
Chapter 612 - Bridgehead (2)

Chapter 612: Bridgehead (2)

Within a few days of speaking to Youngho, Michael visited the royal territory.

Michael’s face, sitting opposite to Youngho in the royal palace office, was grim.

“Something must be going on.”

“What’s not important about dealing with information? Every day is full of things that dry your blood.”

“You have to think about your age. What if you get sick...”

“Don’t worry about it because I still can handle it. But did Kazakhstan ever get involved in last winter’s Uyghur crisis?”

The sudden question made Youngho surprised. He hesitated to answer for a while as he was not sure what the old man’s intention was.

Maintaining his calm, he made a joke.

“We’re providing weapons and funding to the Uyghur independence fighters, so I can’t say it has nothing to do with us.”

“Your face is telling me that you did not get involved.”

“I’m telling you, it’s like we intervened.”

Youngho’s argument made Michael laugh because it looked like Youngho was only insisting to show off.

“Okay, let’s say you were involved. That’s not the problem, but did you hear the announcement that China is building a new wall for the entire Xinjiang Uyghur region?”

“Do you think the elementary school student-like idea that no one can cross a stone wall just because it’s there makes sense? We’re ignoring it.”

“It would be a psychological barrier if it were built-in practice. The intention behind it is to break the will of Uyghurs and Tibetans’ independence.”

“How on earth does it make sense to build a wall in the 21st century? These days, the U.S. also said it would build a wall along the Mexican border, and China seems to be mimicking it.”

“That’s a desperate attempt to stop illegal immigrants from Mexico.”

“Then what about us? It’s rather us who have to build a wall to stop illegal Chinese immigrants.”

“It’s not that simple.”

Michael flew in a hurry because China announced that it was building a 5,700-kilometer wall along its border with Xinjiang Uyghur.

It was part of a plan to prevent radical Islamist forces in Central Asia from flowing into China through Afghanistan.

The plan to build a massive wall, which was a little shorter than the Great Wall, also appeared to have something to do with the recent terrorist attacks in Xinjiang Uyghur.

China believed that radical groups in Central Asia joined forces in the attack of Chinese government facilities in Uyghur. It claimed that the continuing terror attacks in the Xinjiang Uygur region were attributed to radical Islamic groups being transferred to Uyghur.

China announced that it was intended to prevent it from happening at its source, but its purpose was to undermine the will of Uyghurs and Tibetans who wanted independence.

“Then, this is a sign that China will build a wall and stay inside. I’m rather glad that China has decided so. It’s something to celebrate that China has abandoned its desire for Central Asia.”

“Duke. It’s not the time to joke. It means that China will secure its land and run to take over outside.”

“On the one hand, I think it’s a good thing since it’s going to make the Pamir Plateau safe.”

“We believe there will be an attempt to rearrange the current border before building the wall.”

If so, China would try to recover all of its territories.

In other words, it is not going to let go of the fence laid by the Tajikistan militia during the winter. There was no way China would recognize the arbitrarily drawn border for fear of conflict.

Michael was sure that there would be a border dispute.

“We’re already prepared. If there’ll be a provocation, we have to counterattack.”

“China will use strong means. It might involve a nuclear weapon to break your will. Then there’s no answer but surrender. I don’t want to think about it after that.”

“What if we had a formidable weapon to counter China?”

“Did you ever develop the laser weapon?”

“Dear Chief, Kazakhstan was a Soviet-era nuclear weapons experiment site, and it was the site of an intercontinental ballistic missile launch base. Do you think the former president has discarded it all unless he is a fool?”

When Youngho’s words were over, Michael seemed to be freaking out.

“Duke. Do you possibly have a nuclear weapon?”

“I am only guessing because the former president didn’t handover any information to us when he fled the country. We’ve been searching everywhere so far, but we haven’t found it yet.”

Youngho left some room in his answer in case of a rainy day.

“Duke. What are you going to do if you find nuclear weapons?”

“I haven’t thought about it yet. If it’s found, I’ll have to think about it.”

“Personally, if you find a hidden nuclear facility, don’t open it to the world ever. Just don’t say yes or no as you do now. It’s for your own good. Don’t open it to me, either.”

It would be burdensome for Michael to know that. That was because as the U.S. intelligence chief, he was in a position to persuade Youngho to give up nuclear weapons.

“All right. I’ve told you everything so far, but I’ll keep that a secret.”

Listening to Youngho’s answer, Michael had a very complicated look on his face.

It was not detrimental to U.S. national interests, but it was right to oppose it in terms of preventing nuclear proliferation.

“Anyway, the local conflict will be determined by the timeline of the wall’s completion. but you need to prepare yourself in advance. Let’s hope China doesn’t touch the dangerous card.”

