
Chapter 660 - Was It Worth The Troubles?

Chapter 660 - Was It Worth The Troubles?

"Did Time and Space truly became sentient?" Kiba asked.

Just like no slave really wanted to be a slave, no being with sentience wanted to be a tool for another. It didn’t matter if the idea of servitude was ingrained in their very existence.

Because defiance was the base material for any sentient being.

Even if one didn’t dare resist their destiny, rebellion still existed in their souls.

So how can supreme concepts like Time and Space be any different?

So Kiba was curious if Fate allowed them to gain the ability to resist.

"Yes and no," Cosmic Emperor replied. "Contrary to your beliefs, Fate doesn’t mind attempts of resistance. What it does mind is the possibility of the rise of an eternal existence."

Realization dawned on Kiba.

There was one principal Fate wanted to defend at any cost: Everything that has a start must have an end.

And if Time and Space truly gained sentience, just like any lifeform, they wouldn’t want an end! But unlike other lifeforms, they would have the powers to achieve what they want!

"Fate couldn’t totally suppress sentience in Time and Space without destroying them, and in turn, destroy the universe," Cosmic Emperor explained. "So it allowed them to partly develop sentience, on the level of a microorganism. This ensured they won’t be able to defy the principle it has to defend."

Kiba nodded.

A microorganism has no consciousness to speak of. Being sentient was useless for such an existence. Fate made a wise choice.

"Obviously, it also meant there were some concessions," Cosmic Emperor continued. "A microorganism can reproduce. Some might call it insignificant, but we know this insignificant ability of microorganisms is responsible for most of the lives in the universe."

"You mean to say...!?"

Kiba was taken aback as he thought what his future-self might be saying.

"Yes, Time and Space gave birth, obviously different from the humane idea of birth," Cosmic Emperor answered. "Time gave birth to perfect sentient beings, which are now called Lords of Time. And that is, in essence, your problem."


Kiba was bewildered.

How was Lords of Time his problem?

"Not them," Cosmic Emperor said. "They have long ceased to exist since they failed to achieve true immortality."

"Then what is my problem?" Kiba was more confused now.

"That they reproduced and gave descendants to Time before their eventual demise."


Cosmic Emperor nodded.

"She was a great help. She provided the nourishment by which Hope was able to stay beyond her destined time," Cosmic Emperor explained. "But that also resulted in the irk of Time."

Kiba flinched.

More than parents, it was grandparents who loved the children. Time might not have perfect sentience, but it should have affection towards those who share a common origin.

With what Kiba’s future-self has done, this affection for its descendant would turn into fury for Kiba.

"There would be a retaliation by Time!"

Kiba’s heart stopped beating as the realization hit him.

Among humanity, sea race, and alien creatures, there were many who possessed the strength to harm him or even destroy him.

But even then, he had no fear for them.

Because he knew he was capable of damaging them before he died.

It might not necessarily be physical damage, but it would be lethal.

Like for example, he could cuckold them and make them famous.

If they didn’t have wives or girlfriends, he could f.u.c.k their daughters and mothers or any woman they cared for.

This and the resulting publicity would be far more painful than death.

But what about Time?

Time has no woman, so he couldn’t cuckold it.

It has a descendant - a granddaughter - and even though his future-self f.u.c.k.i.e.d her, he won’t get that chance.

Because she was either dead or in an equally worse state. In either case, it was him who was screwed.

Cosmic Emperor was amused by thoughts of his past-self.

A small smile appeared on his lips, and he said, "Don’t fret. We might have defied the Fate and even earned its hatred, but it is Fate that would shield you against Time."

"???" Kiba stared at Cosmic Emperor.

Cosmic Emperor raised a finger, and the world’s darkness erupted, turning into hundreds of floating paths.

The paths were jumbled up; some moving in circles, some straight, and some in opposite directions.

Yet they ended at the same spot, forming a common destination.

It was a confusing, illogical sight.

But it was before Kiba’s eyes. When he checked every path individually, he felt it was only logical to reach the destination he saw earlier.

No other destination would make sense.

This startled him. Because when he saw the paths from a bird’s eye view, it didn’t make any sense at all.

"This is Fate," Cosmic Emperor said. "No matter the path you choose, the destination remains the same: the end of your existence."

