
Chapter 7: Prologue [7]

Chapter 7: Prologue [7]

\'Chairman, what have you done...\'

I briefly lost my train of thought, but quickly regained my senses. I need to escape quickly, even if a little late.


Seeing the machete zombie\'s slashing, the people have already started running and screaming. The zombies, stimulated by the screams, began to rage madly.

The zombie eating chicken rushed towards the security guards around him, the machete zombie swung the blade indiscriminately, and other zombies tore off their stuffy masks and threw themselves at the surrounding people.

Even some brave people who picked up baseball bats or golf clubs to resist are not enough.



Full swing.

Someone who knew baseball a bit properly struck the arm of the fish zombie, but the clear sound of the bone breaking was heard, and the zombie, though staggering, still rushed in and bit the person\'s neck. Blood splattered.

All the zombies are busy attacking the people around them.

\'They don\'t care about me.\'

I can run noisily. I immediately turned my body and ran with all my might.

Fortunately, Jeon Do-hyeong was on his way. Hearing the commotion, he looked around and saw me. His eyes widened.

"When did you-"

"Let\'s go quickly."

He placed the several boxes of cereal he was holding on the piled-up cart.

I panted and quickly scanned the cart.

In a short time, he had collected various things well. No, it seems he just picked them up without choosing. He had simply stacked them nicely with his camping skills.

Anyway, the resources I had targeted were gathered in a way.

\'The apocalypse has already come. I can\'t give up on resources.\'

I grabbed the front corner of the cart and ran forward. Jeon Do-hyeong also quickly pushed the cart, matching his steps with mine.

Faint screams echo from behind.

Jeon Do-hyeong suddenly lowered his voice.

"Maybe we should do the shopping later? It seems like there are zombies coming out back there."

As I ran, I glanced back for a moment, and his eyes were strange. They were shaking with fear, terror, or tension.

Even though he had the courage to steal the nation\'s electricity, zombies seem to scare him.

"There\'s no time to calculate. Let\'s just escape with the cart as it is."

Nonsense. In an apocalyptic situation, there\'s no need to scan the barcodes one by one - just take the cart and run.

"No, let\'s just run straight to the exit."

"What? No-"


I roughly pulled the cart. The people in front were pushed aside, the cart collided, and annoyed glances gathered, but they opened their eyes wide as they looked behind me.

The rumbling sound and shouts of the approaching crowd.

"Zombies over there! Four of them came out! Evacuate quickly!"

Someone shouted from behind. I gritted my teeth.

\'Why did you tell them that!\'

The people who were browsing the products around suddenly started running, abandoning their carts or baskets. The narrow aisles of the mart were blocked by people, carts, and thrown products.

Even the escalator visible in the distance was in chaos. Humans trying to break through the blocked path, those who fell back in surprise as they were coming down.

The possibility of everyone failing if they all run away at once is so high!

"Keep pushing the cart!"

"Ah, really! I don\'t think this is right!"

I, standing in front, shouted while carelessly pushing away the obstructing cart.

I was hit on the shoulder by someone overtaking me, hit by the pushed cart, and almost fell by stepping on the scattered products on the floor.

Even in these poor conditions, I quickly rolled my eyes and calculated the route.

Going straight is not an option. Up ahead, someone fell with a thud, and the people got tangled, becoming an obstacle. I can\'t break through that.

"To the left!"


The cart tilts as if it\'s going to fall. I firmly pressed the cart and quickly turned the corner. It\'s the fruit section. Someone is standing in the middle of the aisle, their back turned, blocking the way.


That person leisurely moved their hand and the sound of biting an apple can be heard.

I felt my eyes rolling.

There are zombies behind. The crowd is rushing in. I need to escape quickly. But blocking the front? Grabbing my feet? Isn\'t this telling me to die? That human must be an honorary zombie. Not a person.


I pulled the cart as if throwing it towards that person, and Jeon Do-hyeong must have put all his strength into it, as the cart shot out like a cannon.

The roughly moving cart slams into the apple-eating honorary zombie. Boom, the honorary zombie staggers and slowly turns around.

Screech, I stopped.


It\'s not an honorary zombie, but a real zombie. With bloodshot eyes, drooling, with apple remnants in its mouth, it looks at me. Its expression is gradually distorting.

It\'s a prelude to an attack. The target is either me or Jeon Do-hyeong.

With one hand, I grip the hammer in my hoodie pocket, and although I don\'t know if it will work, I gestured slightly with the other hand, as if Jeon Do-hyeong was the one who hit you.

At the same time, I whisper softly.

"Jeon Do-hyeong, grab any weapon. Anything. The cart is fine too."

There is no response.

"Jeon Do-hyeong?"

The zombie crouches down. I move sideways, using the cart as a wall between the zombie and me, and briefly glanced around.

And I saw Jeon Do-hyeong sneaking away. Our eyes met. Jeon Do-hyeong let out a loud scream.

"Get out of here, you criminal bastard! I never liked you from the beginning! Is the world ending? You\'re just a crazy person! Insane-"

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This is a betrayal that occurred in an extreme situation. The thick bonds of friendship between colleagues have been severed.

