
Chapter 1733 Three Winged Angel Dungeon -Part 1

Chapter 1733 Three Winged Angel Dungeon -Part 1

"JINNNNNN!!!!" When the Grey Bears heard what Jin had gotten himself into from Old Flammet, they went into the armoury and bashed him up. (Not so literally but there were some punches and kicks from the Grey Bears themselves.)

"What! I had no idea that Old Flammet would react like this! More so that he knows about the dungeon that I am going into!" Jin said as he tried to deflect all the kicks and punches until Nie came to break the fight apart.

"Master wishes to talk to each and every one of you individually. He wants to know what kind of upgrade you all want before heading down the dungeon so that he provides you with the necessary upgrades aside from the usual standard stuff to make sure you are tough enough for the fight. If needed, an overhaul would be given to you as well." Nie said.

"So, we can be as sturdy as Page or maybe even Lynn? Sign me up!" Diaz said and Click knocked her head.

"You are already a Gunzerker, you probably need an overhaul of your mechanoid body that differs from a close combat fighter like Lynn." Click said and she raised her hand to Nie that she wanted to go first.

So as Click went to see Old Flammet and talked to him about the possible upgrades she could get, the rest of the group followed Nie so they would not get lost going to the armoury. Compared to what they had previously, Mount Sunn Workshop seemed to be upgrading itself as well. It was not that old dark and danky place that they knew of.

There were still some places that still felt that way but the armoury that Nie was bringing them to? It was new and spanky clean. All the cupboards and wardrobes that don the weapons and armour had been refurbished courtesy of Archduke Dyke and the place looked like it was ready to serve an entire army's worth of needs.

"Everything is on the house except for those items over there in the glass wardrobe. Those…erm it's best if you could pay in points if you want to take them. They are a few of the customised wares that Old Flammet and I had made for fun though materials wise it's a bit of a ….you know. Hard to come by." Nie said.

"Of course, that is if you are feeling generous. I am sure Master Flammet would just say, take it! Just take those things and leave us penniless as we have always been." Nie tried to make an impression on his master and they giggled about it.

"We do have points to spare, do not worry about it," Jin said and the rest went to explore the armoury which they found out was at least three floors worth of weapons. Compared to last time where they only had to pick from leftovers that were left in the room for ages (even though they were still in working conditions.)

Jin as usual took a few of the very same items that had taken before. A few short swords which he fancied himself and a combat knife that he placed at his leg in case of emergency assuming if things go dreadfully awful. There's still a piece of metal that he could rely upon. The more he thought about it, the more he missed Bam and Boo for its versatility as well as strength. It was as if they were an item of celestial grade.

"Do you miss them?" The System said as Jin tried to imitate a previous footwork with a pair of swords.

"Miss what?" Jin asked as he continued to stay in stance.

"Your weapons."

"You can read my mind now? I thought you said you were not able to in this particular virtual simulation." Jin queried.

"Yes, the System cannot. However, every time you pick up a sword, the first thing you do is to enter this particular stance as if to compare whether they are up to the task for the job at hand or you need to compensate for something."

"I have to do it, or else everything will smash when I use my techniques, especially Cardinal Byakko's techniques."

"User seemed to like Cardinal Byakko's technique a lot more than your own Panda."

"I won't lie, it felt strong but it's mainly because its electric element is extremely useful against the Mechanoids. When fighting against Dungeon enemies, I believe this won't necessarily be the case. I would more or less fall back to Genbu's copy of the System Rider Belt. That way, I can at least still make a sword out of nothing if push comes to shove." Jin said as he moved to the glass wardrobe where all the customised items were.

They were mostly guns and other rifles as well as battle consumables such as a lightning grenade and the dark inducing grenade which should only be a one time use. However, what he looked for was the melee weapon section.

There were swords there too but nothing caught his fancy mainly because he was afraid they could break just as easily as the short swords he carried. It was until Jin squatted and saw the bottom shelf had a pair of swords that looked extremely familiar.

He opened it up and noticed that they were like the prototype swords that Jin had used against the Mecha Fire Dragon. The only thing that was off putting was that when he picked the sword up, it felt like the sword was alive. That was what Jin thought when he held it until he looked at the hilt and an eye socket popped out with a demon eye looking at it.

If not for Jin's consistent exposure to fantasy items, he probably would have dropped the sword at that particular spot and pulled himself back from the sword itself. Instead, he got fascinated by it and called Nie with regards to that.

"Yeah… I am guessing you would go for that when I brought you in here."

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