
Chapter 572 571. Just The Boys Talking

"Why won\'t you tell me who that elf was? Why are you hiding such things from me? I\'m your queen!" 

"Did your father send you?" Rathagun, without an ounce of love or kindness in his words, scowled at his wife while continuing to write. "My answer has been consistent. I do not know who he was. The court has dismissed the matter; why do you still insist?" 

Delimira looked at her husband\'s face. "You know better than I. If another Supreme Wizard exists among elves, then your throne would be in danger. Yet, I see you smile and show joy you\'ve never shown before—It makes me wonder." 

"Wonder about what?" Rathagun asked back."The greatest threat to my throne doesn\'t come from some unknown elf, but your father. To this day, he continues to try and rally the elders to force me out of the throne if I don\'t make an offspring with you."

"And why don\'t you?" She questioned him, having suffered enough. "You\'re the King; they wouldn\'t dare speak ill of you. Do you have any idea of the rumors those vile court women spread about me? They place the blame for our childlessness on me—I\'m \'damaged goods\', they say!" 

Rathagun got up and walked closer to his queen. He pushed her back until she was pressed against a wall, and then he placed his palm on her belly. "I guess we\'ll never know." 

Tears welled up in Dalimira\'s emerald eyes. "I\'ve remained pure all my life, my King—I was isolated from the world, confined within a compound with only female servants as companions. It was all in preparation for you, the King." 

King Rathagun pressed his fingers against her stomach. His gaze locked onto Delimira\'s eyes. "Again, with those crocodile tears. Your beauty can allure me, but it will never fool me—You want a child in this womb? Then what? Do anything you can to poison me? Kill me? Make the little child the new ruler while you act as the regent? I\'ve been tutored by your father—I know what he\'s like. I may one day see you as a woman, and perhaps even love you for some foolish reason—but he will always see you as a puppet to be used—a thing… \'goods\', as you said." 

King Rathagun stepped back and returned to his table, "Leave. I have work to do." 

"Then why don\'t you kill him, my father?" Queen Delimira asked him, staring at him proudly with a mix of hatred and fear. 

"Haha!" Rathagun laughed. "And start a civil war? My queen, please leave before you utter even more foolishness. Play your petty gossip games with your slaves, that suits you well." 

Delimira\'s brows furrowed, a flush of anger painting her face. She wanted to jump on her husband and beat him to a pulp, but sadly, she knew the difference in their power was astronomical. With a long sigh, she swallowed her anger and left the room. 

"Close the door!" 

She gritted her teeth and left. Taking long strides outside in the green carpeted corridor, she headed to the gardens to seek solace and solitude. She had done it many times before, so this was just another day. 

Sylvester issued orders to Aurora to travel to the New Holy Land with Xavia. He also relayed the same message to Lord Einarr, King, and Queen Highland. He decided to gather all the powerhouses and launch the final strike since the date given by the Chief of Anti-Light was drawing near. He already had a headache because of one Supreme Wizard and didn\'t want another to come after his life. 

As the evening came closer, some loud noises started to erupt in the city. At the port on the Snake River, a few ships donning the sails of Riveria had arrived, and many Inquisitors disembarked. 

At last, Griffin and Louis reached the New Holy Land after their voyage from the Beastaria. Initially, they were told to make their way to River City, as it gave direct river access to the New Holy Land. 

Since the atmosphere was tense, no feast was held. The Inquisitors were shown to their barracks for some rest, while Sylvester took Griffin and Louis with himself to the Pope\'s Palace\'s terrace. There, Gabriel had arranged a modest barbecue, a table, and some chairs. As the night enveloped the sky, the starry sky and the soothing wind were somewhat refreshing, mixed with the scent of food. 

Out of the few God\'s Favored who had completed all eight years of their study, only they were the ones left. Felix had already withdrawn from the race, despite finishing the School of Dawn from God\'s Favored Class; Augustus had passed away, and Griffin and Louis had no heart to fight for the spot anymore. As for Gabriel, he had left the God\'s Favored class some years before graduation as the risk to his life got too high. 

"You look… like you had quite an adventure." Blonde-haired Louis told Felix. 

"Reeducation," Felix replied. 

"Fuck!" Griffin instantly cursed. He didn\'t know what it was exactly but knew enough to fear it. "Must have been painful. Can it be healed?" 

"Max says he can, but only time will tell. Enough about me. What have you two been up to? I see some scars here and there." Felix shifted the topic from his appearance, "Did you two manage to find women and settle down?"