I was deeply wounded, and I immediately ran towards Jeon Do-hyeong. Behind me, I heard the sound of a zombie pushing the cart and a loud scream.

"Ah, no!"

Jeon Do-hyeong turned his pale, frightened face, but it was a little too late. He should have run away immediately.


My hand grabbed the collar of Jeon Do-hyeong\'s clothes. I then kicked his legs and forcefully pulled his clothes, causing him to fall backwards.

"No! Help-"

After taking a few more steps, I looked down at Jeon Do-hyeong. Expressionlessly, I pulled the hammer closer to my shoulder.

As Jeon Do-hyeong, who had only managed to raise his upper body, opened his mouth in a scream-like manner, the zombie reached him.


The zombie, with its mouth wide open like a beast, pounced on the crouching Jeon Do-hyeong. The zombie\'s hair almost touched Jeon Do-hyeong\'s neck.

I took a big step forward and swung the hammer with all my might. The hammer described an arc and struck the zombie\'s head.


A heavy impact sound and a sense of something being crushed. The zombie fell unconscious, like garbage.

I said to Jeon Do-hyeong,

"Didn\'t I tell you?"

"Uh, well."

Jeon Do-hyeong, who was trembling, pushed the zombie away and looked at my hammer. His face turned pale, almost bluish.

"You are a very wise person with foresight."

I shook my head.

This praise should be for the chairman of Immortal Company. I didn\'t have enough insight to distinguish between an honorary zombie and a real one.

I extended the hammer. Grab this and get up. I didn\'t want to touch him with my bare hands, as he had just been in contact with a zombie.

Jeon Do-hyeong hesitated for a moment, then grabbed the hammer and stood up. I said,

"I saved you twice. I saved you from the zombie, and I forgave you for your betrayal, even though I could have killed you."

"No, that\'s, ah, yes, that\'s right."

"There won\'t be a next time."

There is nothing heavier than the debt of life saved. Jeon Do-hyeong has received grace from me twice, so in the future, even if he betrays me, he will ponder more deeply before doing so.

Even if an emergency situation like this one arises again.

Jeon Do-hyeong became a dazed person and dully pulled the cart, and I armed his careless mind.

"Repeat after me. The world is ending. What?"

"The world is ending."

"The world is."

"Is ending!"

Jeon Do-hyeong tightly closed his eyes and shouted loudly.


While I bravely fought off the zombies, it seems those who could run away have already fled. The supermarket was quite empty. I couldn\'t see any zombies either.

Well, it\'s not like the first outbreak, so there wouldn\'t be that many of them. But they\'ll probably increase over time.

We quickly made our way to the entrance, shoving various items into the cart as we went.

And then, we just left through the entrance.


The anti-theft gate kept blaring, detecting us as thieves, but there were no security guards to stop us. The cashier ladies had retreated far away, backing off even further after seeing the hammer I used to strike the zombie.

"...Are we really just going to leave like this?"

"Let\'s take the elevator."

I wiped down my hands and the hammer with the alcohol disinfectant provided at the entrance, and Jeon Do-hyeong disinfected the parts that had touched the zombie. Then we got on the elevator.

We took it from the first floor up to the 7th floor parking lot.

The confined space of the elevator. I checked my mask.

\'I hope I didn\'t get infected?\'

As long as I wear the mask properly and disinfect my hands, I should be fine, but I can\'t help feeling anxious.


Around that point, the elevator stopped. It was the 2nd floor. One person got on, glancing at the hammer. It wasn\'t just once. The elevator kept stopping at each floor, picking up more people.

The cramped space was filled, leaving little room to spare. Silence reigned in the elevator.



I\'m uneasy. I\'m sweating nervously. I wiped my forehead with my collar. My heart was pounding.

What if there\'s an infected person among them? And they suddenly turn into a zombie. My grip tightened on the hammer.

The short ride to the 7th floor felt like it was dragging on forever.

Fortunately, no one transformed during the ride. As soon as the elevator dinged and the doors opened on the 7th floor, I let out a deep sigh. I felt completely drained, both mentally and physically.

I said weakly, "Let\'s bring the cart too."

"The cart too? Ah, that would be useful."

Jeon Do-hyeong nodded, understanding.

The cart can be used to transport goods, to push down zombies or people on the downhill, and even as a barricade.

We somehow managed to load the cart into the camper van, then got into the driver\'s and passenger seats.

As Jeon Do-hyeong started the engine, I glanced at him.

\'...He\'s not infected either, right?\'

I can\'t trust people anymore. Beyond any relationships or bonds, there is a fundamental distrust. This apocalypse has made it impossible for people to trust each other.

\'If this is the apocalypse, I have to adapt. I have to live that way.\'

I reclined deeply into the passenger seat.

The camper van smoothly exited the parking lot and drove into the city. Sirens were blaring from police cars and ambulances everywhere. Occasionally, zombies ran down the streets. Some lay wounded, while others were covered in blood.

I watched all these scenes through the window.

It\'s the 6th day since the zombie outbreak.

The apocalypse has already arrived, and the world is stained with blood and distrust. It is a world ripe for looting.

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