
Chapter 99 - Geek

Gritting his teeth, Linhou yelled, "Hey, don't talk to me that way, I am not your servant or your junior okay? Remember that I am your senior."

Spatting on the ground, Jason snorted, "You joined this clan an hour before me and you still have the cheek to call yourself my senior? You gotta be kidding me Linhou." ​​

Snapping his fingers, Linhou smirked, "Whatever dude, I came first so I am the senior one here."

Not wanting to argue with Linhou, Jason took a deep breath and said, "Wen Moshen, papers, signature. Did you understand?"

"That Wen guy is so dead." Linhou murmured before walking towards the washroom.

"Now don't you dare sleep on the toilet seat." Jason shouted.

Waving his middle finger at him, Linhou faked a smile. "I don't give a flying fuck to whatever you say."

"Do you want me to hack your laptop and delete all your gun collection photographs?"

When Jason threatened him, Linhou narrowed his eyes and gritted his teeth. "You dare."

"Oh yes I dare." Placing his hands on his hips, Jason added, "Try me if you think I don't dare."

This wasn't the first time when Jason had threatened Linhou with his amazing gun photograph collection which was safely saved under a folder named 'LOVE' in his laptop.

Last time when Linhou pissed him up, Jason hacked his laptop for real and deleted several pictures right in front of his eyes and Linhou could do nothing.

Not wanting to take the risk again, Linhou frowned and quietly entered the washroom.

Satisfied with his reaction, Jason chuckled and asked, "Who is the senior now huh?"

"Get the fuck out of here before I barge into your room and break your entire system." Linhou shouted.

Jason widened his eyes in shock and rushed out of the room. Just like Linhou, Jason loved his system and there was no way he would take any risk after knowing how crazy Linhou is.



"WHAT?" Meili shouted.

"Oh God so what did you do?" Ning asked.

Nuying sighed and helplessly shook her head. "I did nothing, I couldn't do anything. He was so overbearing and I couldn't help but surrender and the same thing happened at the restaurant. I knew I was supposed to stop but I didn't."

"So Muchan did recognise you the first time he saw you?" Meili asked.

When Nuying nodded her head, Meili chuckled, "Woah how good was the sex?"

"I don't know about the sex but he surely remembered her because she robbed him." Ning added.

Nuying puffed her cheeks and complained, "You two are such bullies."

"Ahh you are the one who was shamelessly kissing the man you robbed in a public place and we are bullies?" Meili asked.

Covering her ear, Nuying closed her eyes. "No stop, don't mention that incident in front of me ever again."

Ning chuckled and asked, "Ah so now you are shy? Isn't it too late for that? We have already seen everything."

Fisting her hand on the air, Nuying snorted. "It's all that creepy doctors fault. He was that one who assaulted me and-"

Cutting her off, Meili said, "You gave him the permission to assault your mouth with his tongue."

"Do you think we did not hear the way you were moaning? You were clearly enjoying it." Placing her hand on Nuying's shoulder, Ning added, "It was pretty evident that you both are into each other."

"Bullshit, that is not true. I am into that creepy man? No way." Nuying was pretty sure that she would never fall for Muchan. Whatever they had in the past was only a one night stand and meant nothing. Though she wasn't sure about what that kiss was for which they shared at the restaurant, Nuying was very sure about nothing ever happening between them.


"Oh so she is the Twinkie?" Yufan asked.

"You guys, don't you dare call her a twinkie in front of Ning, she is going to kill me." Yichan warned his boy gang.

Guiren nodded his head and added, "Yeah Mei will freak out too so please, let's drop this Twinkie thing here."

"Yeah, I don't think so she is a Twinkie too." Muchan said.

"What? Weren't you the one who said that you'll hunt her down and strangle her to death?" Yufan asked.

After their one night stand when Nuying secretly left after robbing him, Muchan was super mad. He wasn't mad because Nuying robbed him, but because he felt like a big joke. The woman who took away his virginity and money, also took away his manly pride.

After that incident, Muchan did try his best to look for Nuying but couldn't find her. In fact, he had almost given up on her and was about to move on when he saw her at the resort again.

Various emotions started building up within him when he saw her again. He didn't want to have any connection with her and had initially planned to let her go but the moment he saw her, he forgot everything. He wanted to teach her a lesson and let her go but he ended up getting more and more attracted to her.

"Muchan don't you dare do anything unruly because Nuying is Ning's and Meili's friend. And remember that Ning is my wife. Things will become very awkward if you do something bad." Yichan was more concerned about his wife than his friend. There was no way he would let something happen which would make his wife sad.

Muchan frowned and snapped, "All you care about is your wife but what about me and my feelings?"

Guiren chuckled and answered, "What you and your feelings? You just got to kiss a woman at a public place. You should feel happy and proud of yourself."

"Yeah imagine, there is actually a woman who is interested in a geek like you." Yufan added.

Muchan frowned deeper and shouted, "Hey, I am not a geek."

"Duh uh, yes you are a geek." Yufan said.

Helplessly shaking his head, Yichan sighed, "You know guys, I actually feel very sorry for Nuying."


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