
Chapter 803 Demon Home Guards

Chapter 803 Demon Home Guards

"Stay at the ready!" The Demon Captains handling their platoons shouted as they heard movement coming out of the prison. Even though they were quite confident that the Royal Family would be able to handle whatever threat was in there, they still had to act their part.

Besides, they had been active enough to catch any possible prison escapees that resulted from the Foxes' reckless actions.

The Demon Home Guards entrenched themselves deeply near the gates of the prison by deploying mobile barricades while mages and archers took the high ground on the nearby buildings (Or whatever was left of that in the aftermath of Kraft's Gravity Manipulator device.)

"And here I thought the royalty would put up a fight. It's such a disgrace." Ixa complained as she walked behind Rex.

"I held back just as I promised. It's not my fault they were this weak that you didn't get a good sweat in." Itori hoped that her actions would at least appease her frustrated sister.

"Nah, I do not hold any grudge against you," Ixa said as she pulled Itori closer to her and rubbed the head of her younger sister.

"Looks like the royalty wasn't making empty threats" Kai pointed out as the foxes walked boldly out of the front door of the prison.

What seemed to be the General of the Demon Home Guards stood in front of the foxes. He stared at them for a while and noticed that there was not so much as a scratch on their physical bodies. "No signs of fatigue as well…" The general thought to himself as he removed his helmet and revealed his face beyond the metal plates.

"Vual. General of the Demon Home Guards." A demon with a camel face came forward and introduced himself as he extended his arm for a handshake.

"Rex. The new ruler of the Demon Metropolis." The Panda Remnant came forward happy that at least someone had some common decency.

"I assume you have subdued the entire royalty?" Vual asked, and Rex nodded his head.

"Not really me, my comrades did most of the work." Rex smiled as he looked back, and the rest were ready for a second round.

"I see, then we will step down." Vual nodded his head as he put his helmet back.

"No fights?" Ixel asked. It wasn't meant as a provocation, more the realisation of impending disappointment.

"Since you managed to kill part of the most powerful noble elites in less than the span of half an hour, there is no use to waste my troops against you. Besides, the fact that you came out here of Paradiso without any signs of the Demon Metropolis in ruins indicates that you have far bigger ambitions than simply raiding us." Vual answered and then pointed at Rex's head.

"Also, because of him."

"I am glad you still place reason and logic above emotions." Moloch praised the other party, and Vual chuckled for a bit.

"The Home Guards knows how bad the corruption between the nobles was. While some might be disappointed they never got the chance to fight against 'that traitor Moloch', it is good to see that the Demon Metropolis will be in a pair of better hands, especially if Lord Moloch will act as their advisor."

"I am surprised King Baal had someone this perceptive on his side. Shall I say it was our good fortune you stayed home~? But unlike you, most of the Demon Metropolis might suspect that you are in cahoots with us, if you let us go just like this." Kraft butted into the conversation, as he too hadn't had his fill of carnage. There were still some weapons he could try out.

"And if the Demons lose the respect of their Defence team, it will be hard for you guys to enforce the city despite our common interest of helping turn the Demon Metropolis even grander."

"I hate having to admit that you make sense sometimes." Pei sighed as she digested what Kraft had said. "Although the underlying tone is… never mind."

"General Vual, I do agree with the demihumans here." Moloch decided to use the term demihumans to make it seem that they were also part of the demon community despite their human features. With their ability to change between fox and human form at will, it wouldn't be hard to convince the demons.

General Vual was quite surprised about his ruler's new identity and decided to hear more from the revered Moloch. "We can cover the cost of resurrection for the Home Guards, so do not worry about that."

"What we need right now is an impactful yet civil enough fight so that the people are aware of the strength and ferocity of their new ruler. Killing those royalties without any witnesses would bring bad rumours which will undermine the authority of the new crown." Moloch reasoned.

"Sire, I agree with Lord Moloch's opinion. There would be dissent in the ranks if you just let them go like this. Unlike you, the troops do not have enough war experience to tell the difference between mercy and knowing when to retreat." One of his advisors agreed with Moloch's proposal.

"Very well, it does bring up a good point, especially with the rumours flying around that Lord Moloch was using some forbidden methods to defeat our king." Vual commented.

"…I won't deny that I have made new friends and gained some new powers." Moloch whispered to himself and Rex, who's the only one who had heard it, patted the cotton toy's head and handed him over to Pei.

"As the upcoming King, I have to show who's boss. Can't let you guys have all the fun. Otherwise, they will think of me as just another pencil pusher." Rex stated and told the rest to step back.

"You against the entire Demon Home Guards? You cannot be serious." Vual was in disbelief though the rest were already too excited to see Rex in action once more.

"Wooo! Rex is getting serious! Can't wait to see his real form." Evon was getting excited as he turned into a fox and climbed onto Ixel's broad shoulders. Kiyu followed Evon and did the same by sitting on the other shoulder and cheered for Rex.

"Say, you think he will use his Panda form or his Fox form?" Pei asked Tsu about his opinion.

"If I were him I'd go with the fox form. The Panda is not menacing enough. He won't like getting a nickname such as King of the 'cute killer white bear with black spots' form will he?" Tsu answered as Vual returned to his troops and readied them to attack the group.

The Home Guard General had major doubts that one person alone would have the power to fight against the whole battalion of Demon Home Guards. But considering that he said his comrades had taken care of the royalty, implied that Rex should be stronger than them.

In his life, no one would follow a weaker person than themselves. Thus, he decided to take extra precautions and started sending orders to his officers.

"Listen up! Demons of the Metropolis' Home Guards!" Rex's voice was imbued with chi enabling him to reach every single demon in the vicinity. "I have struck a deal with your General! It will be you lot against me alone. If I win, I expect you to offer me your loyalty to serve without question. If I lose, I hereby solemnly swear to abdicate myself from the throne and never disturb the peace of Demon Metropolis."

"This will also be a match for the entire city to learn that the once exiled Lord Moloch has returned! He came back to retake the city so that his King can wake up from his nightmare! When I win, the ugly truth shall be exposed, and we will move on to improve the Demon Metropolis!" Rex said, and many assumed that the demihuman was only saying words that would bring him down. Some laughed at his absurd condition of one versus many.

Yet, the General was calm enough to get his troops under control and ordered them to get ready once more. The troops obey fiercely, and Kraft could see that the defensive formation was rock solid....to invaders other than the foxes.

"Huh, if only they brought this General to the battlefield, then perhaps their losses would not be that significant." Kraft thought to himself as he appreciated and pitied the entire battalion for ending up as Rex' stepping stones.

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