
Chapter 91 - Buying New Clothes for Bai Wu

Chapter 91: Buying New Clothes for Bai Wu

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“I’m leaving soon. The teacher called earlier and asked me to come over,” Xu Lan said as he rearranged the files and packed his phone with him.

Xu Lan was not keen on receiving phone calls from the teacher. Much to his dismay, the teacher had been calling him frequently.

The first time he received a call from the teacher was the night Bai Wu learned how to cook. Bai Wu got his hands on a recipe book and started cooking for Xu Lan. Even though Bai Wu’s culinary skills left much to be desired, Xu Lan was still happy that he cooked and showered him with compliments.

In the end, Xu Lan had to finish up an entire plate of burnt lotus roots. To think that the dish was actually completed under Xu Lan’s supervision! Xu Lan had completely given up on his culinary skills. At this rate, he was grooming Bai Wu into his socialist successor.

The second phone call from the teacher was about Bai Wu’s progress at school. He completed the curriculum for sixth grade in just a day and could apply the knowledge flexibly. On a side note, Xu Lan had to gobble down a plate of mushy, overcooked vegetables.

Whenever Xu Lan brought this up again, Bai Wu refused to believe that he used to be bad at cooking. Xu Lan used to keep Bai Wu’s dishes for himself and fed Bai Wu with the food he bought.

During the third phone call, the teacher said that Bai Wu started on the junior high school curriculum. Xu Lan was also told that Bai Wu was gifted at languages, which led him to wonder if the teacher was somehow blind.

Since then, whenever Bai Wu completed a module, the teacher would call Xu Lan to inform him about it. The modules included mathematics, English, physics, and chemistry.

When Bai Wu started on high school curriculum, the teacher stopped calling altogether. He received a message from the teacher, containing the story of ‘Being Sorry for Zhongyong’. Xu Lan chuckled. Bai Wu’s culinary skills improved tremendously and Xu Lan no longer had to order takeout anymore.

“Papa! The teacher said that I can have today off as I’ve completed almost everything. I’ll be sitting for an examination soon. What do I do?” Bai Wu asked as he rummaged through his closet.

“Answer half of them correctly and get the other half wrong. Can you do that?” Xu Lan said while eating the breakfast made by Bai Wu.

“Okay!” Bai Wu nodded and continued to rummage through his clothes.

“What are you looking for?” Xu Lan walked over and asked.

“Clothes. I think I’ve run out of clothes,” Bai Wu tugged on his shirt and said in a pitiful tone.

Xu Lan took a look and realized how much Bai Wu had grown. It was not obvious to him as they saw each other on a daily basis, but now that he took a good look, he noticed the difference. Bai Wu’s clothes were awfully small on him, even his tiny waist was showing through.

“Uh, you’ve grown a lot taller. I’ll apply for leave later and buy you some new clothes,” Xu Lan replied cheerfully.

“Really? Papa! Yay, I’m so happy! I’m getting new clothes again!”

Bai Wu shouted happily and starting running around Xu Lan. Infected by his happiness, Xu Lan could not help but laugh along.

Xu Lan felt pressured walking in a mall with such a beautiful young man. All eyes were on them and he could hear the occasional whispers. When young girls walked passed Bai Wu, they fixated their gaze on him.

Xu Lan was tempted to remind them to be polite and to stop lusting after his son. He ended up holding his tongue and lowered his head sulkily.

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