
Chapter 319 Thunder Ram Demon

Chapter 319 Thunder Ram Demon

"BAMMM!" The bullet flew out of the Bamboo rifle that Jin was holding, but even at optimum speed, the bullet could not make a dent on the scales of the Thunder Ram Demon, Keyrin. In the meantime, Keyrin stood there and fired a blast of lightning at Jin from the skies.

Jin barely managed to see the fluttering of snow in time before he took a step back. However, the lightning strike was impactful enough to send Jin flying a few metres away. Meanwhile he transformed his bamboo rifle into a bamboo shield and surrounded it with multiple layers of ice.

Without a surprise, another lightning struck at the place where Jin landed from the knockback impact, but the White Ice made of pure chi did not allow electricity to pass through it. "Holy shit, all hail science. Never would have guessed that it pays to remember something from school."Jin was sweating madly after blocking the electrical attack.

He was taught that Ice was a poor conductor of electricity since it was the salt ions that made water a good conductor of electricity. However, if water with no impurities was present, ice frozen from pure water would not conduct electricity at all. That was exactly the principle he used with his White Ice techniques. His chi that made White Ice did not have any impurities in it at all hence, protecting him from the attack. Nevertheless, the impact of the lightning strike still caused some physical damage to Jin.

"Hmmph, at the very least, this is not as bad as I thought it would be." Jin huffed and puffed as he dodged the next lightning attack while also using the shield coated with barriers of ice for cover.

"What? My strikes are not affecting him at all?" Keyrin was curious what kind of artefact his newest challenger was holding that could stop his strikes. "If one strike is not enough, then several more will do the job!" Keyrin announced his attack as he gathered energy on his curved horns and shot the lightning bolts towards Jin.

"White Ice Petal Barrier!" Jin shouted even though he was moving forward with his enchanted bamboo shield up against the bolts of lightning. Jin figured that since the steppe was covered with snow, he should use the surrounding to his advantage.

It's true that the snow in the surroundings was not pure like his ice, which might only partially block the lightning attacks but impure ice barriers were still barriers and using the natural element did not expend his chi as quickly as a large area pure white ice enchantment barrier.

The snow around him began to flow up and became petals of ice fused with a tiny bit of white ice chi essences and when the lightning pierced through the barrier of petals, the strength of the bolt was lessened significantly which was easy for the primary White Ice Petal Barrier to block.

Jin was finally close enough to attack Keyrin especially when he was the only one on the defensive for such a long time, but Keyrin simply stood there and continued to fire his thunderbolt to counter against Jin.

"Panda Yawning!" Jin opened his mouth to fire a large Ying Yang Beam towards Keyrin and he shot a quick strike of lightning bolt from his horns in return. The interaction of Panda Yawning Beam and the flash of lightning caused a large amount of snow to flutter up to the sky creating a temporary snow screen for Jin.

However, the Thunder Ram Demon was a beast. Slight movements in the air were sufficient for it to detect the presence of an incoming target. "There you are!" Keyrin snorted as he stamped his hooves and thunderous wave blew the snow away while his horns fired a bolt of lightning at the direction Keyrin detected movement.

Only when the snow dust dispersed, Keyrin then realised that it was just a decoy from the campfire. The fake sleeping bag was burnt into crisp, but Jin was nowhere to be found. Suddenly, explosions occurred right beneath him as a blast of blackish fire engulfed Keyrin. It was a compressed spiral box which Jin threw right before the snow dust surrounded inserted them.

At that moment, Keyrin heard a boom from the top of his head and when he looked up, an iron cannonball rapidly fell onto him, causing him to fall to the ground. Jin had made boots capable of boosting him into the air, out of range of the snow dust screen and released a mini parachute that allowed him to float in the air for a while. After which, he changed his bamboo rifle into a bamboo cannon and fired his first shot.

Now that he knew Keyrin was down for a while, he did not hesitate to activate the equipment he had prepared beforehand. From his waist, he took out a detonator and pressed on it immediately. The automated cannons which Jin had set up previously immediately booted up and fired their rounds onto Keyrin which they registered with infrared imaging.

The steppes were suddenly filled with multiple artillery explosions that echoed throughout the mountainous area, scaring all other life forms in the area to get the hell out of the steppes. The impact of the explosion was immense enough to knock Jin away in his parachute from the steppes.

"Nope…he is not captured." Jin looked at his phone and noticed that there was no notification and the automated cannons were running dry of ammunition. Jin managed to land normally on a mountainous area as he quickly reloaded his bamboo cannon while waiting to see the devastation that his multiple cannons did.

Suddenly, a swift shadow burst out of the burning fields and choking smokes towards Jin at a quick speed. It was none other than Keyrin, but his skin was turned to all black with no white at all. "JINNNNNNNNN!" Keyrin roared as he dashed towards Jin with no regards of his life.

"Holy shit, please do not tell me that's rage mode!" Jin was not able to conjure the white ice barrier in time nor change his bamboo cannon into the bamboo shield again.


Keyrin slammed onto Jin's torso so hard that he threw out blood and could feel several of his rib bones breaking. Even his cultivation that increased the strength of his body could not prevent such a thing from happening.

It was the first time Jin felt immense pain causing him to go numb through his entire body. Keyrin was not hesitant to call upon a lightning strike onto the fallen Jin. Not once, not twice but multiple times.

The lightning fell and struck Jin's body continuously causing severe shock and pain. His skin was burning. His eyes felt dry even, and his muscles were not working. "I will strike until you burnt to crisp. Trust me, I will follow through my word."

"User, just imagine you are going through the Heavenly Five Element Tribulation." The System offered some console to Jin.

"NOT HELPING!!!!!" Jin shouted as he tried to stand up but each time he does, he was brought down by another lightning strike.

"Not like this is going to work out well….FUKKKK!" Jin struggled as he pressed the trigger on his cannon that caused an explosion right in front of him. It made him fly but at the same time it literally cost him him a leg since the cannon was aimed downwards.

Keyrin did not expect that and cause a lag in the command of his lightning strike. However, that brief moment was all Jin needed to execute his backup plan.


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