
Chapter 298 298. Pope's Regrets

Sylvester waited for the Pope to read the whole report that he had written. It had everything in it, from the moment he learned about the crime to the recent findings and how he spied on the two Cardinals.

He kept a keen eye and nose on the Pope. \'Good, the anger is building up, along with disgust. Hate, sadness, and doubt—Come on, old man. You can do it. I understand you\'re more of a politician, but you need not be scared of a few fools.\'

Sylvester had tried his best to understand the Pope all this time. Initially, he saw him as a good man and then as an evil man. But, eventually, he concluded that the Pope was neither because he was a politician.

A politician who wanted to do good but had to get his hands painted red in blood on that path. The Pope was not just the head of religion but also a keeper of peace. So, the old man had to ensure that he did not go overboard and anger so many sides that they\'d come after him. After all, if the entire Sol and southern continents came together, they could undoubtedly gather twenty or thirty Grand Wizards necessary to kill a Supreme Wizard.

Not to mention, if the Pope messes up and starts a commoner uprising, and makes people lose their faith, then that would be the end of the church. So, considering all that, he could feel that the Pope\'s job was not very easy.

However, for now, he wished to use the Pope\'s shoulder to shoot his arrows and remove as many problems as possible so he won\'t have to deal with them once he takes the throne—Which he shall no matter what.

"This is madness. They were running a forced prostitution and slavery business at such a level? I tolerated it for long enough, thinking it wasn\'t such a widespread problem…"

Sylvester quickly interrupted him. "Your holiness, if you don\'t mind me asking. Shouldn\'t you already know all this? After all, how can the master of the Holy Land, the head of the faith of Solis—not know what\'s in his own backyard? Perhaps… your subordinates lapsed?"

For a few seconds, there was silence in the office. The anger only kept rising, and eventually, the old man slammed his fist on the table.


"This is beyond incompetence! Cardinal Roman Vas Zenim kept such information from me?!" The Pope boomed in anger.

Then all of a sudden, the Pope put his palm on a rectangular metal sheet on the left side of his table. In an instant, the metal sheet lit up with blue runes, and the Pope ordered. "Call Zenim in—Urgently!"

Sylvester didn\'t say a word and prepared himself to watch the show. He wanted to see Saint Seer\'s exact reaction when getting scolded by the Pope. If the Saint showed any adverse reaction, then that would clear everything up, that he was on the rival faction.

It didn\'t take long for Saint Seer to come, as only Saint Medico and Saint Wazir had different office buildings. Saint Seer, Saint Sceptre, Inquisitor High Lord, and Saint Keymaster had their offices in the Pope\'s palace due to the immediate need for them by the Pope at any time.

"Your holiness, you asked for me?"

"What is this?" The Pope threw the file Sylvester had brought towards the Saint. "You dare hide all this from me? You\'re the greatest spymaster we\'ve ever had, so don\'t say you didn\'t know. On the contrary, it\'s your duty to know all this."

Saint Seer read the whole document. He quickly recognised it to be Sylvester\'s writing. But when he read the content, his face turned a bit paler.

Sylvester was keenly watching it all and smelled a whole range of emotions. \'Hmm… There is only fear and no anger. The anxiety is also rising.\'

"Your Holiness, I didn\'t tell you because your hands were already full in dealing with the Masan Empire and the Beastaria\'s war between elves and dragons. I-I felt I should report once I find something highly incriminating." Saint Wazir replied, accepting his intentions immediately, which didn\'t reek of lies.

But the Pope was not happy at all. "This isn\'t incriminating enough?"

"T-This is but… I just found out that the Bard has obtained such evidence—Witnesses even and confessions. With this, we can deal with them for good." Saint Wazir replied, accepting everything.

But Sylvester was not done. He knew he was in a situation much more favourable to himself. So, he decided to push for more. "Respected Saint Seer, if you don\'t mind me asking, what else have you kept to yourself from the man who should know everything? I hope you haven\'t been doing it for a long time."

The Pope was visibly angry as the age lines on his forehead creased. "Speak, Saint. What else have you kept from me? Do not mind the bard—Just speak!"

Saint Seer was definitely cursing Sylvester under his breath. But he also saw Sylvester\'s eyes and knew he had fallen into the trap. So there was no escaping but speaking. "Y-Your holiness, perhaps this is not the best time."


The Pope gave him no space to breathe, so he had to open his mouth. "I… I sent a few assassins into Masan to kill as many princes and princesses as possible to create distrust among each other."

"What else? Tell me everything." The Pope nudged.

"I… I deliberately derailed the peace talks between the four warring kingdoms of the Central Continent in the south to ensure none of them have the ownership of the Soul Tree in the middle of their continent."

The Pope wasn\'t angry as he could see the benefits of doing all that. But the fact that he was kept in the dark and his spymaster had gone somewhat rogue was annoying.

"Continue speaking."

Just like that, Saint Seer revealed everything he did without telling the Pope. But, at last, the man\'s tongue seemed to have rolled back into his throat as he glanced at Sylvester.

