
Chapter 1459 To Grade 2 Once More -Part 1

"So, how are you going to handle this?" Yinn asked as she could not fathom how Jin is going to rescue the three humans just for the sake that one of them would be the Archduke's child, a person that is of high standing within the Empire based on its title alone. As the name implies, the Archduke stands above all of the dukes within the Empire and he has the level of prestige and fame.

It was impossible for a child of the Archduke to be hiding within Artbridge unless it was identified to be one of his bastards. Still, this did not matter to Jin at all since all he wanted was to rescue the humans that had been trapped by the rebels. He honestly did not care for the politics in the area and only wished to aid those in trouble.

Perhaps it was his previous strength that gave him this hero syndrome but even when powerless, he still believed that he should do all he can to aid fellow humans whenever possible because they were after all his resources to earn profit.

"Let me try something first," Jin said as he walked away from the trapped door. "By the way, Click, do not cut the power first. Try to see if you can manipulate the power source instead."

"I am not entirely 100% sure that this plan can work, but since you are our LT and gave us results, I will follow just this once." Click said as she looked at Diaz, knowing that she too was uncomfortable with the decision made to save three humans against a bunch of rebels Mechanoids in a small concise area.

"Fine. Fine. I will do so as well." Diaz said as she decided to patrol the area to check if the warehouse that housed the generators are void of enemies.

"Great, Diaz come back when you are able and thank you," Jin said as he placed down his two weapons and started to sit down.

"Do you need me to come down and assist?" Tellie questioned and Jin appreciated the extra assistance.

"Set overwatch closer to the church and take a few rocket launchers with you in case things get too hairy," Jin answered and Tellie complied. She packed her items and grabbed those rocket launchers as requested before descending to Artbridge.

Once all the orders were given, he calmed himself down and started to cultivate his strength. With the stress he gave to his body for consistently oozing out Maqi to search for Mechanoids, he believed that he did enough to ascend to Grade 2 again. Thus, he returned to his roots and attempted to clear his dantian core for the ascension.

Yinn had no idea what Jin was doing until she could literally feel a force field swirling around him. She could not believe what was happening to him as the corporal had never encountered such a sight before. Now she really starts to believe that he was not lying, that he came from another world.

So while the rest were executing their orders, Jin took the opportunity to brute force his way to Grade 2. The only problem was that he could not sense his Dantian core at all. It felt more distant as he tried to search for it.

"Haha. I guess he is so used to being out of his body that he had thought everything was the same." A familiar low husky voice chuckled.

"It's his failure that he cannot recognise that he is out of his body. I should punish him with even more trials."

"We are more surprised that you are even here to look after this failure."

"There is no way, I will want to be here."

Jin could vaguely recognise all the voices within his head especially the last female one but the concentration needed for him to search for his dantian core had not allowed him to voice back.

"He is still ignoring us though."

"Argh, this fellow seriously needs a whack on his head."

"What is it with you three…" Jin finally sighed and acknowledged the presence of Byakkou, Genbu and Suzaku that were swarming his head with their voices.

"Have you not realised that you are not yourself?" Genbu asked and Jin used that information to search for inconsistencies in his body.

"But how can it be…" Jin only started to realise that it felt the same as the way he was in his subconsciousness.

"He sure is dense," Suzaku complained once more. "If not for Ming, I would not even be here."

"You honestly do not have to be here." Both Byakkou and Genbu said simultaneously that it stings for Suzaku.

"Always the assholes. Why do I have to be here to put up with you guys."

"Aside from squabbling inside my head, what the hell is happening? I thought that I was being kicked into another world?! Did those gods put me in some trial instead?"

"So these are the rumoured Cardinal Lords."

"Holy shit." Jin nearly jolted out of his cultivation stance when he heard the System talking in his head. He feared that if he got out of the cultivation stance, all of those that were communicating within his head would disappear even though it was annoying and troublesome to have so many of them yapping through his mind space.

"Ah, the Panda Elders. We finally meet." Byakkou said with no animosity against it.

"Summary: User had been teleported into the Synthesis World where his body had been dumped supposed into the Celestial Plane while the Celestial Gods had forcibly pushed his soul into the Synthesis World's server."

"Ah, so those pesky gods finally made their move. Ming was right all along but to see how he predicted so far that Jin would be affected by this circumstance still boggles me to this day." Genbu commented.

"Wait, what?" Jin had more questions with the answers he received. "What do you mean that Grandpa Ming had predicted all of this?"

But all he got was an awkward silence from not just the Cardinal Lords but the System as well.

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