
Chapter 84 Last Quest

Chapter 84 Last Quest

A memory from his previous life surged through Alan's mind, momentarily transporting him to a time that felt both familiar and distant.

Disqualified from joining the military due to obvious reasons, young Alan roamed aimlessly during those initial days, hopeful for a group that would take in a player like him.

His profession from that time often became the butt of jokes.

"A school teacher? How exactly do you plan to combat the Nazis with that?" The laughter would grow louder as another would chime in,

"Watch him teach them to death, begging for an end out of sheer boredom!" Their voices, dripping with sarcasm, echoed in Alan's ears, a grim reminder of the derision he once faced.

Food had been scarce, and Alan spent a major chunk of that week scavenging for anything edible. Each morsel was a victory, each meal a luxury. It was during one such foraging expedition that fate led him to cross paths with a small hunting party of the Blood Patriots.

Their gaunt faces and sunken eyes were evidence of the desperation and hunger that gnawed at them from within. Many in the group were plagued with level 2 and 3 penalties, a testament to their continued hardships.

Word had spread about a forest, a realm teeming with beasts and promise of food. They draw in every able-bodied individual. Alan was one of those chosen to join the expedition into the deep forest.

From the thirty players that had ventured in, only ten, battered and bruised, staggered out alive. Alan was among those ten, carrying with him scars and stories that would shape the man he was now.


This time, he came armed with experience, a larger group of comrades, and a strategic plan in place. He had delved into these woods once before and emerged from it with invaluable lessons on how to tackle the monsters that dwelled within.

The formation he had painstakingly taught his group was now their primary defense. As amateur players, their skills were still under development, but united in the formation, they formed a formidable front. Together, they could ensure that none of them got isolated and ambushed by the creatures lurking in the shadows.

Among all the creatures, the giant gorillas were the most troublesome. Their agile leaps from tree to tree, coupled with their sheer strength, made them deadly predators. A single misstep, and a player could find themselves being yanked upwards, only to have their life snuffed out in an instant and their body discarded carelessly to the forest floor below.

Recognizing this immense threat, Alan assigned Merle and Rose the responsibility of keeping the gargantuan primates at bay. Their combined firepower would be crucial in ensuring the safety of the team.

Slowly Leading the players deeper into the forest, Alan chose an area that was relatively sparse, where the trees were not as densely packed. Here, he directed them to start felling the slimmer trees with their swords. These would act as barriers, impeding the movement of the beasts and offering the players some respite and cover. Simultaneously, Alan targeted a few of the larger trees and set them ablaze. The sight of the raging flames and the smoke they billowed would act as a deterrent, driving the creatures into a panic.

[Burning: Inflicts 13 damage per second]

[Burning: Inflicts 14 damage per second]

The tactic worked marvelously. The roaring fire startled the beasts, causing them to become disoriented. Their numbers, which would usually be their greatest strength, now became a liability as they bumped into each other, their movements restricted by the felled trees and the burning barriers.

A significant turning point came when the [Blood gorillas] lost their grip and plummeted to the ground.

Seizing the moment, Alan lunged at the creature, his blade cutting through its thick hide.

[Slash: Inflicts 28 Damage]

Another swift movement and the blade found its mark once again.

[Slash: Inflicts 32 Damage]

The gorilla roared in pain, its dominance challenged by a foe it had underestimated.

Alan's sharp instincts identified the gorilla's primary weapon – its muscular arms. Not only did these limbs enable the beast to effortlessly traverse the tree canopies, but they also possessed crushing strength that could easily snuff the life out of anyone in its grasp. Alan aimed precisely for these arms, strategically wounding the beast to diminish its formidable climbing capabilities.

Every strike was calculated, and every dodge was executed with perfect timing. Alan's agility kept him one step ahead, sidestepping and weaving around the gorilla's ferocious attempts to counter. As the beast swiped and lunged, Alan moved like a shadow, his every action a dance of precision.

