
Chapter 906 Demon Rats Elimination Proposal - Final

Chapter 906 Demon Rats' Elimination Proposal - Final

"I will do my best to help whenever possible and try to minimise the casualties. I am part summoner, part necromancer so we can at least try to help those who survive by offering them a second chance… even if it is under the System. I can only do so much." Jin said out, and his minions nodded their heads in agreement.

They knew that his control could be even more authoritarian, but he chose not to enforce it. There might still be some subtle influencing and indirect brainwashing from the System, but most of them could see that Jin was doing for the betterment of their lives. His actions spoke enough to allow Rex to regard this new master of his in a better light.

It did remind him when Panda Lord Zhou Lin ruled over the Panda Clan way before his resurrection and subsequent insurrection. But his former master had it easy. The Panda Clan had still been intact, and he had wealth and power to boot.

Unlike Zhou Lin, Jin literally started from scratch. The System he inherited had been in shambles, and yet somehow the dungeon supplier had managed to persuade the old relics to follow him rather than to control him.

While he had received some financial support from it, especially in the form of loans whenever he expanded, it amounted to nothing compared to the almighty trove of wealth that the Panda Conglomerate was famous for. Other Users who had a better System capability squandered it needlessly and subsequently gave up or died because of selfish reasons.

"So what are you going to do?" Rex asked.

"I will do my best… to follow the plan Qiu Yue has designed." Jin apologised for interrupting.

"Ahem, where was I? Oh yes. As I was about to say to counter their explosive growth, my Sub System has built up a multipronged approach to this delicate matter." Qiu Yue continued as she fiddled with her phone a little and a hologram of the Northern Region emerged in the middle of the conference table. Minion Leaders sitting at the side of the room immediately stood up so they could have a view of the hologram while the rest at the table squeezed a little to have a better view of it.

"Based on a predictive analysis of their supposed growth and building patterns of the hideouts, we have determined that there are over a hundred caves and camps that we need to raid." Qiu Yue said.

"Normally, doing that should be impossible. Even if we had enough soldiers to cover the ground, the enemies would suspect something amiss." General Nubwort voiced some concern, and everyone who possessed some experience in military leadership agreed on this point.

"But we aren't some normal army, right?" Wyrstriker smirked, and everyone knew they were going to depend heavily on teleportation and sudden strikes against the camps and caves.

"Yeah, you all got the idea. This plan is a little bit outdated since the Sub System only took into account of our forces prior to the Demon War. With the fresh troops that boosted our numbers by more than half, it will definitely ease up on certain restrictions." Qiu Yue nodded as she quickly amended the numbers, hoping the Sub System could give them a rough overview.

The hologram changed a little, and the percentage of success increased substantially on certain locations because of a blanket increase of numbers.

"Now, this is where I need your help. Although not all the military leaders are here, there is enough expertise in this room to give me some recommendations."

"The Night Foxes and me won't be participating since we have already agreed to help with the Demopolis Raid against the Triads." Kraft raised his hand to speak out his objection. "Though, I don't mind coming in personally to wreak some havoc if Jin asks nicely."

"You have the gall to make demands? The last time you said you would help out, that foxy ass of yours suddenly disappeared." Moloch reminded him not so subtly.

"Hmm? Was I supposed to let our precious Master suicide? Besides, didn't a certain Cotton Butt boasted that it was so easy peasy for him?" Kraft slowly leaned forward over the table and stretched out his arm to grab the unruly plush minotaur.

"Enough you two. We are here to give input. Do not make this meeting a waste of time." Rex chided his brother-in-arms and Kraft tsked before he quietly returned to his chair where he resumed being lackadaisical to the discussion.

Everyone except the Foxes was flabbergasted to witness that there actually was a person around who could hold the crafty fox's leash.

"Are you going to bring cultivators into the fight?" Lynn questioned both her Boss and fellow Sub System User, which caused them to look at each other. However, Qiu Yue let Jin take the stage to answer that question.

"I was planning to do that. However, the 'dungeon' setting will be focused on them attacking the capital instead of the caves and hideouts. I initially wanted them to do the reverse and have our minions attack Rat's city instead… but I realised the coordination would be too much of a hassle for not just me but the overall coordinating group and tacticians handling them." Jin replied.

"I agree with that course of action. To put it frankly, I think we have been holding their hands a bit too much during the Demon War Defence too." Qiu Yue added. "Nevertheless, it is partially our fault since the Pandapolis was at stake, which is why we had to be a little uppity on controlling their battle movements."

"They did put up a manageable fight against the free for all, especially the Pandawans." General Nubwort commented. "Though I do admit that their standard was really terrible if we had not stepped in to help them. Especially in the latter parts."

"Fortunately there were a lot of them, and they are definitely better than the average humans from our world and the Farming World's." Flame Ripper said which annoyed Gold a little.

"Hey, it can't be helped. Most of our humans are not soldiers to begin with. We have been forced to fight because of these rats. Before this infestation started, all the fighting had been handled by the soldiers like the guys from Northern Bulwark. And we only had the showing force to deter and not experience to back it up." Gold spoke with some temper in his words, and Weslie attempted to calm him down.

"Oh, sorry about that." Flame Ripper apologised quickly.

"Alright, calm down people. After this meeting, I will be creating an event to suit the Capital attack. With us now on the offensive, our customer's objective will be to bring down as many rats as possible, wearing them down while we occupy ourselves by freeing the smaller towns that are still under the control of the Demon Rats. This way, the capital should not be able to respond to our skirmishes while we have the chance to cut off supplies to and from their main capital." Jin decided, and everyone agreed that it was a viable plan.

After which, the entire group of minions crowded around the hologram and started to give their input on their monster group's capabilities, and Qiu Yue began assigning the workload based on the All-Out Attack Plan that they were making.

Finally, after multiple counts of defending the Farming World inhabitants, it was really time to get the plan up to go on the offensive so they could make preparations for a swift and impactful strike against the Demon Rats.

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