh Hyuk, but it also means Oh Hyun-joo’s. She is a key representing celebrity.”

“Oh, I see. I have to choose a new advertising model for our company’s eye drops this time, and Oh Hyun-joo seems to fit in because she has a bright and positive image. There is an audition next week. If you have free time, come and take the audition. I’ll inform them as well as I can.”

“Oh, of course. I’ll surely send her, Chairman!”

Upon hearing that, I saw President Chung So-young once again and she nodded once again. From the time the ad was released, it would now appear in a banner ad for Oracle News.

‘The more companies, the more synergies we have. If there’s more to come….’ But suddenly, I had an idea, ‘When this thing gets bigger… it’s a whole chaebol system, right?’

‘All the nation’s chaebols are tangled up like cobwebs in this way. It seems to outsource to another company, but it is outsourced to his son’s company. It seems to put an advertisement with another company, but leaves the ad to his daughter’s company. In the end, even though it seems to be investing, it doesn’t spend money, and ends up forming its own league with its own money.

‘As our five companies are together, it is like this. There is no need to mention chaebols, which have hundreds of subsidiaries in terms of equity ties. Maybe that’s the future of Invictus Investment: an emerging tycoon.

‘… and then, when I am a Master Class… then the Grand Master Class… What’s the condition? If they ask me to rule ten, not five…

‘If we go that way, our company may turn into a kind of Invictus Holdings, a holding company, up from a general investment company. I will become a chairman, and Vice President Jang will become a new president who will manage the subsidiaries.

‘Well… what will happen?

‘Investment in Hyun Young Pharmaceutical will be completed next month. The future news will be upgraded and become a Master Class. There’s no justification for upgrading all the time, but experience has shown that the higher the class, the stronger my power becomes. I want to hold the stronger power.

‘Grand Master Class… and then like xxx… That’s the unknown class…

‘According to Customer Service, the unknown class has a much stronger skill than the previous classes. I don’t know what it is, but I really want it…’

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