
Chapter 201 201. Green City

Sylvester, without wasting time, went to the Inquisitor camp not too far away. He felt lucky to live on the Pope\'s Peninsula since all the essential offices were here.

"Lord Bard!"


"May the holy light enlighten us!"

Sylvester saluted back as the Inquisitors greeted him one by one. He was always popular among them as his legends kept getting spread among them. They are the first to know and spread it every time he does something extraordinary. They were his unofficial propaganda machines.

He went to the large tent of the Inquisitor High Lord in the middle of the camp and entered after the guards opened the curtains to let him.

Sylvester found something akin to a war council inside the room with multiple people seated around a round table. Sylvester only recognised three of them, however. Inquisitor High Lord, Lady Aurora and Sir Hans, the right-hand man of the big man.

"You came in time, young bard. Take a seat." The Inquisitor High Lord called him in.

Sylvester first silently saluted them and took a seat quickly. A map of the entire Gracia Kingdom and its nearby regions lay on the table. At a glance, Sylvester knew they were planning to surround and take over Green City so they could investigate everything without the risk of someone running away.

Sir Hans continued to speak. "Since everyone is here, we can divide the tasks. Since it\'s not a major operation, there is no need for all of us to go. Therefore, Archbishop Payne and Sir Martin shall remain here and oversee the rest of the work of the Inquisitors.

"Meanwhile, I shall lead the larger Inquisitor army of five thousand and take over the gates of the Green City. At the same time, Archpriest Sylvester and Lord Inquisitor shall head inside and meet the King. Lady Aurora will stand in the backlines in case we need support urgently. Any questions?"

Sylvester raised his hand. "I am to be allotted an army of a thousand as his eminence has appointed me Grand Crusader. What am I to do with them?"

This was not common knowledge, and only the Lord Inquisitor knew it. So, the eyes of others shined in pride as they considered Sylvester one of their own. When he rises, they feel their name rises too.

"That\'s even better." Sir Hans spoke. Black hair, black eyes, pale skin, a vertical scar over his lips on the right side, and his iconic gold-plated armour. The man was tall as six feet seven and screamed authority and discipline even when he spoke casually.

"Archpriest Sylvester, you shall have your soldiers march behind you when you proceed inside the Green City to meet the King. You shall use your men to organise the crowds around the parts wherever you go to investigate. We must remember that we\'re dealing with a city of seven hundred thousand. Any mistake can lead to panic--which is not good as they may try to run out of the city in great numbers."

Sylvester nodded in agreement. "I shall heed your orders, Sir Hans. The Crusaders who will accompany me will meet us outside the Green City. They were likely still travelling down south from the coldness of the north."

"Good. Any questions?" Sir Hans looked around the table. "No? Then I ask the Lord Inquisitor to approve the plan."

The big man had stayed silent for some time now. "I see no problem in your procedure, Sir Hans. But there are a few things that I shall need to do before we proceed. But worry not; I have a way. I give my approval; proceed to head out."

Quickly, everyone got up from their chairs, saluted and left the tent to do their preparations.

After getting out, Sylvester finally greeted the two new faces he saw today. They introduced themselves on their own.

"Lord Bard, it\'s quite the pleasure to see you. I am Archbishop Payne, the third in command of the Inquisitors."

"I am Sir Martin, the fourth in command. It is an honour, Lord Bard."

Sylvester shook their hands and made small talk before quickly returning to his home since he had to hurry. The inquisitors had already made their preparations, after all.

It was late at night at the moment, and soon the sun would be out. He knew that\'s when their journey would start on the river.

"Chonky, how many crystals do we have? We\'re going to need to count it." He said as he opened the door and entered the home. It was all dark as everyone had gone to sleep.

He just went to his room silently and filled his bag with all the essentials, such as some cheap potions, extra clothes, and civilian clothes. Unfortunately, he still didn\'t have a rank plate. But for that, he needed to visit the Wazir\'s office, and he had no time.

Knock! Knock!

Sylvester opened the door. "Why are you not asleep?"

"Where are you going?"

"To the Green City. We shall directly conduct the investigation using Inquisitors. Don\'t worry; it will soon be revealed if your brother is the culprit or not." Sylvester let the princess stand at the door and returned to pack his bags.

"I want to come with you!"

Sylvester stopped and looked at her face. She appeared firm and strong-willed, but he saw the fear underneath.

"You have no battle experience. You will die from a single punch, I\'m afraid. I\'d rather not cause a mess for the Holy Land."

She entered his room. "Please, take me along. I came with you with the wish to prove that my brother is innocent. I said I could prove it, so give me a chance, please--just once. I can help you greatly--I know many ladies who can help you search the entire city if you need to."

"What if you died from something? You\'re too weak."

"Won\'t I die anyway if my family is found to be guilty?" She replied.

