
Chapter 703 - Stop The Charade!

Chapter 703 - Stop The Charade!

Katherine winced, but Sophia remained oblivious as all her attention was on Zed. Seeing him bowing to her loving mother, she felt even more pleased.

After all, a daughter loved nothing more than a man respecting her family.

And Zed has always shown respect to not only her mother but even her father.

Her father was initially harsh towards him, wary of the man who has taken hold of his daughter’s heart. But after meeting him in the Infinity Maze, his impression changed, and he started admiring Zed.

"It is hardly surprising! Zed is the most unique person in existence!"

Sophia sweetly thought as she recalled the memories she has grown so fond of.

The first time they met, she had attacked him. It was an embarrassing memory now that she remembered it.

"It is all that villain’s fault! I mistook the kind Zed as him!"

Thinking of the villain, she suddenly felt he deserved her gratitude.

After all, if not for the misunderstanding, she wouldn’t have got to meet the man she respected the most in the world.

No! No!

She vehemently shook her head.

Villain and gratitude? No way in hell!

He might have done some good deeds once in a while, but he was still the ultimate villain! What he did in the House of Hestia was the proof!

"Sophia, are you alright?" Zed enquired as she fervently shook her head.

"Ah, yes," Sophia replied.

"Then why shake your head like that?" Katherine asked as she regained her aristocratic composure.

"I thought the villain might be a good guy, so I shook my head to clear these dark thoughts!"

Katherine flinched, and she looked at Zed. The latter’s expression remained the same, and silence filled the room.

"I wasn’t expecting you guys," Zed said to break the silence. "So this is a nice surprise."

He was honest. He was happy to see familiar faces, especially Sophia, whom he really liked as Zed. This was a nice change of scenery from his life as Kiba.

"Thanks!" Sophia beamed at him. "But like I said, I’m only tagging along with the others."

"Others?" Zed did recall her using the word.

"Yes, someone you know requested me," Katherine replied with a barely audible sigh. "And that’s why we are here."

"??" Zed was confused, but only for a moment as he expanded his perception.

Most Beta-rank mutants could use their elemental perception to "look, hear, and feel" outside the range of their ordinary senses.

As Zed was a fire elementalist, his perception made him "see" things in infrared vision.

If he was an Alpha, his perception could make him see everything in 360, that too with superior details that even the strongest eyes would miss. Even a 4K HD video would pale by miles in comparison to the perception of an Alpha.

Zed discovered a familiar figure radiating an aura of regality.

Stopping his perception, he turned around to really look at the figure standing outside the house.


She looked the same, but her face was paler than he remembered.

She felt his gaze and gave him a gentle nod.

She said no words for greetings as the nod was enough. It was only natural given the relationship they shared despite being mother and son.

Zed looked at her for a long time before letting out a sigh and nodding back.

He then shifted his vision to her side and saw another familiar face, though it was the first time he saw as Zed.

She has fallen asleep in her wheelchair.

There were two more persons behind her – Heather and Leyla.

"You are my guests. There’s no reason for you to stand outside."

Zed said while commanding the sensors in the room to open the door.

Rebecca nodded and stepped in. The wheelchair moved behind her on its own, and the others followed the suite.

"So, what can I do for you?" Zed asked while offering them seats.

"I need a favor."

Rebecca answered without taking a seat. She ran her fingers through her daughter’s long hair.

"And in return, you can ask me for anything... anything you want."

If he wasn’t also Kiba, he wouldn’t have expected this to happen. But since he was, he kind of expected it.

This was the fruition of the events that he caused.

"As you might know, she has been sick since her birth."

Rebecca continued.

"And despite mine and my family’s best attempts, we failed to improve her condition... That was the case until you created that medicine for her."

Zed nodded in understanding.

"You want me to treat her."

"No, I want more than that," Rebecca corrected him. "I want you to give her the true joy of life."

Zed looked at the sleeping Kirstie and sighed.

"My medicine might have worked, but that doesn’t necessarily mean I’m capable of what you believe me to be."

Rebecca didn’t reply like there was no reason to. She looked at him for an answer.

"Ok, I will do my best."

Rebecca smiled as if his answer was obvious.

Heather was pleasantly surprised. Unlike her mistress, she was afraid Zed might refuse. After all, last time, he created the medicine to repay a favor he believed he owned to Rebecca. Now there was no such obligation.

Not to mention, he has already proved how indifferent he was to ties of blood.

Leyla was relieved. She has heard a lot about this brother of the young miss.

Now there was hope.

She was sure he would be able to pull a miracle and do what the family failed to, despite their resources and powers!

