
Chapter 810 Breakfast With The Snakes - Part 3

Chapter 810 Breakfast With The Snakes - Part 3

"I know it's ironic to say this since we are talking about your report, but we are off work… So, you do not need to be so formal." Jin did not know how to react to Su Zhen's overtly polite manners, especially when all of them had been rebellious towards him up until now.

"We are all her uncles in the Royal Snake Clan. Unlike you, the upcoming Branch Manager of JODE, she had been taught to respect you more than us. Her mother demanded it so." Kan Jian was gleeful over Jin's helplessness.

"One day they were rebellious and the next, they were too well mannered. The situation stinks." Jin thought to himself.

"Sorry, Branch Manager." Su Zhen once again apologised politely for her 'proper' etiquette, but Jin vaguely suspected that it was actually sarcasm, and she was taking this opportunity to make fun of him.

"Ah, whatever. Just tell us what exactly you saw." Jin told her, and Su Zhen proceeded to tell everyone at the table about her experience. Although her food was served quite promptly, she never touched anything and continued until her report was completed.

"I personally believe this is not the time for politics, and both provinces should be aided equally." Su Zhen said, and the rest kept quiet for a while.

Even Jin who barely got into this business knew that this was wishful thinking from her part. Upon experiencing the Rat Triad himself, he knew that it was everyone for themselves and the 'good guys' could only do so much while the rest fought amongst themselves about whoever got a bigger piece of the pie.

"We will do what we can. Su Zhen, please eat your breakfast. It's getting cold." Hou Fei reassured the Snake Clan's newest Demon Exorcist.

"It's okay, I do not wish to burden you at the big men table for too long. Please continue your discussions without me." Su Zhen prepared to take her leave, and Jin did not stop her. He knew how uncomfortable it would be to sit beside someone you had to respect out of courtesy than be respectable at someone you admire.

"She is not an easy person to work with, but she's a nice lass. That is if you get to know her more." Chen Lai praised her to Jin as if he was doing some matchmaking procedure rather than for work purposes.

"Gah, why is everyone introducing me to someone as if I have to get married quickly so that I won't die alone by the end of the year?" Jin thought to himself.

"Probably because integrating User in the Royal Snake Family will certainly boost their reputation. They have recognised your abilities and believe it would be beneficial for them in the long run. System would like User to be cautious so as to not get influenced by them."

"Yet if User really does like Demon Exorcist Su Zhen, System takes back the advice. As long as there is a baby at the end, it's Users choice who to end up with."

"…. You just want someone to inherit the System and continue my work." If Jin ever found out that the System had a physical entity, he was itching to beat the crap out of it.

"Affirmative. Thus far, User's work has led to positive growth in the System's capabilities. According to the numbers, a 2nd generation should be able to even further increase this positive trend. Naturally, the more potential candidates there are, the better. Nevertheless System is somewhat grateful."

"Somewhat. Wow. After all I've done, you are just 'somewhat' grateful."

"System believes User would prefer words more than statistical percentages to the amount of gratitude the System has in you."


"Jin, you listening? Or you are in your mind thinking about our Su Zhen already?" Boon Tiong snapped his fingers rudely at Jin when he was having a conversation with the System and staring into blank space and the others enjoyed teasing the little boy in the room.

"Oh! Sorry! No. I was just thinking about the Bone Spirit Monkey Demons that Su Zhen mentioned." Jin was quick enough to come up with an excuse.

"Tsk, you are not being honest to yourself. Hahahah!" Hou Fei teased as he realised that the System must have been having a chat with Jin.

"Any idea to quell such demons? They sound to be more difficult than the Demon Army you created." Chen Lai asked for conversation sake and to move that sensitive topic away from Jin.

"Not really. Besides, my advice would be useless since you guys are the true experts in the field of annihilating large threats. I will, however, send a report to Grandma Yuan and see what she says about it. Maybe, I can convince her to send some people to assist against the incoming Monster Horde." Jin said even though he already knew that Grandma Yuan does not have any idea about those Bone Spirit Demons. It was just a way to get them off his back for the moment.

"Actually, I already did that with Su Zhen's mother. Sorry to bypass the chain of command in your area of expertise but this is an emergency." Hou Fei stated that this was not a joking matter to him nor the people of Huizhou and Dongguan. Since Su Zhen's mother was the COO of the JODE organisation, the report should be able to reach the Chancellor faster than via Jin or his alleged mentor.

"Oh and eh, don't worry. I did say you were with the young ones when she queried why Su Zhen was fighting in the enemy lines… Also told Su Zhen to collaborate for that lie and she felt a little guilty upon learning that you were covering them for their… let's say initiative and curiosity to find out more about the truth." Hou Fei informed him via the System Channel since it was still a secret between the two of them. "But hey, they all came back safe and sound, and that's what's important!."

"Sigh… no wonder she was unable to look me in the eyes, unlike the previous times. I understand. I will take responsibility for my 'words' and actions."

"Attaboy. Sorry to put you in such a predicament." Hou Fei apologised to him via the System Channel. "So, if things go well, the Demon Exorcists might be reinforcing the Royal Horse arses since JODE's chancellor is their clan's puppet and we can focus on cooperation with the Tigers."

"Hahah, this is the General Hou Fei we know and love. Even though you hate your enemy, you still send them aid." Kan Jian smiled at the news.

"We cannot allow ourselves to steep as low as the Royal Horse Clan, right? Besides Su Zhen's right, not all the Horses are black horses." Boon Tiong agreed that this was the best course of action to avoid conflict while keeping the peace between different battalions.

"Then if the Royal Battalions are in, will the normal part of the erm China Armed Forces come in to help?" Jin was a bit confused since he had always viewed them as one big organisation."

"After learning this much, we will probably not be using the people's army for battle, especially if the Monster Horde could be so dangerous. I believe the governors of Huizhou and Dongguan will use the local troops to evacuate the city if necessary." Kan Jian theorised, and the rest seem to agree to it.

"Yea, Tiger Head Yuan Ba also said that he would deploy police forces on that day to expedite the evacuation if necessary, from Shenzhen and Huizhou." Hou Fei added and realised Jin could not keep up.

"The police…is yet another field of politics. Let's just say that Yuan Ba is one of the co leaders for our local day to day protection services."

"I am more surprised that your Snake Clan's Head seems to leave everything to you to settle." Jin wondered, and the rest chuckled.

"Yet another layer of politics within the Snake Clan. Our Head dislikes getting out in the public too much, so that is why it feels as if Hou Fei is handling almost everything. And most of the public knows why…hopefully you too." Boon Tiong said, and Jin laughed bitterly.

"How can I not know? After all, snakes are infamous for their intelligence services." Jin replied.

"Yes, intelligence 'services'." Hou Fei said with an annoyed face although his mouth betrayed him as it was showing a smirk.

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