
Chapter 1033: Discussion of Demopolis City Raids

Tsu and Kai, along with their little spies in training, had been gathering information on the fly, which had also been complemented by several Home Guards. They were keeping the reconnaissance and information gathering to only a handful of people mainly because Tsu was convinced that there were moles in the Police department too. It would take time to purge the moles within the police department and doing so before the raid might scare the other Mafia Bosses away.

Still, Rex believed that Jin had enough manpower in his hands to perform such a feat on his own. Especially with Night Foxes, the combat team under the direct command of Kraft, who had been tasked to do this raid, he was confident they could pull a strict operation that would execute all mafias and triads within the city premises.

However, they were not going anywhere or doing any operation without the System's guidance. Even with the System being acknowledged into the Dungeon Core, the System had been jam-packed with all kinds of other priorities, which was why it had placed the complete integration of the cities surveillance at the back end.

Demopolis was not like Pandapolis where security cameras and sensors had been placed all over the place. In order to aid the System, the Home Guards who were in sync with the System's command had been quietly acting as repairmen to rectify that, putting up security cameras on magic power points, (similar to electrical poles). Additionally, they had also installed a mini power dock as well as an ongoing magical circle that held the Magic Eyes which the System had been using for the Dungeon Instances.

With the magic power points consistently supplying power, the Magic Eyes could be deployed at any time and this would give the operation a few more pairs of 'eyes' to monitor the situation around the Demopolis. That way, it was easier for the System to view the area and provide recommendations to the headquarters which was situated in the Royal Palace.

Other than that, the Home Guards had also been receiving training along with the Night Foxes to make sure they were in sync when it came to orders and commands. By pushing their bodies to the limits so that they could perform better in operations. Additionally, they were taught how to use the newer specialised ranged weapons. Although educating a group of spearmen to hold guns and expect them to operate as a platoon of modern military soldiers would be too much to ask.

Many of them felt ...exposed, for the lack of a better word. Instead of the bulky armour they had grown used to, they were given black military-grade coats with defence inscriptions imbued into them. It was hard for them to believe that the little fabric was indeed stronger than any sort of metal they could be wearing. To demonstrate the effectiveness, one of the Night Foxes fought barehanded with a platoon of Home Guards armed to the teeth. The Dark Elf in question was none other than Narris who had assisted Jin with the search of the Nine Oceans Phoenix.

She managed to fend off most of the attacks and evaded a majority of them too but because of the squad's superiority in numbers and the restriction of only fighting barehanded without any use of magic, Narris got wounded quite a few times. However, those slashes and pierces had been softened by the defence inscription inbuilt into the military-grade overall. It was only then the Home Guards had started to trust what Rex and the other Foxes had been providing them.

The day after the Mafia Boss's visit, all of the Foxes had gathered at a table in the palace to go over their plans on how to best upgrade the Demopolis to be as modern as Pandapolis. Chief on the agenda were the many revisions in the city plans that had been made. From removing the slums to a major revamp to their infrastructure.

However, to do these major reworks required a lot of money and Demopolis was not exactly a city of trade. They had been relying on raiding others with the army that they once possessed and with nearly more than half of their elites in Jin's possession, it was simply not possible to do so.

Thus, reeducation was a major factor in the plans of rebuilding Demopolis.

Kraft did contemplate to simply perform a mass brainwashing session and give them the skills required for various jobs, but not only would it be straining for the Original Fox Bellator to do so, but more importantly… he would get quickly bored of it. He might train one or two out of boredom but after that, Rex believed he would not bother to do so any more. If anything it would be better to convince the crafty fox into teaching some of the Night Foxed how to perform such a complex brainwash in case they would go with his plan.

The Foxes had been shamelessly copying from Jin's World. From the various policies ranging from education to the way of transportation, the foxes had studied all things related to their job scope to assist Rex in governing the Demopolis. It might be awfully tedious to certain foxes but most of them knew from experience what it was like not to have a basic implementation of a modern city.

"It's easy to say we will change the lives of these people, but to do so will require a tremendous amount of work," said Rex during their progress reports.

"It might not be perfect, but at the very least, we are doing this for the experience. That way, if things do improve, we can leave it to the locals and use our knowledge for the real world whenever Jin decides to take over the government." Evon mused and the others chuckled a little.

"What? You guys don't think he would be part of it? He already revealed himself to be a legitimate clan as recognised by the world's Godly Representative. It's only a matter of time and we will reach there." Evon insisted and Rex shook his head.

"Honestly, I don't think he really needs to govern China. He already has a major ecosystem via the dungeon instances, these dungeon world cities under him and now the Southern Region as his puppet state. That is already way more than what any one of those 12 traitor clans could ever have." Pei commented that he had much on his plate and there were so many things to do. From slowly improving each and every city and now even a state, he simply would not have time anymore to handle his store.

"I have a feeling that our master is unfortunately not too different from Brother Kraft. After a while, he might just pass that baton to other people and concentrate working on his dungeon supplier job. After all, he did reveal he wanted to do a Virtual Reality Network, no? All these cities, if they are truly established as strongholds, they would be providing money and resources to create the Virtual Reality Network." Rex remarked.

"Nah! I think he would still accidentally stumble into something and end up being part of his possession. Even if he is trying hard to not get involved in the politics of China, I think he will just get dragged into, as if the fates would want him to be in that. Don't forget if we realise the Virtual Reality Network, he would become as big as the western companies Mooogle and Banana Inc." Evon sighed.

"Enough chatter. Let's continue with the boring stuff and then we can get back to the raids. According to the System, Jin has more or less settled the stuff in the Southern Region and he has made time to put some focus on the City Raids. He wants to know if we think it's possible to integrate his customers in this particular raid." Pei mentioned and Rex nodded his head.

"Yes, that might be useful. That blabbermouth told us that those mafias do have a stronger hold on this city than we had anticipated. Ever since that stupid bat had been controlling King Bael their control had increased. There will definitely be clashes and we might need to rescue the civilians on a massive scale." Tsu said and told Pei to procure sufficient medical supplies for the hospitals for when the fighting started.

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