
Chapter 1089 - Seven Cities Assault -Part 8

Chapter 1089 - Seven Cities Assault -Part 8

As the Northern Invasion of Demopolis progressed, the other three Cities had pushed their Naval Fleets from the southern borders. Eun City, Lebar City and Kemban City who specialised in their naval strength believed that they had sufficient firepower to storm the tip of the Demopolis peninsula and get the trophy of conquering the city.

Their perceived position strengthened further as their naval scouts confirmed there was only one sole ship standing against the might of three naval fleets. A number of the captains and even their Admirals were laughing through the magical balls communication system, stating Demopolis’ audacity to send just one large ship against multiple fleets.

"If they think size is the only thing that matters, those demons would be sorely mistaken. Our overwhelming numbers would crush them!" One of the infocomms goblins were mimicking the way the captains were talking as they type out the conversation they intercepted into their computers.

"The Demopolis Home Guards must be too busy handling the infighting within their own city and could not provide sufficient numbers for a naval defence. Who knows? Maybe this ship could be practically empty! Just a mere show of force with its size!" The Naval Admirals of the three cities continued to exchange their insults over Demopolis ’lack of preparation’ and the infocomms teams merely transcribed whatever they said as part of their war report.

While there was quite a lot of idle chattering within the channels of the magical balls, the goblins had managed to sieve through all the useless information and obtained their sh.i.p.s’ positions. Those positions were sent through the magical ball communication channel to coordinate with their Mothership, thus leaking the current speed and bearings of their sh.i.p.s and giving the infocomms goblin team to plot out the entire naval fleets without the capability of a satellite.

The System might have an idea of their location because they were passing through Demopolis grounds but because it was covered in sea, the data was best correlated with the information the infocomms goblin picked up and performed adjustments to portray the most accurate data on the war table digital map.

And with the updated information being constantly projected in the War Table’s holographic map, the System would send it to the relevant parties to keep them within the loop of the enemies’ position. That included Lord Wolte who had already transformed into Stalingrad and Mr Derpy who was swimming right beneath the infamous ship that protected the seas of Pandapolis. And with the simultaneous feed from the System, Lord Focalor who now’s the captain of Stalingrad used the updated coordinates to adjust Stalingrad’s cannons to the biggest fishes in the sea.

The Mothersh.i.p.s of the three naval fleets.

As for the rest of the smaller sh.i.p.s, Lord Focalor had already engaged Stalingrad’s newest targeting system which could smartly aim almost all of them. Those sh.i.p.s that were not targeted by the big cannons, had been allocated two surface to sea missiles from Stalingrad’s missile compartments. But because of the sheer numbers, only the back row had been currently targeted so the invading naval fleets could not retreat.

"I finally understand how it feels to be in power. All these digital instruments might seem overly complicated but once we are able to target them, I feel a surge of adrenaline passing through me." Lord Focalor thought to himself, thinking how amazing it was to be able to pilot such an almighty vessel. He also ordered his sailors to prepare the launch as they awaited the three naval cities to shoot first. (After all, this was just for the pretence to subsequently attack their cities.)

And with the inactivity from Stalingrad, it did not take long for Eun City’s Mothership to begin turning to its portside and readied her guns. The rest of the sh.i.p.s began to follow suit but as they turned, Eun City’s Mothership had decided to fire their first volley of cannon shots. It was as if they wanted first blood to be theirs since there was no use wasting time not destroying the chunk of metal looking ship.

The Naval Admirals collectively thought it was pretty menacing to have a huge metal ship, but they all believed the clunkiness of the ship made it a white elephant in the sea. Not to mention the amount of manpower needed to create it and the materials utilised. One of them even deduced that the gigantic metallic ship could have potentially exhausted one entire iron mine. (or in their case, a dungeon filled with iron resources.) Also, being able to let it float was already an engineering miracle in their eyes and they wanted to have a sample of the ship once the war was over.

And since their sh.i.p.s were made out of aged wood, they were faster and more agile. Hence, they believed that they should fire first and fast since the admirals deduced that Stalingrad would probably sink in their volleys of attack. A few thought the metal sheet might break with a few hits else it would be too heavy to float and the majority did deduce it wrongly causing them to miscalculate, requiring more time to bring it down. Regardless, the cities collectively believed that their overwhelming numbers would be sufficient to bring such a metal whale down.

Lebar City was not lagging behind in terms of attack as they used their mages to summon meteors from the sky and dropped them right above the titan metal ship. Since they could not see the deck of the metal ship, they hoped that it would be made out of wood so their meteors would have a significant impact in damaging their ship. Their admiral assumed that there was no way the entire ship could be made out of metal.

As for Kemban City, they merely waited at the sidelines since their expertise were their men. Similar to Bodek City, Kemban City’s naval fleet was based on raiding strength. This was because both of their cities shared borders and there was a close relationship among the two cities’ people. (and Church’s serums) Their objective was to charge through the fort, breaking them with their ram sh.i.p.s while their men charged in to slaughter those puny demons.

Yet, all that sound of incoming fire was like a sweet song to Lord Focalor as he pushed the microphone button to tell the respective weapons department two words.

"Weapons Free."

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