
Chapter 620

Furthermore, there was nothing he could do either. If he chose to fight against Hela, then he would be sacrificing himself for nothing! But everything wasn’t totally lost just yet. The King of Asgard was still alive! Not Odin the King of Gods, but Thor, the future king of Asgard! But suddenly, a voice kept calling his name from his mind, and a white light suddenly enveloped him. When he saw who it was that was calling his name repetitively, he was surprised!

“Hey, what is the situation on Asgard? I received a transmission from Thor, but it goes offline almost immediately!” Dio said as his image was projected on Heimdall’s mind. Heimdall didn’t waste any time to report the current situation on Asgard as he knew that Dio was the last remaining chance Asgard had! Furthermore, Dio also had the Guardian Badge, meaning that Dio wasn’t an outsider, but one of Asgardians too!

Dio learned that soon after Odin was gone, Hela came and obliterated Asgard’s garrison, defeated Loki and Thor while also destroyed one of Thor’s eyes along with Mjolnir. Dio knew that Hela would massacre the soldiers of Asgard, but this was much worse than what he already expected.

“You mean Odin had already anticipated this situation to happen from long ago?” Dio asked as Heimdall had told him that he received a secret mission from Odin to evacuate the civilians as soon as Odin died. But it did make sense, as nobody knew. Not even Thor and Loki knew where Heimdall went after Asgard had been taken over by Hela! So, Odin already knew that Hela would come and massacre the Asgardians, and thus, he gave Heimdall one last chance to save the Asgardians from the threat of extinction!

“Yes, the Queen is also currently with me, and now Asgard that Hela rules is nothing more than an empty kingdom!” Heimdall said solemnly.

“Why not just give up on Asgard and send everyone else to another planet?” Dio asked curiously. But as soon as Dio asked that question, he immediately knew the answer! He couldn’t just send everyone to another planet out of their own will without exposing the rotting past that Odin tried to cover. There was also a chance that Odin might be hoping that Thor and Loki could somehow win against Hela, and Asgardians didn’t have to leave their homeland!

That was the reason he chose to evacuate the civilian at his last moment! After all, even if the public were worried about what happened on Asgard, they wouldn’t lose faith in the royal bloodlines.

“So, where is Thor? Was he arrested?” Dio asked curiously.

“Prince Thor and Prince Loki escaped, but Hela was too powerful! They failed to escape via the Rainbow Bridge and thus have fallen to the void. Their current whereabouts are unknown!” Heimdall said honestly. Dio immediately frowned after hearing the report. Falling into the void was a dangerous thing to experience, even though Loki has time and time again proven that good luck would increase the survival chance of surviving the void!

Dio knew that Thor and Loki would be just fine, but their whereabouts were the most important thing right now! Did they still fall into Sakaar? Or did they fall into a completely different planet? If they still fell into Sakaar, the plot would continue just fine, but if they fell into another planet, everything would become much more complicated!

“Can’t you see where Thor has gotten himself into?” Dio asked curiously.

“No, the void is a completely random place, so if I don’t know where their coordinate was, then I can’t see them!” Heimdall said solemnly.

“Alright, if Thor were fine, he would try to contact you soon! If that happens, tell me where they are, and I will find a way to get them to Asgard!” Dio said confidently.

“Okay, as long as the Light Guardian Badge is still in your possession, I can find you anywhere!” Heimdall agreed without hesitation. He really hoped Dio would be able to help Asgard. Since both Odin and Thor trusted Dio, he also placed his trust in Dio for now!

“Okay, there is something I have to do now. I will contact you later!” Dio said before closing the transmission. Dio played with the badge for a while before shoving it into his pocket. He didn’t expect something that he didn’t really care about in the past would help him like this!

Dio even wondered, did Odin give him the badge with this in mind? after all, Odin’s reward was too much for just saving his wife and repelling the Dark Elf rebellion, but it didn’t matter right now. He then called everyone and asked them to gather as he wanted to tell them all about Asgard’s situation. He then made a preparation to go to Sakaar to see if he could find Thor there!

After listening to Dio’s explanation, everyone frowned. They know how powerful Thor was, and if Thor were helpless in front of Hela, they wouldn’t be able to do much either! Facing such a formidable foe like this was just hopeless and desperate! But none of them voiced their opinion as none of them wanted to back down on helping Thor!

Nonetheless, Dio didn’t agree that they should come as there was nothing they could help with anyway, so Dio left for Sakaar to find Thor without bringing anyone. He didn’t even bring Wanda with him even though she was frustrated since she wanted to come along!

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