Merle and his redneck band of sharpshooters took positions, rifles at the ready. With a camaraderie forged from countless battles, they rained down bullets upon the gorilla, providing Alan the necessary cover to carry on his melee assault. On the opposite flank, Rose, with her keen eye and steady hand, waited for the perfect moment. The gorilla exposed a vulnerable spot, and with a deafening shot, she lodged a bullet deep into its brain.

[Shooting: Lethal Attack. Inflicts 78 damage]

The immense beast, now wounded from multiple angles, contemplated retreat.

But Alan's team was prepared for every move. Milo and Daniel, weapons at the ready, positioned themselves as a blockade, ensuring the creature had no clear escape path. In its desperate attempt to flee, the gorilla found itself confronted by a barrage of axes, thrown with force and precision. And when these weren't enough to halt its advance, Milo, summoning every ounce of courage, launched himself at the beast, landing a powerful punch that momentarily stunned it.

Seeing the opening, Alan took his opportunity. Raising his [sawed-off] shotgun, he took a moment to aim and then, with a deafening blast, sent the final shot straight into the gorilla.

A notification flashed before him:

[You have killed the Blood Gorillas]

[You gained 1000 XP and 500 survival points]

[You have completed E level quest: clear the forest]

[You received 500 survival points, 500XP, rank E reward]

The forest fell silent, the once overwhelming threat now vanquished. The team's strategy, unity, and courage had triumphed against a formidable foe.

Upon their hard-fought victory, the spoils were automatically divided among the group. Merle, with a glint in his eye, inspected his newest acquisition: an [uncommon dagger]. It had a gleaming edge and an ornate hilt, hinting at its enhanced capabilities. Rose, on the other hand, received a prize that, at first glance, seemed unusual.

[Monkey Boots]

[Type: Armor]

[Rarity: Superior]

[Attributes: Defense 8]

[Effects: Speed increase 10%, increased jump range 300%]

[Able to Bring Outside the Game: No] [Remarks: Jump jump jump]

The boots were covered in an odd red fur, reminiscent of the very gorillas they had just felled. Despite their peculiar appearance, the stats and attributes they carried were impressive.

Some players might balk at the idea of donning such conspicuous footwear, but Rose was practical. For her, efficiency and utility trumped aesthetics every time. She could easily envision herself perched on a high vantage point, the enhanced jumping capability of her new boots ensuring she always had the perfect sniping spot.

While the others reveled in their newfound rewards, Alan took a moment to reflect on the battle. The satisfaction of successfully leading his team and eliminating the threats was reward enough. However, the system had an unexpected surprise in store for him.

[You have received a special reward]

[Acquired Title: Beast Hunter]

[Beast Hunter: You possess the art to effectively hunt a beast, all attacks to beast type of creature will deal 20% more damage, +1 point bonus in endurance]

A rush of exhilaration surged through Alan. Titles like these weren't just honorary; they carried significant weight and advantages in the game world. While the bonus damage to beasts would certainly be situational, the added attributes were much more appreciated.

The aftermath of the battle was a stark contrast to the intense chaos that had preceded it. The ground was littered with remnants of their fierce confrontation, and the pained groans of the injured echoed through the clearing. But even amidst the hurt, there was a tangible sense of relief: every member of the group had survived.

The system's rewards were generous. A massive influx of experience points and the coveted E rank reward were bestowed upon them. For many, these tangible benefits were a balm, offsetting the pain and trauma of battle. The allure of leveling up, enhancing skills, and acquiring new gear often overshadowed the immediate physical hardships.

After ensuring that everyone had a chance to tend to their wounds and take a brief respite, Alan signaled that it was time to move.

Once they reached the farm, the tantalizing aroma of dinner wafted through the air, making stomachs growl in anticipation. After the feast Alan announced.

"Alright, this rounds up our five days together. Thank you for your help."

The players exchanged glances, a palpable tension in the air. Their five-day journey had forged bonds, and the idea of parting ways brought forth a cocktail of emotions.


Author's Note:

Dear readers,

With the conclusion of this chapter, the month of August draws to a close. I trust that the chapters have met your expectations and brought you enjoyment.

Hope you all will join me again for September chapters, and don't forget to drop by our Discord channel for the end-of-the-month events!

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