"Your holiness. It\'s better if Saint Seer does not hear this."

The Pope glanced at Sylvester, and instantly his heartbeat increased. The Pope was no fool and guessed it already.


The Pope fell into his chair. "No… You didn\'t… Tell me you didn\'t. You can\'t be such a fool."

Saint Seer visibly shuddered as he started speaking. "A-As we all know, Lord Bard is bound for greatness, especially after his achievements. So powerful at such a young age that he might as well become the youngest and the strongest Pope in history. So… I-I wished to ensure that he has no distractions or weaknesses. So… I orchestrated an event to… Kill Mo…"

"Enough!" The Pope boomed. "You have shamed me and stripped me of all my dignity. After a century of being allies and working together, you reward me like this? Killing the mother of my protegee?"

This was the first time Sylvester had seen Saint Seer show such emotions. But he was more amazed by the Pope\'s words. \'Hmm… So I was right about this. Even Saint Seer wanted nothing but good for my future but in his twisted ways.\'

Sylvester acted distraught and walked over to the window and opened it to take a calming breath. Then, he turned around and spoke to the Pope sternly. "I expected that much. But, your Holiness, am I allowed to proceed with the plan I suggested?"

The Pope appeared visibly ashamed as he couldn\'t see Sylvester in the eyes. "Yes, you can proceed. You have the support of the Inquisitors so use them. I shall appoint a special judge to the case so instant judgement can be passed. Do not leave a single sinner alive—You have my permission."

Sylvester saluted formally. "May the Holy Light Enlighten us!"

Then Sylvester silently left, not sharing a glance with anyone. He gently closed the door and walked out of the Pope\'s Palace.

But inside the room, the words escalated.


The Pope punched Saint Seer in the face. "You have no idea of the damage you have caused me. That child will not see me as the same anymore. Just a few days ago, I asked him to take care of his mother, for families are worth cherishing. But it was us trying to kill his family the whole time!

"Oh Solis, I have sinned… My old man would have been so disappointed in me."

Saint Seer was also ashamed and kept his head low. "Your holiness, the blame is on me. I just hoped to tie him to the church even further like we did with the Shadow Knight\'s instance."

"Hah…" The Pope sat back again and took a long exhausted breath.

"I regret doing that! I regret it enough that I wish I could kill myself for my actions."

Saint Seer frowned and worriedly got closer to the table. "W-What happened?"

"Solarium Blockage! That\'s what we caused to his body! That\'s what fighting the Shadow Knight did to him. Since then, he\'s been in constant pain, having to rip open his own leg every time to clean the wound. We—Caused—It!"

Saint Seer\'s tongue got dried, and he got stuck on words. "B-But… H-How can that be… Saint Sceptor was responsible for scaring the Shadow Knight away whenever the Bard was under attack."

"Don\'t! Don\'t bring him into this. We were wrong. We sinned against the child blessed by Solis, Roman. Only eternal misery awaits us after we die. Even the Lord Inquisitor has lost respect for us.

"I shouldn\'t have sanctioned you the last time. How could I do this to a little child who grew up playing on my lap? I\'ve sinned—And sullied the faith—His faith in me." The Pope appeared distraught and held his head between his palms.

In all essence, he felt like a failed man. He brought peace, but now the thirst for it to last long was costing him too much.

"If one day, Sylvester decides to leave the faith—It will be on us. We failed to make this his home. Instead, we tried to kill his only family."

Saint Seer loved the Holy Father like any child of Solis. He couldn\'t see the old man in such self-loathing. "It was my mistake, Holy Father. I sinned, not you—Punish me!"

But the Pope shook his head. "Son, I am the head of the faith, the church—Your actions are mine, and your mistakes are also mine. You did it without asking me, but you still represent me."

"Your holiness, I ju…"

"Leave, Saint Seer! Let me be at peace and think about how to appease his anger. Report everything to me from now on. I hope that\'s not too much to ask."

Saint Seer stood up and saluted. This time, however, his shoulders seemed slumped. His confidence in himself was lost as he realised how high would be his blunder\'s cost.

The Pope, alone in his room, talked to a miniature portrait on the table. "Forgive me, old man. It\'s only been a few days, and I\'ve already disappointed you… In my quest for calm, I let the situation slide off my palm—He will never trust us again."

Outside the palace.



Miraj fell onto Sylvester\'s shoulder from a great height. "He didn\'t find me this time, Maxy! Keeping the window open worked."

"What happened there?"

"Ow, Popo is sulking. He\'s very sad. That baldy was sad too, but for making popo sad. Maxy, will you let that Baldy go now?"

Sylvester made his way away from the garden outside Pope\'s palace. "He\'s a loose cannon. So, Chonky, remember this—Once is a mistake, twice is a decision."

"What about thrice?" Miraj asked excitedly.

"A Painful Death!"


1 Super Gift = 1 Bonus chapter.

Ape Together Strong


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