
Chapter 125

Chapter 125: The Trick

Generally speaking, people who were engaged in the heaven’s cultivation, whether it was a human demon devil ghost or monster there was always one common ground. They despised the common people. They even look down more on those useless technologies of the common people. There was no exception for Po Tu. Before it met Chang Li, it was utterly unaware about the GPS. Of course, it did not even know that the opposing party had already planted a location-tracking device on its body.

However, that was not the case for Chang Li. She was a demon cat. Other than being mischievous and arrogant, she had one more natural instinct: curiosity. When she first returned to the mortal world after coming out of the ancient cave of Zhanyan Peak, her eyes were bedazzled and confused by the dazzling world with its myriad temptations all of a sudden. She traveled around the world. Every time she saw something that she could not recognize, she would figure out a way to understand what that thing was. A year and a half later when she met with Wen Leyang on the Nine Peaks Mountain, she could already clearly distinguish the difference between Dior and Audi. She had already turned into a modern city demon cat.

Not long after Chang Li captured the giant pangolin, a group of cultivators arrived, bringing along their noble spirit treasured weapons arrived. Chang Li took one look at the location tracking equipment on their hands and she realized what happened. As expected, after the event, under a piece of scale below Po Tu’s armpit, she found a piece of transmission device the size of a little finger’s fingernail.

This group of people was here to deal with the giant pangolin. They utterly did not expect to find the incomparably beautiful, Chang Li whose expression was forever changing in the blink of an eye as a volunteer Yama-raja. As a result, other than their leader was kept alive, Chang Li killed the rest of the group, snapping their necks.

When Chang Li was looking for the grand master Tuo Xie’s whereabouts, she discovered that most of the great demons in the world were getting killed off one after another. She was just deeply troubled about not having any clues when they themselves came knocking on her door.

Po Tu was tired from all that talking. It used its tail to brush the dust off the ground, before slumping onto the ground, “That leader that was captured by us was only a small character. They were all adopted since young and were passed on the knowledge of supernatural power and the method of extracting demon vitality. After they grew up they brought along the noble spirit treasured weapons that were gifted by the seniors, traveled around the world to capture demons. As for why were they engaging in the act of killing demons and extracting its vitality, they did not understand why as well.”

The Three-inch Nail sneered, “So after they killed the demon, do they at least know where to send the demon vitality to?”

Po Tu nodded, “Naturally. Chang Li and I interrogated that young fellow for half a day, but at last, we managed to acquire something useful...”

Wen Buzuo exclaimed in surprise, “You actually did that so willingly?”

Po Tu stared with wide eyes, “Of course, I was accidentally tricked by them. Only then I was captured and cast with prohibition spell. If I truly went by my abilities, those people were not even enough to fill my teeth gap. This enmity of mine must be avenged regardless...”

Wen Leyang raised his thick brows, the scar on his cheekbone too throbbed along for a few times, “Did they come in a big group of people?”

Po Tu nodded extremely strenuously, “Quite a lot!”

Chang Li conveniently broke the giant pangolin Po Tu’s prohibition spells. While she found out the location where these people sent the demon vitality to after they killed demons and extracted its vitality, she went on a killing rampage. However, she discovered that there were still up-lines above them. After two thousand years of development, they were more than just a simple group of people, they belonged to a massive yet scattered network, akin to a huge piece of net that is spread all over the world, where most people within the network refined in the magic spell specifically used to deal with demons. Nonetheless, it was their tools that were magnificent; their actual powers were unworthy of mention.

For someone with the cultivation base of the favus-headed old man, he was considered an extremely incisive character within the organization.

The one-armed hero Po Tu tried to leave on a few attempts but Chang Li refused to set it free, she brought it along so she could play with it and bully it as she liked.

The following half a year, Chang Li was crashing into different gathering grounds. Her efforts in tracking back to the source towards the upper layer of the huge organization slowly drew near. Until more than a month ago, Chang Li brought along Po Tu and chased all the way to Shanghai.

Wen Leyang gazed into the eyes of the brothers Bushuo and Buzuo once in a slightly peculiar manner.

It was very normal for Chang Li to smash through the operation of this organization that was killing demons and extracting its vitality constantly for two thousand years. Reasonably speaking, she was still considered the exotic one within the demon sect, she even had the courage to crush the Heaven’s cone nail. When she could not locate Luo Xie, whoever provoked her that person could only admit that it was his misfortune. However, she was so invested in smashing through the operation of this organization, she did not even send out any information for almost a year, completely engrossed in the investigation of the people who killed a demon, then it was rather peculiar.

As expected, when it was talking about the part of Shanghai, Po Tu’s expression obviously transformed, akin to being shocked and terrified, it inhaled a deep breath, only then it continued, “Oh Shanghai, it really was fucking huge place!”

Wen Leyang wished that he could splash a face full of Poison of Utmost Metal Stream on it, “Will you please don’t be overwhelmed by emotions!”

