
Chapter 833 Why Cant I Return to Normal?

Chapter 833 Why Can't I Return to Normal?

"User, System noted that the sweep for the Monster Horde has turned for the worse." The System reported as it popped a side screen in the Dungeon Maker for Jin to view while not distracting him too much from the actual job.

"I understand, but like I said that is not our priority at the moment. As much as the lives of my world matter, without our intervention the people in the farming world don't have a fighting chance against them. At least the civilians in those regions have the Royal Zodiacs to protect them. These Farming People will only get slaughtered if they are left unprotected." Jin argued to the System (or was it for himself?) as he was replicating a few dungeon instances for the cultivators.

He had considered about calling for yet another Emergency Raid Event to deal with the Demon Rats of the Farming World, so he could concentrate on the Monster Horde. But Jin believed he had stretched that a little too thin already after having had two consecutive raids. Even normal Dungeon Suppliers would not recommend cramming so much content in unless they really had a crazy amount of customers.

That was why he was making another 'normal' dungeon instance. As normal as it could be called seeing as it would trap these Demon Rats inside now that the System had a higher processing capability.

"While System agrees with that decision, the bulk of User's business currently stems from your own world. If the crisis were to extend to your province, it would definitely affect User's incoming profit." The System stated blatantly.

"But we have already mitigated that with the Pandapolis and New Adventurer's Town, right? Heck, we can theoretically move to another province or country if the need arises. We do not necessarily have to stay in Shenzhen." Jin reasoned that there was not much to worry about.

Besides, he strongly believed his country was resilient enough that it could recover in a matter of weeks from a bit of destruction. Maybe that would potentially revitalise and boost the economy as well.

While it seemed as if Jin was not taking it so seriously as compared to when he first started out, the System understood that Jin wasn't exactly wrong.

It could have complied to its User and moved on, taking care of the business in the Farming World and subsequently establishing a foothold in their Northern Region. And when the time was right, they could still send in Jin and the bellators to reduce the horde size.

It was theoretically a win-win proposal for the System and Jin. However, that was no longer the case.

"User, the System has found evidence that agents of the Banned Emperor factions are within the Monster Horde operating them. The situation is as Panda Remnant Hou Fei has feared. This is a case of domestic terrorism." The two words Banned Emperor were enough for Jin to break his usual concentration and looked at the screen at the side of his interface.

"Agents of the Banned Emperor…?" Jin asked and the System affirmed by throwing out a picture which one of Que Er's magpie had taken with its magic eye surveillance. The picture was clear despite having tree branches in the way and blocking some of his features. However, his face was definitely uncanny to Jin. "Why does that person look so familiar…"

"There is a 99.87% probability that this is the very same assassin that has nearly succeeded in taking the life of Royal Zodiac Tiger Head Yuan Ba." The System reported as it projected another picture which it had taken in the Stadium during the assassination attempt against the Tiger Lord and put it next to the first one.

"But I thought the police had arrested him? How did he manage to? Huh?" Jin was confused though he could see that the assassin's face was even more distorted now. He had a few new scars on his face and neck, which had yet to heal compared to his old picture.

"System has a few theories, the most likely cause being that he might have broken free with help from the inside and escaped. It is impossible for someone to get out on bail for nearly taking the life of someone of Yuan Ba's position." The System stated, and now Jin understood how this would concern him on a more personal level.

"So, you are showing me this because…" Jin wanted to ensure that he was on the same page as the System.

"Because the System has much reason to believe that the assassin will not leave your life intact after the ordeal he had been through. If the Monster Horde could potentially shred half the Royal Horse Battalion in less than two hours, the System predicts that the Monster Horde could run through Dongguan and Huizhou and head for Shenzhen."

"And that would also fulfil their objective of ruining the cities, eh?" Jin asked as he slammed his head on the table. "Wonderful."

"System has detected sarcasm in the last word spoken."

"Why am I involved in this Banned Emperor nonsense?! You are supposed to be just a System that would help me become the number one dungeon supplier in this world." Jin grumbled a little.

"With great power comes great responsibility." The System retorted.

"Hah! More like signing a contract without getting a chance to read the terms and conditions. Can I call Xiong Da to get you out of my life right now?"

"And lose all this power, prestige, comfort and luxury?" The System questioned.

"Hmmm, why not? Get a normal job with standard working hours and hopefully find a nice, caring wife too." Jin literally did not want to continue. What were the odds of a Monster Horde breaking out and being controlled by a faction which he never wanted to get involved with?!

"Your lineage forbids you from doing that."

"ARGGGHH!!" Jin scratched his head and fumbled his hair up in frustration, somehow hoping that it would help him get out of this nightmare.

"How long do we have?" Jin asked as he felt like he was on a time-sensitive mission once more.

"Dongguan's walls might break soon because of the Royal Horse Battalion incompetence. However, the Demon Exorcists, including Grandma Yuan are on-site, assisting people with evacuation. Unlike Huizhou which the Tigers and Snakes have prepared sufficiently, Dongguan is the weakest link of this whole equation."

"Yun." Jin immediately called the System's assistant into the Dungeon Maker the moment he heard Yuan was there. "Protect Grandma Yuan with your life. Knowing her, she is definitely too stubborn to run away and is going to fight the enemy to the best of her ability. However, since we know that there are Banned Emperor Assassins out there, their dantian corruption poison could prove fatal to her. I don't want to risk her life. Teleport her away to the Dungeon Maker if need be. We cannot let the Banned Emperor terrorists take away our prized grandmother's life!"

"But the way you say it… Seems like you just activated her death flag." Yun frowned with her arms folded.

"Then plug that flag out of her. It's an absolute order." Jin pleaded. "I will deal with the Farming World as fast as I can and return to assist."

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