Behind, Katherine also sighed in relief. Until now, she was a bit wary that bringing Rebecca here without his permission might offend him and strain their relationship.

Zed turned towards her, and he smiled. The smile was familiar, something that didn’t suit his kind face.

Katherine was an Alpha, but seeing the smile, she felt nervousness in the pit of her stomach. She started turning giddy.

Zed then lightly licked his lips like it was a subconscious moment. Maybe for others it was, but for her, it sent a chill down her spine and caused the nervousness to turn into burning excitement.

"Will you be leaving?" Zed asked.

Katherine gulped.

To the side, Sophia internally prayed for a "no!" She didn’t want to leave so soon, but she couldn’t stay that aloud.

Otherwise, what would Zed think?

"No," Katherine replied what her daughter wanted her to. "I can stay here and help."

Sophia jumped in excitement. She soon controlled herself and internally thanked her mother.

Mom is truly wise! She knows what I wanted!

Alas, she didn’t know Katherine said no for her own sake and not hers...

"That’s good," Zed said politely. "Having another Alpha here would do wonders."

Katherine felt her heart race.


That’s what she wanted.

And that’s why she accepted Rebecca’s request to find a means to make him do wonders... for her!

She couldn’t help but move her perception to the source of the wonders she was seeking.

The one resting in his pants!

She could see the delicious-looking c.o.c.k that was over eight inches in soft form. Her p.a.n.t.i.e.s soaked as she remembered how the hardened form felt.

It could tear even her...and she once again became frightened for her daughter.

"Lady Katherine, are you fine?" Zed waved his hand before her eyes.

"Ah...yes," Katherine snapped out of her trance. She internally cursed herself for behaving like a teenage s.l.u.t!

"That’s good to hear."


After that, Zed invited Rebecca and others to the library. It was filled with over ten thousand books, and Zed walked through the row of shelves before standing before one.

"We should start as soon as possible."

He said while pulling a book. The book was blank, and as he opened it, a virtual interface asked for his energy signature.

He lifted his index finger and pressed on the interface. A crimson spark of fire emerged from his fingertip, causing the temperature in the library to rise exponentially.

The spark entered the interface and disappeared. Zed’s complexion paled a bit as if he has lost vitality.

[[Energy signature matched.]] A mechanical voice emerged from the interface. [[Opening teleportation portal to Section I.]]

"Energy signature... he sure takes precautions!"

Heather thought with her eyes widened as the library distorted to make space for a teleportation portal.

With what her perception told her, even an Alpha would have a hard time fooling the interface. Forget opening the portal to the lab. All that an Alpha could do was wrack destruction and nothing else.


Zed requested Leyla, and the latter gasped before moving. She took her asleep young miss and stepped into the portal.

Rebecca followed along with Heather.

"I have been waiting to check your lab for ages!"

Sophia said while rushing into the portal like a blurred shadow.

Zed and Katherine were the only ones left. He respectfully gestured her to enter.

"Till when would you keep this charade?"

Katherine asked, her face suddenly turning angry.

"Lady Katherine, I don’t understand what you mean."

While saying so, he suddenly grabbed her waist and pinned her to the shelf behind.

His face morphed into that of Kiba, and he spread her legs without giving her time to react.

Katherine was stunned.

"It has been a while."

Kiba said with his signature smile.

"My favorite customer from M.I.L.F. International."

He leaned forward and kissed her on the lips. She accepted it while letting go of the restrictions holding her l.u.s.t.

Kiba lifted the hem of her dress and hooked his fingers into the sides of her p.a.n.t.i.e.s.


Katherine suddenly thought of her daughter. The teleportation portal might restrict perception from either side. Still, if she returned and saw her like this, she would lose everything!

So even though she wanted to swoop and down and take Kiba’s c.o.c.k in her mouth before he entered her cunt...she stopped him from peeling off her p.a.n.t.i.e.s.

"Stop driving me crazy!"

She disappeared from his hold and appeared behind him.

"And answer, when would you let go of this charade?"

Kiba turned to her, his face morphing back into that of Zed.

Katherine gritted her teeth.

This shameless scoundrel!

He was still teasing her by transitioning between his forms!

"You can do anything with me," Katherine started with real fury. "But stop torturing my daughter!"

Zed was surprised.

When has he tortured Sophia?

"Don’t act like you don’t know."

Katherine grabbed him and pinned him to the shelf. The books fell around him, but she didn’t care.

"Don’t know what?"

Zed asked with genuine bewilderment. She has turned into a different woman altogether.

"Sophia’s heart!"

Katherine answered with her fists clenched.

"There’s no way someone like you can’t know what she feels for you!"

Zed’s expression turned serious.

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