Po Tu blushed scarlet. It spent its days running towards the outside world, but it still had not cultivated into the complete human form. That was why it never enter a city. It only wandered about leisurely and alone on desolated mountains and barren hills. Sometimes, it would look for the vapor of trains. When Chang Li brought it to Shanghai, it was deeply shocked.

They tracked the culprit, who killed demons, all the way. At its best, Po Tu was only a fighter and transportation. The concrete clues and processes were all handled within Chang Li’s grasp. Po Tu was only aware that they found more and more people, who killed demons. They traveled further and further. Occasionally, there were a few people with not-too-bad cultivation base. As for the extent of Chang Li’s tracking, Chang Li did not talk about it. Naturally, Po Tu dared not ask as well.

The pangolin’s human form was only half cultivated. It was inconvenient for it to appear in densely-populated areas. So, it could only cautiously hide during the day and appear during the night. It moved stealthily and lurked around the corners. Hence, Chang Li parted ways with it temporarily, while she went looking for the enemies herself.

Little Chi Maojiu squinted his eyes. His childish little face held the arrogance of a senior person, appearing very ghastly to one’s eyes, “Why are you being so well-behaved? The grand master Chang Li parted ways with you but you still refused to run away?”

Po Tu was not embarrassed at all, “Run away? Can I run out of Chang Li’s grasp? If I were to run, it is only a matter of time before she catches up with me and plucks off all the scales from my body again!” It stopped for a moment and punched fist first onto the ground out of extreme depression, “I did not expect that after I managed to avoid the demon cat, I bumped into a witch! It is destined that I will be punished this way!”

On the other hand, Wen Xiaoyi waved her hand impatiently, “What happened afterwards? Continue!”

“I could not be seen by people in Shanghai, and I could not locate Chang Li or the enemy, so I could only hide underground doing nothing, occasionally I came out during the midnight to stretch my body, until more than half a month had passed, Chang Li suddenly came looking for me...” As it was saying that, Po Tu’s expression was a sudden entanglement of surprise, incredulousness and confusion. It appeared beyond weird, “There was a streak of a bloody scar on her shoulder, even though it wasn’t serious, but she was injured. Even though it wasn’t serious, she was injured!”

Wen Leyang ground his teeth once.

It was as if Po Tu was completely immersed in its emotions, it repeated ‘even though it wasn’t serious, but she was injured’ twice before it continued to speak.

Po Tu was deeply astonished in his heart that someone could actually hurt Chang Li. It was even more afraid that the injured Chang Li would vent her anger towards it, so it hastily turned into a long-tailed, covered in scales human form in order to ask her what happened. It dared not sprayed its saliva onto Chang Li’s entire body.

Chang Li was like a little fox that did not manage to catch the hen. She spoke angrily, “Why do you care?”

What could injure Chang Li? Even if Po Tu were to be diagnosed with a fatty liver, it dared not interfere. It hid its head on the ground and held its breath, afraid that its breathing would provoke this ancestor capable of plucking off one’s scales.

Chang Li stood on her own on the side, she frowned gently as if she was thinking about something important. After a while, she suddenly asked it smilingly, “Hey tall guy, when is the year 221 before Christ?”

Po Tu was dumbstruck in a short while, it was stunned with its mouth agape for a long while, before it asked in reply cautiously, “What is a bezoar priced?”

Chang Li waved her hand impatiently, while she muttered to herself, “Has the zombie corpse cultivated into human already?” As she was saying that she suddenly recalled something. She jumped out while she gave out an ‘oh no’. She stared at Po Tu and asked, “How long had it been?”

Po Tu answered frankly, “221 years.”

Chang Li directly raised her leg and kicked Po Tu over, “I am asking you how long has it been since the both of us left Mount Emei?”

Po Tu lied on the ground, it blinked its eyes slowly as it calculated, “A total of over ten months, almost a year already...”

Chang Li anxiously spun around on the same spot, then she grabbed Po Tu by a handful, “There is a Nine Peaks Mountain in the Chuan region, there is a Wen family village halfway up the hill, you should depart right now to the Wen family village and look for a youngster named W-W-Wen Yangle. Tell him that I can’t return right away right now, the matter of crossing the Heaven’s punishment, inform him to look for the Great Mercy Temple’s Bu Le and Shan Duan, you ought to stay there and help out on behalf of me. Follow his arrangements completely!”

Wen Leyang realized that Po Tu said his name in a reversed order. He frowned slightly but he did not correct it, for he knew that it was not the grand master’s fault for wrongly remembering his name. Ten times out of ten it was Po Tu that could not remember properly.

When Po Tu first heard of the word ‘crossing the Heaven’s punishment’ it was startled. It could not care about the fear it had for Chang Li, as it hastily inquired closely, “What do you mean by crossing the Heaven’s punishment, helping whom to cross the god’s punishment?”

Chang Li did not mock it for being panicked this time, but she appeared dejected herself as well, “A little zombie is about to be reincarnated, the process of crossing Heaven’s punishment is upon it soon.”

