
Chapter 1330: Wake Up Call

Chapter 1330: Wake Up Call

As the sun rose up, there might be fewer Pandarens fighting near the Outer Wall Camp but the Royal Zodiac Snake soldiers were committed to keeping the defences of the camp itself. This enabled the Pandarens to rest at ease if they continued to stay in the 'raid instance' since duration was a way to earn points as well.

However, an unannounced train came which the Royal Zodiac Snake Soldiers were not aware of. It did not ping through the Pandamonium App nor was informed by their superiors that were currently in control of the Outer Wall Camp's respawn crystal.

"Do not be wary. You all should know by now that the Demon Rats do not have such a capability to portal a vehicle much less a train stopping right beside you." A Panda Masked user came out from the engine room to address their concerns.

A few of the veteran soldiers who had been in the past raids knew that mask very well and told the rest to stand down. But they were curious about what was carried by the train since there were no passenger cabins and all it pulled was storage carriages.

As if the Panda User seemed to be reading the atmosphere of the place and the soldiers' curiosity, he immediately pushed a button, allowing all the storage carriages to open up and the sight alone was more than enough to awe the guards within his vicinity.

"Let's just say that it's a present for you guys who had been fiercely fighting for the past night. The sponsor understood that a boost in progress would be appreciated." The Masked Panda User added but the soldiers were ignoring him, all of them focused on looking at the opened storage carriages.

Multiple missile launchers were packed in those carriages and with the Panda User's command, all of them were activated and started to turn to aim towards the direction of the Inner Wall of the Northern Capital. The number of missile launchers that were present was almost equivalent to twenty missile trucks all armed and loaded.

"Alright, without much further ado, let's do a wake up call to the Demon Rats." The Panda User said after he felt ignored and quickly got on with the action before jumping down from the Outer Wall Camps and subsequently disappearing in the midst of the new chaos.

The missile launchers which were aimed towards the Inner Walls started their barrage all at once which scared a few of the Pandarens that had no idea what was happening as well as the few who stood too close to see the missiles in action. The soldiers who already realised what was going to happen tried to shoo the bystanders away but since the launchers started almost immediately the moment they were activated, there was little to no time to take cover from it.

So, all they could do was try to take cover by going into a prone position and slowly get out of the way of those missile launchers. After which, they crawled and cleared the area so that no one got hurt from the barrage of missiles. (Either from the sound, the heat of the launchers as well as possible accidental backfire.)

However, those Pandarens who were far away from the launching site could see the fierce bombardment of attacks against the Inner Wall's magical barrier. It was initially used to reduce the damage from the artillery guns from the human's Outer Wall Camp and had been reinforced since they did artillery bombardments on an hourly basis to continue the pressure. Yet, they did not expect such an immensely strong wave of attacks near the dawn of the second day of attack when most of their Demon Rats were resting or changing shifts. It was as if the humans knew their routines when they initiated their attack or it was a damn lucky coincidence that they managed to time it to the dot for the change in shifts.

The Demon Rat mages who were maintaining the shield through a remote magic circle were killed instantly since their mana was burnt out almost immediately trying to deflect the attack but the missiles that Jin had purchased were packed filled with high grade explosives. (They merely added more volatile chemicals into the mix and compressed it.) In addition, he made sure that the missiles were also inscribed with explosive inscriptions so that they would be deadly enough to bring the Inner Wall down.

The reserve Demon Rat Mages tried to resume the magic barrier via the remote magic circle but the moment they connected to recreate the barrier, one missile alone was enough to decimate the barrier once again, killing the reserve mages. After which, the only word that the onlooking Pandarens could describe as hell.

Some of the Demon Rats were able to accurately destroy a few of the missiles with their anti air capabilities but it was like removing a few drops of water from an incoming tsunami. The missiles destroyed almost everything they touched and surely broke the Inner Town Walls. The only serendipitous thing that the Demon Rats believed was that only the 1st layer of Inner Town Walls could still rely on the second and third walls. Thus, the Demon Rat Guard leaders commanded the soldiers to start putting up temporary defences again.

The Royal Zodiac Snake Soldiers also thought that the barrage of missiles would have been done when the launchers finally finished their volley and were smoking. But they were dead wrong as random automaton arms started to appear from the storage carriages and started picking up fresh new missiles right underneath the carriages and reloading the missile launchers. When they were fully loaded, they readjusted their angle a little before continuing to shoot once more.

When the surviving Demon Rats scouts saw the very scene they saw initially, they quickly shouted for the retreat while running away for their lives. There was no time to collect the charred dead bodies as the rats tried to save their own to live for another hour.

However, one thing was for sure. The second and third layers of walls were coming down too.

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