
Chapter 709 - Hes a V.i.r.g.i.n!?

Chapter 709 - He\'s a V.i.r.g.i.n!?

Katherine couldn’t believe the development she desperately wanted was finally taking place. She was even more amazed it was Zed who took the initiative. After all, just yesterday, he explained why he wouldn’t take the first step.

Now he has gone back on his decision and took the lead! She didn’t know the reason, but she was glad he did.

He was finally giving Sophia what she d.e.s.i.r.ed.

In the garden, Sophia froze like a startled rabbit as Zed pressed his lips on hers.


At first, his touch was as soft as a feather, but slowly, the pressure increased, strengthened by a passion she couldn’t describe.

Her lips turned moist, and she forgot to breathe.

The sensation was incredible and addictive!

Zed took hold of her face and probed her lips with a flick of his tongue. She felt a current pass through her, and she m.o.a.n.e.d.

Her lips spread open, and Zed delved straight into her with his tongue. Her heart pounded loudly.

His tongue darted left and right in her mouth before coiling around her tongue, causing her to gasp for breath.

It was her first kiss, and she didn’t know how to respond. But one thing was for sure, she didn’t want it to end!

Zed has no intention of stopping either.

He ran his tongue in circles, causing her tongue to writhe and her body to shudder.

His hands c.a.r.e.s.sed her soft cheeks before arriving on her neck, feeling her delicious sweet skin trembling.

She wondered as the warmth inside her body turned into a strange heat and her vision darkened. The heat was numbing her, pushing her into an abyss of p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e she couldn’t describe.

Mom....what’s going on!?

She wanted to ask her all-knowing mother as she saw an explosion of stars in the darkness and began to slip down.

Zed caught her, their mouths not agreeing to part. He grabbed the back of her head and ran his fingers through her lush hair while engaging her tongue in a duel of passion.

She lost, but she didn’t mind and began to breathe through her nose.

In the distance, Katherine gasped.

"Oh, Creator! Their kiss is so hot!"

She didn’t want the kiss to end either, but as over ten minutes passed, the kiss finally came to an end.

Sophia opened her eyes and looked at the ones in front of hers. They were no longer filled with just kindness but also love!

She was pleasantly surprised.

"I had fallen for you the first time we met,"

Zed said sincerely.

"But that was to be expected given your warm personality!"

Sophia gasped.

These words spoken by Zed... it was what she has always wanted to tell him but couldn’t muster up the courage to say!

Now he was saying what she felt for him!

"I love you, Sophia."

Zed continued with a happy smile.

"But I’m not the perfect man you believe me to be. In fact, I’m the opposite---"

She didn’t listen to him after he declared his love for her.

All words after that were unnecessary.

She leaned forward and shut him up with her mouth.

Learning from what he did to her, she slipped her hands on his face and kissed him tightly, showing him just how much she loved him.

"That’s my girl!" Katherine excitedly clapped her hands.

She was finally proud of her daughter!

She was taking the lead and doing what she always lacked the guts to do so!

Sophia slid her tongue out and pressed against his lips.

He opened his mouth, but before she could shove her tongue there, he closed his lips around the tip of her tongue and began to suck it.


Sophia m.o.a.n.e.d, and her back began to arch. Zed freed her tongue, and just as she thought she could rest, he licked her tongue with his.

The heat once again rose in her, and this time she felt the source. It was between her t.h.i.g.hs! She felt wet there despite the rising heat.

But she couldn’t think of this paradoxical phenomenon as all her thoughts were overpowered by the currents of p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e.

She jolted, and a mini-o.r.g.a.s.m exploded inside her.

She trembled, and Zed hugged her, letting go of her mouth to support her. She slipped her arms on his back and allowed the trembling sensation to wash over her.

Whatever it was, she felt safe in his arms.

"Are you alright?" Zed asked after she stopped trembling.

Sophia nodded, and they ended the hug. There was a sudden awkwardness between them, and both fell silent.

"I don’t know much, and I only did what I watched in movies."

Zed suddenly said, startling her.

"So I apologize if I did it wrong."


Sophia was dumbstruck.

He’s again saying what she wanted to say!

Wait... did I hear it right!?

He learned how to please her with that amazing kiss from movies?!

Does that mean he lacks experience?!

Her eyes brightened, and she looked at him. Now that she scanned him, he did appear nervous!

Realizing he was just like her, the nervousness inside her instantly disappeared.

If he, too, was a v.i.r.g.i.n, there was no reason for her to worry!

And even if not a v.i.r.g.i.n, he certainly wasn’t confident in what to do, just like her!

"I was worried for nothing!" She thought while beaming at him.

"Then we can experiment and learn from each other!" Sophia said with a warm smile. She took his hand and gazed into his eyes.

There was no reason to be embarrassed!

Far away, Katherine’s jaw dropped as she heard what Zed said.


She shouted.

If he lacked experience, then who actually had experience?!

And how did thousands of men turned cuckolds!?

Also, if he was a v.i.r.g.i.n, did anyone in this world ever had s.e.x?!

Katherine was furious at him for lying with a straight face. But then her fury disappeared as she saw Sophia and Zed lean together to kiss.

This time they kissed together, with no more nervousness from Sophia.

Their bodies began to rub together as they made out, and Zed grabbed her h.i.p.s, pulling her more closer. She responded eagerly, moving her arms around his neck while dueling with his tongue.

Their tongues coiled before separating, only to lash and lick each other.

Katherine’s breathing paused. She didn’t think the kiss could turn any hotter, but it did!

A forbidden excitement surged deep in her. She couldn’t help but wantonly lick her lips and rub her b.r.e.a.s.ts.

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