
Chapter 1722 Aftermath of Parry City’s Incident -Part 4

Chapter 1722 Aftermath of Parry City's Incident -Part 4

"What? Is that easy? Wait, isn't this exactly the same as creating a coup?? All they had to do was assemble a group of people go through the fortress and kill the king and queen. What is so different and official about this?"

"It had to be done on an offshore island. The person asking for the position of the King and Queen needs to prepare a lump sum of money that would be used to build the entire defence fortification of the King and Queen desires. All of the expenses had to be paid in full before the Royals could go in and stay with the number of guards they wished to employ. As for the employment of guards, that is under the Royal's decision." General Grieves explained.

"Not only that, the challenger had to start from the sea where they had to go through a sea battle to reach this undisclosed offshore island and later fight their way to reach the King and Queen. Should the challenger die, then that's the end of the duel."

"So, it's like an organised fight, just that the challenger has to bore the cost of almost everything with the exception of the guards that the Royals employed."

"Yes. Mainly because it would be unfair to the person if he had to pay the private army worth of cost."

"It is already unfair when the fortress cost had already been bored by the challenger. The King and Queen could take months for it to be built and would order the most expensive of bricks and stones so that there was no way the challenger is able to foot the bill."

"However, there was a record in history that someone managed to do that but died before they could reach the beach."

"Well, that guy sure is dumb."

"Not exactly. Also, what you said is not accurate. When the challenger foots the bill, it also means that he is responsible for the Royal's construction of the Fortress. He is the one who determines whether it can be done within a month or a spanned it within years. All they had to do was to ensure that the fortress was created by the specifications as requested by the Royals."

"Huh, then who checks it?"

"The Almighty checks it. And if the challenger wished to add additional stuff that the Royals were unaware of, it is also permissible. Of course, their private army got to have a good grasp of the area."

"So… what you are saying is that. The Royals request a blueprint of a certain fortress to be created, and the challenger can add stuff to it on the assumption that it would not be found out by the Royals staying in it during the challenge. Your almighty determined whether it is fit for battle and they fight?"

"Yes, something like this."

"Whoever created this duel is kind of a dick," Jin said and Grieves coughed up a laugh.

"Hey, that's us you know," Syn whispered to Jin as they went into secret System communication mode.

"It's nice knowing a fun fact. Sorry but let me rest a little. General Grieves." Jin said as he wanted to know more about this particular mode from Syn.

"Understood," Grieves said as he returned to deal with his outstanding list of work.

"Is that even true in the first place?" Jin asked and Syn nodded his head. "So all along there is such a method and you never bothered to tell me? Come on, I thought we were business partners on good terms!"

"Yes, but it did not occur to me that you are going to spend millions of points and gold to get the fortress up for a fight."

"Well, now that I am going to have the ability to get out, won't that be a solution to all the money and points that I have lying around? I do not really need those stuff anymore since I can go out. People and other players are using these points and money because they are not able to go anywhere."

"So, you really want to do that?"

"Are there any other hidden rules that you did not say that General Grieves had missed out?"

"Not particularly. But that last battle for the throne was like centuries ago. There were no airplanes back then and now we have airplanes. Hence, the fight at the sea battle is a little redundant as well as the creation of the fortress to prevent people from coming in." Syn remarked.

"And you are saying that air superiority would not be allowed?"

"I am more inclined to the fact that if this were to happen, the almighty might change the rules a little." Syn air quoted the word almighty. "Because without a doubt, there will be weapons of mass destruction that could annihilate your existence if the Royals were to do so."

"I thought my Generals said weapons of mass destruction were not allowed in this Virtual Simulation?"

"Each Royal Family or Grand Leader of the nation was permitted to keep one in their personal stash in case shit happens."

"Wow, so the rules are no mass weapons of destruction, no air superiority. Just survive through the sea battle and later land on the beach and get slaughtered? No wonder nobody that stupid had ever done that."

"It was to prevent the crown from being challenged consistently. This was because there was this duel of honour that challengers could partake once they had sufficient points or money. Winner takes them all. Title, Glory, and points." Syn said. "But if you do join it, I think there is a chance you might win. Although the AI Collective believed it's a mere 0.89% chance."

"Because of my dungeon instance powers?"

"Yes. The creation of your dungeon instance exceeds all of the AI Collective expectations and the more dangerous the enemy, the more your creation of the dungeon bewilders us. Even if we have a no bar contest. You might be able to win." Syn said with much confidence, Jin started to hunger a little for a quick victory.

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