Po Tu’s expression was both anxious and doubtful. It was a sin for a corpse to be reincarnated such that it would suffer the wrath of the gods, the power of the god’s punishment was certainly heavy.

Chang Li spoke rapidly as she continued, “The Great Mercy Temple’s Bu Le and Shan Duan are the two demon rabbits that you saw on Mount Emei. The three of you combined will become an old demon with few thousand years’ worth of cultivation base. It may not be an easy task to help the little zombie to cross the Heaven’s punishment but it should not be too dangerous either.”

Po Tu had only heaved out a long sigh then, the demon vitality that was released by the big and small demon rabbit on Mount Emei was not considered shallow. Their cultivation base was considered rather impressive. When three demons came together and joined hands, it should not be too troublesome.

Chang Li’s exquisite and delicate face was so close to Po Tu’s square big face that they were almost glued together. Her breath was scented yet her words were akin to knives, “If the little zombie failed to cross the Heaven’s punishment, then you will die together with him, better than suffering for the rest of your living days; should Wen...Wen Yangle ask you where am I, you are not allowed to tell him! Once you are done with that matter, you are free to go and not to return to me anymore.”

Within Po Tu’s heart, Chang Li’s words were akin to a tyrant’s dispatch, a mission that must be accomplished. It immediately departed after it received the order, leaving the big city of Shanghai.

The Three-inch Nail spoke in a chilled manner, “But you didn’t go to the Wen family village.”

Po Tu stared towards him in an as a matter of fact manner, “The moment I left Shanghai I rushed all the way to the Wen family village. Halfway there, I bumped into my sect’s disciples and found out that such a major event was taking place in the Gold-consuming Nest. I was still a Mountain-guarding Divine Beast anyhow. If it was you, will you rush back to the Gold-consuming Nest or go to the Nine Peaks Mountain first?”

Po Tu perceived the matter as a simple one. Other than Chang Li, how could there be another demon that was greater than it? So, it decided to rush over to the Gold-consuming Nest and settled the matter of ice forest. Only then, it would go to the Nine Peaks Mountain and helped the little zombie to cross the Heaven’s punishment.

As a result of its decision it lost a body full of scales, Po Tu clenched his teeth and said, “So when you are done asking please hastily scram. I still need to rush over to the Nine Peaks Mountain.”

Wen Leyang gave a forced laugh as he shook his head, “There is no need to go anymore. By the time the grand master Chang Li thought of Ah Dan, it is estimated the first Heaven’s punishment has already passed for at least a few days.”

Po Tu first heaved a long sigh of relief, “By the time Chang Li told me it was already too late, then it is not my fault to blame...” As it was saying that, it suddenly recalled something even more serious. It tossed its tail and leaped up high into the air. Its two eyes stared straight into Wen Leyang, “How did you even know about the matter of the zombie crossing the Heaven’s punishment?”

Wen Buzuo laughed out bursting with joy, “We have just come from the Wen family village recently. Of course, we know about everything beyond a doubt!”

Po Tu’s expression was anxious as it swallowed a gulp of saliva, “So all of you are from the Wen family?”

Wen Buzuo nodded smilingly. One could tell that his mannerism was obviously trained through experience and toughening.

Po Tu’s gaze swept past the four persons’ faces once and finally stopped at Wen Leyang’s face. There was only him that was still considered a youngster, “Are you...Wen Yangle?”

Wen Buzuo answered quickly, “No, there is no one amongst us named Wen Yangle.” As he was saying that he pointed towards Wen Leyang once, “He is Wen Leyang, a little similar isn’t it? Haha.”

Po Tu’s expression relaxed in the blink of an eye, it defended itself slightly anxiously, “Chang Li only said that I wasn’t supposed to tell Wen Yangle, but she did not say that I am not allowed to tell the people of Wen family.” Soon after that it suddenly reacted to something, as it asked in probing, “So is there a person in the Wen family village that is called Wen Yangle?”

Wen Buzuo shook his head in determination, “There isn’t!” Following that he took a step forward, stretched out his hand and patted on Po Tu’s shoulder, his face was filled with a maniacal smile as he helped it to work out some ideas, “It is alright. The next time you see the grand master Chang Li, persistently swear that it was her who said the name Wen Yangle and you are not the ones that remembered wrongly.”

Po Tu wore a depressed expression, “I will only die an even more tragic death then!” It could remember the two demon rabbit’s holy name, Ah Dan’s crossing of Heaven’s punishment, ‘Wen Yangle’, it had already won the trust of Wen Leyang and his companions.

Wen Leyang looked towards Wen Buzuo slightly puzzled, he did not understand that when a major event was before them Wen Buzuo could still be in the mood to tease the pangolin. Wen Buzuo squinted his eyes gently as a signal to him.

The three-inch nail did not tease Po Tu, but he spoke to Wen Leyang softly, “The grand master Chang Li asked about the year 221 before Christ. We must first figure out this trick here.”

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