
Chapter 498

For the sake of confidentiality, Dio and Eva were responsible of transporting the necessary equipment for Hank as the two of them weren’t necessary for the project. After all the equipment needed for the project has been sent to Hank’s temporary lab, so Dio greeted Scott and prepared to leave.

But when he started the engine of the Jet, a figure suddenly appeared in his co-pilot seat.

“After you are healed, there is a high probability that you will also lose your power. So, I think it was better for you to start using a door like a normal person!” Dio said to Eva.

“That might be hard for me later, but that is if they really cure me!” Eva said worriedly.

“Don’t you believe that they could cure you? You can’t be so pessimistic like this, you know!” Dio said casually.

“It’s not that I didn’t believe them, but it’s hard to trust someone completely when you’ve been disappointed for so many times! If this one fails too, I think my mind wouldn’t be able to take it anymore!” Eva said honestly with a smile on her face.

“Then you should stay positive and keep yourself be happy until they come up with the research results.” Dio said with a warm smile. He didn’t understand the pain she suffered, but he knew that she was a tough person!

“So, where to?” Dio said casually.

“What do you mean?” Eva asked curiously.

“A hotel? Your home? Or wherever, I will drive!” Dio said casually with a smile on his face.

“Your house, maybe.” Eva said flirtatiously.

“I am so sorry, I have a girlfriend.” Dio said with a sorry expression.

“So what? If she doesn’t know, it wouldn’t hurt her.” Eva said still trying to persuade Dio.

“She wouldn’t know, but I will.” Dio said with a smile on his face. The situation got awkward after that as both of them remained silent.

“I am sorry, my life is too short and boring. I just guessed you might be into me somehow, after seeing that you are at least trying to save me.” Eva said with a guilty look on her face.

Dio sighed as he looked into Eva’s sad expression, he knew that Eva wanted to feel alive again, but he couldn’t do that to Wanda. He has promised that he would be loyal to her, so Dio would feel guilty later if he agreed to Eva’s proposal.

“Well, you have Bill who cares about you so much. He already treated you like his own daughter, so you should trust him more like he has always believed in you all this time without reservation.” Dio said with a smile on his face.

Eva let her mind wander for a second and her eyes suddenly became misty.

“You are right. I shouldn’t be so pessimistic about life. Well, if you’re interested in my offer, you know where to find me.” Eva said with a playful smile on her face. She was about to leave by pashing through the door, but after a brief pause and opened the door like normal people.

Dio shook his head and laughed, he would never cash in the opportunity to sleep with Eva as long as he had Wanda by his side.

. . . . . . . . .

Meanwhile in Queens, New York. Peter Parker was holding on his phone, waiting for a call that never came.

“Hi, Happy! This is the report I made today! I stopped a bicycle thief, but I couldn’t find the owner, so I just leave it on the sidewalk with a note. Uhh, I also helped a grandma finding an address. She is from Dominican Republic, you know. She is very nice, and she also gives me a rice cake that she make herself!” Peter said as he ranted about his day.

“Oh, I hope there is a new task from Mr. Stark for me, I will be expecting your call soon, Happy!” Peter said as he ended the voice note. Peter then sighed heavily as he really wanted to do something big, like what they did in Germany before. Dealing with super heroes like Captain America was exciting as he could go all out. But it seemed like Happy ignored his every call right now.

“I am sure they are very busy right now.” Peter said positively. He didn’t want to think that Happy mistakenly gave him a wrong number to call to. Peter grew wary that what he did wasn’t enough, so, he was determined to prove himself even more.

He immediately swung around using his web determinedly, and it didn’t take long for him to discover that the long-awaited big case was waiting around the corner!

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