“If China were to build a wall, would Uyghurs or Tibetans be still?”

“It’s already a fully-coordinated area, so I don’t know what they’re going to do. Don’t expect too much.”

“Do you want us to step up and encourage them?”

“Is there a way?”

“I’m confident.”

“Duke. Are you sure you have nothing to do with the recent Uyghur terrorist attack?”

“Why do you talk about it again when you didn’t believe when I said we were involved?”

“Oh, never mind... I get it. That’s what I’ll find out later on. We have a more important issue to discuss. Let’s just figure out a way to drive China out of Greenland.”

“How would Kazakhstan resolve that if America can’t do it?”

“Do you think I don’t know what you’re thinking?”

“Okay, but there is a condition. I would like Kazakhstan to be qualified as an observer in the development of the Arctic Ocean, so please give me some help in the United States. If we qualify as an observer, we’ll do the security of the Thule base free of charge.”

When Youngho put forward the condition, Michael nodded as if he already guessed what Youngho would be asking.

“You’re going to claim your connection to the Arctic Ocean with one icebreaker?”

“Kazakhstan will have six icebreakers within this year. Don’t you think we’ll qualify now?”

“You’ve got it all ready.”

“From this fall, there will be commercial routes in the Arctic Ocean. If you opened a route that no one had touched, you’d be eligible, right?”

“That’s more than enough. I’ll talk to the authorities and try to persuade the Arctic Council.”


Kazakhstan had finally got into Greenland as a total of 100 Royal Bodyguards began security operations at the U.S. Thule base in Greenland.

The guards were dressed as security company guards, so there was no fear of being exposed.

This marked a step forward in the Arctic Ocean.

The next task was to qualify as an observer by the Arctic Council countries.

It was possible for anyone to use the Arctic Ocean, but the reason why Youngho wanted to gain observer status was that he wanted to take a step in developing the North Pole.

Having icebreakers and opening the first commercial route to the Arctic Ocean would help in gaining the observer status.

The Danish government had also begun to disapprove of the Greenland government’s mining development.

Everyone was in agreement because it was intended to prevent environmental pollution in the last clean area left on Earth.

Then, it was strongly opposed by the U.K based Chinese company that contracted to develop the Greenland region. Although it insisted that environmental damage was inevitable in resource development, neither Denmark nor Greenland backed down.

China had also come up with countermeasures, including filing a complaint with the International Court of Justice, but it faced the wrong variables.

Greenland residents also strongly protested the project by holding rallies against the development of the city.

Still, China was holding out without budging an inch since it would be a shame to miss Greenland’s quality rare earth.

Cho Chul-hwan, who visited Greenland with the Royal Bodyguards, also watched the situation and contemplated to think of a stronger measure

-The residents are so loose that this will only waste time. What should I do?

“Make an event for a bigger conflict. Of course, we don’t want huge damage.”

In Cho Chul-hwan’s phone call, Youngho also sensed that an intervention was needed.

It was better in many ways to drive the Chinese company out of Greenland as soon as possible. It was because the Chinese were already filing for immigration systematically, so it was better to stop it now.

In many ways, it was convenient to sort things out early, as China was bound to be a nuisance not only to capture Greenland’s geopolitical location but also to seize its resources.

So Youngho and Chul-hwan decided to use the most effective way to damage the Chinese company.

They decided to have an operation to induce bloody clashes between rally participants and Chinese workers at the mine.

As if the Royal Bodyguards disguised as Greenlanders and participated in rallies to make a conflict, it would be easy to change the situation.

If there was bloodshed between residents and the development body, China would have no choice but to withdraw from Greenland for now.


“Well done. Are our guards hurt?”

-I’m worried that this is going to get big. Many residents and Chinese workers are hurt.

“What do you worry about?”

-It’s not that easy. You know the devices people carry these days. Images and photos of our guys must’ve taken. It’s only a matter of time before the local authorities find out we’re involved.

“Don’t worry. I’ll call the Danish Government in advance.”

-I don’t know if the Greenland authorities would ever listen to the mainland’s order.

Several members of the Royal Bodyguards were put in the residents to attend the opposing rally, leading them to clash.

The next was a piece of cake.

Furious Chinese workers attacked the residents, and the resident who responded to them even carried hunting guns.

“Tell the members who joined the rally to stay in the base for the time being until the Chinese company is completely withdrawn.”

-I already told them that.

The media had been clamoring about the brutality of a Chinese company and the only thing left for the company was to withdraw.

The situation seemed to be over, given that people were told to cut off electricity and water supplies to the mines.

Now, there was no need to worry about China anymore.

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