
Chapter 122 Final Battle 2

Chapter 122 Final Battle 2


Amidst the chaos of the battle, their barricades lay in ruins, the Nazi forces swelled in number, and the formidable tank entered the fray, rapidly altering the course of the fight.

Alan, displaying remarkable agility as he darted across the war-torn street, fired rounds to provide suppressing fire. Amidst the relentless cacophony of combat, his keen eyes spotted Milo carrying an unconscious player, a victim of the tank's devastating cannon blast.

On the opposing side of the battlefield, Vicky valiantly attempted to rally her units for a counteroffensive. However, she soon found herself caught in a withering hail of enemy gunfire, resulting in an increasing number of casualties among her troops.

"Take cover! Hold your positions!" Alan bellowed, urging his men to retreat. He understood all too well that fighting openly against the tank would be a death sentence. A direct shot from the tank's cannon would spell instant demise for any player, even the most seasoned veterans.

Alan mulled over a couple of strategies to disable the tank, including the creation of a pitfall trap or the acquisition of explosives or high-powered weapons capable of penetrating the tank's formidable steel armor. Regrettably, none of these options were at his disposal. Fortunately, Merle held the solution.

As the tank successfully traversed the bridge, Alan signaled Merle with an urgent nod. The crimson gunner, exuding confidence, reached for his special crimson M16, which boasted a new add-on upgrade:

[M203 grenade launcher]

[Type: weapon add-on]

[Rarity: Uncommon]

[Attributes: Firepower 80-110]

[Magazine: 40mm]

With six potent 40mm grenades at his disposal and his impressive skillset, Merle unleashed a rapid barrage of explosive rounds directed at the tank's back wheels, resulting in thunderous detonations.


Although the 40mm explosions could not penetrate the tank's main body, they inflicted significant casualties among the soldiers clustered around the vehicle. Moreover, the explosions succeeded in breaking the tank's rail and igniting the power unit located at the rear, leaving it immobilized.

"Great shot, Merle!" Alan exclaimed, offering his commendation to the veteran gunner for his precise and effective assault.

Following the triumphant assault on the first tank, Alan swiftly coordinated his next moves, ready to seize the opportunity to mount a counteroffensive. However, their momentum was abruptly halted as another explosion rocked the area. Alan's eyes widened in disbelief as he witnessed the unexpected arrival of a second tank, rolling across the bridge with ominous intent. With Merle having expended all his grenades, the Wolverines found themselves lacking the means to halt this new threat.

Thinking swiftly, Alan issued a signal to Rose, perched atop the building's roof. The talented sniper took a deep, focused breath, activating her active skill known as [Eagle Eye]. With the sun still hovering near the horizon, Rose had to rely on her heightened perception and the enhanced aiming capabilities of her active skill.

BAM!! The first shot missed by a hair's breadth.

BAM!! The second shot came agonizingly close, grazing the tank's thick armor.


On her third and final shot, Rose's precision proved true. Her bullet found its mark, penetrating the tank's narrow viewpoint hole, dealing a headshot terminating one of the two soldiers inside.

[Shooting: Lethal Attack. Inflicts 154 damage… target died]

The victim was the spotter and driver of the tank, whose role was to designate targets for the gunner. With the spotter's demise, the tank's firepower became aimless and erratic, and this was the chance Alan was waiting for.

"Alright, time to go! Fall back, everyone!" Alan declared, recognizing the opportunity to withdraw while they still had the advantage.

With his extensive experience in countless battles within the virtual realm, Alan possessed the critical ability to discern when a tactical retreat was necessary. Even as the chaos of battle swirled around him, Alan remained one step ahead, having already devised a fallback strategy for his team. Just a mere half a block behind their current location, he had identified a formidable structure to make their last stand.

This sturdy, towering edifice was a two-story church building, its architecture exuding an air of fortitude. The massive structure was fortified with thick brick walls, boasting high windows that provided strategic vantage points for their defense.

In a well-coordinated effort, the support team sprang into action, swiftly ferrying the wounded and incapacitated comrades to the center of the church hall. Here, they set up a makeshift triage area, providing immediate medical attention and treatment to their injured allies.

Meanwhile, the fighters among the Wolverines took up positions at the windows, their weapons at the ready. Swords gleamed in their hands, poised to defend against any potential breach. The atmosphere was tense, with every member acutely aware of the dire situation they found themselves in.

"We are surrounded!" came the grim announcement, the reality of their predicament settling in.

The Wolverines held their ground with unwavering determination as the relentless tide of Nazi soldiers swarmed from every direction – east, north, and south. Over 500 enemy combatants filled the churchyard, creating a nightmarish spectacle of overwhelming odds. The situation was nothing short of terrifying, yet the Wolverines continued to stand their ground, resolute in their defense.

For what felt like an eternity, they repelled wave after wave of enemy forces, their barricaded position offering a formidable advantage. The thick brick walls of the church proved their salvation, as the Nazi soldiers struggled in vain to breach the sturdy defenses.

However, their dire situation took a turn for the worse when the tank finally caught up to them, its long gun menacingly aimed at the church building. The deadly cannon threatened to obliterate their sanctuary, and the Wolverines knew they needed to make a swift exit.

"Alan, we need to go!" urged Kenny, the urgency palpable in his voice.

But Instead of ordering an immediate retreat, Alan seized the church's bell cord and the resounding clang of the bell pierced the air. He then activated the military radio, but before he could even utter a word, the voice of Lieutenant Marsh crackled from the other side of the radio.

"Yes, we heard the bell. We are here!"


As the morning sun began to rise, casting its first rays upon Calumet City, hope emerged on the horizon. Delta Company, led by Lieutenant Marsh and consisting of 200 seasoned soldiers, arrived on the scene. Alongside them were the four militia armies, all having successfully cleared the three barricades, now ready to join forces in the final push to liberate the outer zone of the town.

"Alright, all out!! Attack!!" Alan's order echoed with renewed vigor as the Wolverines, now bolstered by the arrival of their allies, prepared to break free from their defensive stronghold and launch a determined counterattack against the Nazi forces.

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