He snapped his fingers and a path broke into motes of darkness.

The motes started flying away, but then some strange force gripped them, and they moved back, transforming into the same path.

This path had minor cracks. Unless one was a careful observer, they wouldn’t notice the changes that made it different from the previous path.

"Even if the path breaks by some unexpected changes, the Strings of Fate ensures the path treader reaches the destination."

Kiba’s eyes constricted as he looked at the path with cracks.

"Every path is a reality, following a timeline that leads to the destination!"

Kiba whispered as he realized what his future-self wanted to convey.

"Time can only move forward, and it is the same case now.

"The path I’m on is not only used by me but countless others... perhaps the entire cosmos!

"Then the cracks must be representing the changes my future-self had made by moving against Time!

"But Time can’t stop! Because not only would it affect me, but also countless others!

"If Time stops, the entire reality collapses! That’s something Fate can’t allow as it will destroy the play it is orchestrating!"

Cosmic Emperor nodded.

"You aren’t entirely correct, but you are close," Cosmic Emperor said. "Anyways, just like you said, Fate can’t allow significant diversions.

"That’s why your timeline and my original timeline aren’t that different as of now."


Kiba’s body shook.

How was that possible?

With Hope dead in his future-self’s timeline, undoubtedly, the timeline would have been greatly affected.

Because in this timeline, Hope being alive caused him to temporarily lose his powers. That resulted in the destruction of Dream Rise House and him leaving Delta City.

"In my timeline, my house was also destroyed around the same time," Cosmic Emperor explained. "But unlike yours, it was caused by the shockwaves from my battle with Dracon Moonfall."

The factors might be different, but the result would be the same. That’s how Fate worked to ensure the timeline didn’t change.

"Even though I was acting against Fate, my actions also ensured Fate’s principle was defended."

Cosmic Emperor continued.

"Otherwise, during your fight with Hyperion, you wouldn’t have turned berserk nor killed the countless innocents. I made you do everything I had done in my original timeline."

Kiba nodded, his expression turning heavy.

"But my actions also provided the greatest ammunition to Time," Cosmic Emperor concluded.


Kiba was having a bad premonition ever since his future-self mentioned Time, and now he realized why.

"A time paradox!" Kiba’s blood turned cold. "That would mean I’m trapped in a time loop!"


Cosmic Emperor acknowledged the issue like it wasn’t worth mentioning.

But then again, for him, it wasn’t.

Most of his life has been spent tearing reality and creating it new to revive his daughter.

He failed, but he didn’t give up.

And this became a loop of failure and not giving up, causing the birth of hundreds of alternate realities.

Not like he cared.

All his dreams were fulfilled long before he stepped into this path.

And his daughter was finally alive, no longer bound by Fate.

He was now happy.

A time loop didn’t make a difference to him.

Kiba stared at his futures-self, not knowing what to say.

It wasn’t because of anger or resentment but because of sadness.

Just what sort of life has his future-self lived to turn like this?

"A life without Hope," Cosmic Emperor replied.


"She was in my life for a very brief moment; so short that it couldn’t be counted. But when she left, I was left incomplete even though I had everything," Cosmic Emperor said. "illogical, isn’t it?"

"No..." Kiba replied with a smile. "Not at all."

Love didn’t follow reason or logic. It existed beyond the realms of understanding.

"It is illogical; you will realise that."

Cosmic Emperor corrected his past-self with a bit of melancholy.

"And there would be times when you would resent her and wonder if she’s worth the troubles."

"But she’s worth it, isn’t she?" Kiba asked with tears in his eyes.

Cosmic Emperor only smiled in response.

"That’s all I needed to know!" Kiba said with a pleased smile.

His lips curved up, and his face brightened as he added. "Though if you don’t mind, there is something else I wanted to know."

"?" Cosmic Emperor looked at his past-self with curiosity.

What could he want to know?

Based on his tone, it didn’t seem to be related to Fate, Time, or the purpose of Legacy Orb?

So what could it be?

"With the changes you have made, especially those related to Atlantis," Kiba started, "Is there a tiny probability that I still might get an opportunity to cuckold Poseidon?"

Cosmic Emperor: "...................."

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