"That does make sense," Sylvester muttered but kept reservations. Taking a woman along with an Inquisitor army, one as pretty as her, was not wise. Yes, he loved those Inquisitor bastards for being so loyal, but they were still bastards in the end.

"You don\'t even know how to ride a horse, and you wish to travel with me. That isn\'t very smart. You will be more of a burden than a help." Sylvester said and ignored her.

"Please! I beg you!"

Sylvester didn\'t listen. He was not going to ignore his rational mind. She was a liability in case of an emergency. He can\'t always be there to protect her.


"I\'m sorry, but this is for your own good." Sylvester left her in the room and rushed out. He first knocked on Xavia\'s door. "Mum, I\'m going with Inquisitor High Lord on a mission. I will see you in a few weeks."

Xavia opened her door, her hair in a mess, while rubbing her eyes as she quickly proceeded to give him a hug. "Best of luck, dear."

"Take care, mum."

He left the house and took the horse to rush to the Inquisitor camp. He expected Felix, Gabriel and Bishop Lazark there. As for Zeke, the old Dungface, he was sent to the School of Dawn to get trained, especially by the old Sir Baldfreak.

"Chonky, this time, I want you to go all out. If you see any threat around me, don\'t wait; just consume them." He ordered the cat sitting on the horse\'s head.

"Aye, aye, Maxy! I shall eat the skulls and chew their bones." Miraj proclaimed while staring at the road ahead, trying to look badass.

\'Haha, I can never take his threats seriously with his big chubby furry head.\' Sylvester just chuckled.

Soon, he reached the camp and got assigned by Sir Hans. "You shall travel with the Inquisitor High Lord as your work is with them."

Sylvester proceeded as per the command. They were to go upstream through large ships this time. In total, thirty ships were prepared to move them and their horses simultaneously. There were five thousand men in total. Most were Knights and a few wizards or wizard-knights. There were a few ordinary people as well, with no magical talent in any field.

Sylvester arrived at the ship at the front and met his team there. "I hope you\'re all prepared."

Felix tapped on his fine shining armour and showed his sword. "My blade is sharp, and armour ready to stomp!"

"What\'s the plan, Archpriest?" Bishop Lazark asked. The man was really good as he didn\'t feel awkward reporting to a man younger and lower ranked than himself.

"I will explain it on the ship. Let\'s start the journey first. Gabriel, this time I will need your special help too." He pointed at the guy slacking in his training the most in their group.

"Anything you need, Max."

Ting! Ting! Ting! Ting!

The large bells started to resound from their ship. Then the bells resounded from all those behinds, signalling that they were ready to depart.

"You three find spots to rest. I will go and find the Inquisitor High Lord."

Felix gladly accepted. "Ugh... go ahead, I\'d rather not feel like being stared down by death itself again."

"He\'s not that scary," Sylvester muttered.

"Haha." Gabriel chuckled and reminded him of an event from history as he was a nerd. "Says the one who peed on Lord Inquisitor\'s helmet as a baby."


Sylvester looked left and right before stepping back. "See you later."


The journey to the Green City was short this time as every single ship in the broad river would move aside as soon as they noticed the long line of ships with flags of Inquisitors fluttering proudly.

This made their journey smooth and fast as they found no hurdles in the river. It was early morning when they left, and it took them twelve hours to arrive at their destination. By the time they forced the city\'s docks to start clearing up the civilian ships, the sun was slowly dipping down into hiding.

The first ship to dock was the Lord Inquisitor\'s. And since no prior warning had been given to the city, the guards and managers of the port were in a frenzy.



Then, Inquisitor High Lord came down from the ramp. He was possibly the most easily recognisable man in the world with his red robes, staff and conical helmet with a visor.

Behind the big man were Sylvester and the rest. Further behind were lines of well-armoured Inquisitors marching down while singing their song.

♫...Find the witches, demons and possessed,

Forsaken worldly craving, for only holy hymns we\'re obsessed.

No tainted desires, our honour, you can\'t question.

We are the mighty men of the Holy Inquisition...♫

Sir Hans quickly announced it to those in the vicinity. "You are in the presence of the Third Guardian of Light, the Inquisitor High Lord--Crimson Fire! Kneel!"



Be it slaves, merchants, civilians or nobles, everyone knelt down faster than Sir Hans\' words could end. This was proof of the fear the masses held towards the man. And that the church was higher than any noble.

"M-My... esteemed graces... I welcome you to the Green City." the Chief port manager spoke from his kneeling position.

Inquisitor High Lord merely glanced at him with his shining red eyes under the visor. "People of Green City, I come in peace and respect. I come here not to find in you a flaw. So, return to your homes--and respect the Holy Marshal Law!"


Inquisitor High Lord slammed his staff on the ground once, and instantly a huge red rune spread through the surface and began to enlarge like a spider\'s web, as if ready to trap the whole city within it.

The Holy Marshal Law was officially in place.


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