
Chapter 1382 Western Tunnel

Now that the Demon Rats had stepped up their game, Jin was also not holding back any longer. "Gold, Weslie. We are stepping up the timeline. I am sending you Zeru and Qiu Yue."

"What do you mean by sending Qiu Yue? I am currently in the Western Tunnel!" Qiu Yue said through the System Channel and Jin chuckled.

"Then Zeru, I guess I am leaving the Eastern Tunnel to you." Jin rebutted and the legendary Sword Master acknowledged his boss's orders.

"Hey, Jin. You have yet to answer my question."  Qiu Yue said as she hid behind a barricaded wall demanding a response from the Dungeon Supplier.

"I heard you had been training under Zeru. Isn't it about time you show your skills out for your Master to rate you? And well, I am not barring you from using the current set of skills too. As long as you clear the army and help Weslie and the others to reach the Undercity, any underhanded method would be fine."

"Does that mean I have permission to spend money?" Qiu Yue's smile started to grow wider and had an underlying meaning behind the query but had decided to say it out loud since there was not much time to tease Jin. "Your money."

"Yes, yes. But do not go overboard or else Claire would come knocking on my door." Jin gave his approval which certainly made Qiu Yue over the moon.

"I can hear that in this current System Channel." Claire suddenly interrupted. "I am releasing a few million dungeon dollars to your account now my dear girl. Try not to spend it all in one go."

"Aye aye, Chief Financial Officer!" The Empire Building Sub System User gave an air salute to her fellow Sub System User, as she suddenly decided to bravely stand right in front of the barricaded wall with tons of guns and cannons pointing towards the open target.

As if it was a warm up to her powers, she had instantly spent ten thousand dungeon dollars to increase her defensive powers, allowing her to elude an aura that caused all the bombs, bullets and other sorts of projectile to ricochet away from her.

However, because of the intensity of the Demon Rats' attacks, the defence buff which made her near invincible only lasted ten seconds according to the user interface through her Red Panda Half Mask.

So after being satisfied to be able to block every single ranged attack by the Demon Rats, she had decided to charge forward with the rest of the troops under Weslie's command. And speaking of Weslie's troops, there had been significant changes to her army composition mainly because of her petition for aid from the Queen.

For the past two days, she had filmed the horror of the Demon Rats live through a magical orb as well as escorted a few of the Queen's personal Royal Western Region Knights to the battlefield so that they could give an accurate report of the situation that Weslie was portraying.

With sufficient evidence that there was a looming threat against her people, the Western Region's Queen had decided to accede to her long dear friend's request for aid. The only problem was that the Royal Knights and their army needed time to march to the region where the Demon Rats had popped.

But that was circumvented when Weslie had personally told the Queen that they would be willing to mass teleport the Knights and the Queen's Army to the battlefield without worrying about logistics. Weslie even agreed to pay for this particular expedition so long the QUeen provided sufficient manpower. This made the Queen's military command somewhat relieved as they thought the Queen was making such a rash decision to force the army to face such a big threat.

In addition, Weslie had also offered gold to the adventurer's guilds and free teleportation to the area so long they decided to risk their lives to fight against the Demon Rat threat. Thus on the third day, she had managed to gather dozens of ragtag groups of adventurers as well as the Queen's Army to her side.

At first, they were terrified by the war that Weslie and her group were waging against the Demon Rats. Unknown ranged weapons and the sounds of continuous explosions scared off quite a number of adventurers and even the soldiers. The only difference between those adventurers and the soldiers was that the latter, bound by duty, had eventually regrouped themselves despite the horror of this mysterious battle.

But even experienced commanders knew that Weslie and her troops were only winning slightly through the battle of attrition within the tunnels. If not for some of the weird machinations they saw, there was no way the Queen's commanders would even agree to aid Weslie too as they knew how dangerous it was to fight in tunnels. While the 'weird machinations' were something to be bewildered at, they were merely ventilators and portable lights to make sure that the tunnels were breathable and did not combust suddenly due to the amount of dust they made kick up with all those explosions.

However, with Qiu Yue's new orders, the Queen's Army got to see something that turned the tide against these demonic looking 'wererats'. She single handedly rushed into Demon Rat's frontline and those who did not know her, thought that one of Weslie's underlings turned suicidal.

Yet, the scene of her decimating the Demon Rats was like seeing a delicate angel going to war on behalf of the incapable humans cladded in full metal armour. Her sword slashed was transcendental as it cut off tens of Demon Rats in one go and later solid walls of metal emerged right beside her. As the sight of the soldiers was cut off from the walls, they did not know that those metal walls were holding onto spring loaded gigantic drilling spears.

All Qiu Yue needed was to press a button at the side of the wall and those giant ass drilling spears sprung forward spinning through all the defences of the Demon Rats, breaking them like measly joint sticks blown by the wind.

And with a hand signal by the Red Panda Cultivator, Weslie and the rest under her command charged forth and conquered more of the Western Tunnel.

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