
Chapter 291 - Get To Know You

Chapter 291 - Get To Know You



"I do. And that is why, it is my duty to fix it."

There was no point in arguing anything with him. Yin Lifen resigned herself to her fate and let him be.

She could not say that a part of her was hopeful for things to happen between them if what he said was all that happened.

On the other hand if that was not the case, then she would be disappointed once more.

Regardless of where she stood or what would happen in the future, Yin Lifen kept a closed and open heart. No matter what would be... she would not be worried anymore.

"Yin Lifen, I really do love you and I know you may already be getting bored with me repeating the same thing over and over again but in actual truth if I do not say it now, I feel like I may never have the opportunity to say iot again."

"I know. And I cannot lie to you and promise you that you wowuld have the opportunity too always say it to me. I do not even know anymore. Honestly I feel that you should not call off your engagement. We just met."

"It still doesn’t matter. My heart has chosen you and if I do not take you, I would live to regret my decisions later in life. I wiush I could make you see reasons and love me too."

"I..." She was tempted to say the words I love you t]oo but when she thought about it again, she declined and kept her mouth shut.

"Say it. You know you want to, Ava. Say the words I love to hear please. Please tell me how you really feel," Jia Huang tried to cajole her.

"You want to know how I really feel?"

"Yes, Ava, I do."

"I do not feel happy ab out any of this. I am sad and hurt at the same time. My heart yearn so much for you and want you to hold me close like you used to but my mind cannot allow her go through that hurt again. So in all, what you did not do is preventing my body from accepting you."

"I am so sorry for putting you in conflicting feelings with your heart and mind but believe me when I say I would get things better."

"I do. But I do not want to trust in those words to prevent any such negative occurrence."

Jia Huang heaved an exasperated sigh as he stared into her pretty eyes.

"It is okay. I believe you may not believe me until you see proof. No worries. I made a promise that I would fix everything. But one request I have is for you to give me time and be patient a bit. Also, please can we be friends?"

She could see the sincerity in his eyes. It almost looked like she could see into his soul and with trusting her instincts, she gave in to him, deciding to start afresh with him till he could fix things and if by peradventure, he couldn’t, they could always remain being friends.

"Alright. We can be friends but on one condition, you cannot be too close to me and hope something like what happened earlier can occur again. No touching, kissing, smooching and the likes again."

"If that it what it takes to be with you, then I am willing to start from scratch anytime any day."

"Thank you," Yin Lifen appreciated him with a tight lipped smile.


Meanwhile, as Yin Lifen and Jia Huang were busy sorting themselves out, Li Jing and Kim Fan carried on with their tour.

"Hey Li Jing," Kim Fan called out to her calmly.

"Yes, what is it?"

"Umm, you look stunning." He did not know what to say to her after calling out her name. He just knew he felt attracted to her.

"Thank you for the compliment Kim Fan. You care for some smoothie? They are serving one close by, I saw it yesterday."

"Oh, sure then."

While they sat down and relaxed enjoying their smoothie, Kim Fan’s brain began processing hoiw he was going to tell Li Jing something.

Even though she did not particularly give him the vibe of there being any hope, he was still going to try his luck no less.

"Li Jing, I am really happy you did not pull out of this survey visit. It really would afford us the time outside work hours to know each other."

"Okay... Where are you going with this?" She wasn’t so sure what it was and all but she did not want to give him any hope or leads whatsoever as to loving her.

"Well, what I am saying is that I would love to get to know you more. I want to be close to you."

Yes she had expected this day would come but she was not into him and would never be into him even with all his looks and all.

"Umm, thank you. But I think you are already knowing me or aren’t you?"

"That is what I am saying. You just started being free with me and I am really grateful about it."

His confession was sincere but she was already tired of ruining hearts as hers belonged somewhere else.

"Okay, it is okay. I believe we can be friends. There is no harm in that."

’Great then."

"But I should warn you about something though."

"What is it?" Hearing this, Kim Fan adjusted on his seat and prepared himself for what it was that she was going to say.

"Kindly do not get too attached to me, please."


"I am afraid I would not be able to return your feelings."


"I am just saying. I would love for us to maintain this friendship."

"No worries. I am happy being your friend," Kim Fan said with a smile.

The way his lips tugged upwards and his dashing smile filled his lips, it made it look like there was no sadness in his life but that wasn’t the case.

’Li Jing, yes you may not want anything to do with me, but I would fix that very soon and make you love me. I would shower you with all the care I can and you would see no other man as fit for you but me.’ Kim Fan thought to himself.

Unknown to him, the girl he was planning on going after wasn’t in the mood for playing chase except you were among the two most handsome men in her life.

"Okay then. I am happy we are on the same page. By the way, I should call and find out how Yin Lifen is doing. Jia Huang did not infoirm us of anything."

"True. Please do. I would also call him tpo be sure he has gotten her the drugs, although I believe he has."

"Well, just to check up on them then."

"Yeah." Both parties picked up their phone and placed a call to the said party.

"Li Jing!" Yin Lifen yelled immediately she picked the call.

"Fen Fen, how are you? How is your tummy now?"

"It is alright. Jia Huang got me the drugs and the pain had greatly reduced. How are you?"

"I am fine. I am happy to hear that you are better. We are still on tour. For now we decided to take some smoothie."

"I see you are enjoying yourself."

"I am missing your company though."

As she said that, Kim Fan held his chest and pretended to be hurt. "Ouch, that was a slap to my face, Li Jing." He mouthed to her. "I thought I was enough to not make you miss her." This time he spoke out, covering the mouthpiece of his phone.

"I’m sorry," Li Jing whispered back to the offended Kim Fan. "Hahhaa..."

"Li Jing, what is going on, why are you laughing? I did not say anything funny."

"Do not mind me. Kim Fan felt offended that I said I missed your company even though he had been with me all day."

"What! Tell him that he cannot take my place in your heart." Yin Lifen was already at her toes hearing that. Li Jing was the only close friend she had and she wasn’t going to give that up.

"No need for that, I think he knows that. Haha haha... Anyway, how is Jia Huang? How come I do not hear you fuming at me for sending him over?"

"Oh, is that so? Aiden come let me ship you off to Li Jing. Hahhaa..." Li Jing could hear a masculine voice from the other end of the phone and heard her friend laughing her heart out.

To a large extent Li Jing’s heart felt full just hearing Yin Lifen be happy. Her friend was really in love and even though she was angry she knew a part of her wanted to accept him again.

Indeed love was hard to find and probably that was why she wasn’t giving up on him.

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