Griffin sighed and took a sip of tea. "I had one, but she died from an infection. I don\'t think I\'ll stray from the faith again."

"Mine got married to someone else," Louis replied. "At the age of sixteen—who does that? We just completed our School of Dawn at that age." 

Sylvester helped Gabriel bring over the plates and sat down. "Too convenient, I\'d say. Chances are, your relationships didn\'t end because of fate but because of Saint Seer. That vile backstabbing man tried to do it to all of us—he tried to kill my Mum. He killed Augustus\' family, and Felix already despised his own. His goal was to ensure we couldn\'t think of a life away from the faith." 

Griffin and Louis sighed and looked down in annoyance. It had been years since they lost their sweethearts, yet the pain still lingered within them. 

"After we did so much for the faith, this is how they repay us?" Louis muttered angrily. "Do they not fear the wrath of Solis?" 

"They didn\'t, and that\'s why they\'re now suffering there. Left as a mere shadow of the greatness the Holy Land used to be." Sylvester replied, slowly eating his fill. "The whole God\'s Favored ideology was flawed from the start. To pit us against one another, watch us die over the years. It made us weaker and individualistic rather than strong and united." 

"Amen," Gabriel mumbled. "After I left God\'s Favored class and went to a normal class for wizards and knights, life greatly changed. We were cared for, stopped from doing anything life-threatening, and bullying was strictly forbidden—we often pitied you few in the God\'s Favored class. Even now, I can\'t fathom the purpose behind those deadly tasks."

"They wanted to choose a Pope, not a preacher in some monastery," Felix interjected. "They wanted a guy with the best survival and offensive skills. Why do you think our beauty here is now the unofficial Pope?" 


"Haha… beauty indeed." 

The boys laughed at Felix\'s title for Sylvester. But in a way, it was true since everyone else looked visibly scarred. Even Gabriel looked like he had aged by decades and had dark circles under his eyes. Yet, in Sylvester\'s case—he remained as flawless as ever. 

"And he can\'t grow a beard," Felix added. 

Sylvester grunted at that; truly a low blow. "Says the man who looks like a ballsack." 

"Bwahaha…" Louis bellowed. "Now that you mention it… yes, he looks like it! Oh Lord!"

Felix scoffed, "You should be the last man to laugh, boy. Your girl married another—you got cucked." 


Louis frowned, "We were never intimate. So it doesn\'t count—I\'m still unsullied, after all." 

Felix proudly raised his chin. "Ugh… I\'m surrounded by virgins, along with the Emperor of all virgins. Meanwhile, look at me… Do you know who my girl is? She\'s so beautiful and loving… O\' Isabella, against the rain of gloom, she\'s my umbrella!" 

"Ugh, I feel my hair rising." Gabriel made a disgusted face.

Sylvester chuckled and allowed them to goof around and banter. He had no idea how any of them were going to come out alive in the end or what the future held—In that fleeting moment that night, he wanted to cherish their camaraderie.

"Felix, tell me something." Gabriel started. "Is your little brother also like your face?" 


"WAIT!" Felix bellowed in anger. "I… I can\'t take off this armor! Max, please help your brother out. Rip it off; at least from one region." 

"What if your little brother came off with it?" Sylvester asked back, instantly shutting Felix down. 

"Oh, I\'ll wait then..." 

Amidst the laughter, sharing stories of pain and kindness, they ate till their hearts were content. After years of struggle, it might have been the first night they had come together to rest like that. 

"By the way, I don\'t like the name of this city. The New Holy Land—It\'s too long." Felix complained while looking at the landscape. "I don\'t want to call it Sandwall either, so suggest some new names for me." 

They all rubbed their chins or heads and thought about names. 

"How about… Snake City, because it\'s by the Snake River?" Louis suggested. 

Gabriel rejected. "Too plain. How about Nova Solaria? Fitting for a city with a Pope\'s palace." 

"I like long names—Sandingsnow City," Griffin added. 

All faces turned to the Inquisitor Commander in disgust because of his horrible suggestion. But in the end, all eyes settled on Sylvester.

In deep thought, Sylvester stayed seated and patted the cat who sat on his lap. "Hmm… A city that serves as Sandwall County\'s capital, and also a second Holy Land—How about… Miraj City?" 

"Meaningful name," Felix exclaimed. "It\'s decided then. From now on, the seat of power for the Sandwall family shall be Miraj City!"


Everyone\'s heads looked around, trying to find the cat.


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