
Chapter 1867 Cardinals' Chat

Chapter 1867  Cardinals' Chat

But just as he was about to do that, the System stated that Kong Rong had decided to make a visit to Jin's store. "I thought he was busy and wanted to come later in the week?" Jin asked and the System did not have an answer for that.

"While the System does have a peek at Kong Rong's schedule, it did not mean that it was a priority for the User to understand and even pursue explanations on his schedule. Regardless, Ryuli and he are around to meet you."

"Did you say Ryuli?" Jin asked and the System now asked for an explanation. "User, please be aware that you are attached as of now. While the System does not condone the User to have a concubine, it doesn't mean that you can get it right now. Perhaps after you get married. Unless you have a valid reason that you wish to tell the System?"

"Gah! Do you think I have an interest in every girl I see?" Jin did not understand why the System acted that way to tease him or not.

"Then why did your heart rate increase, and your breathing pattern slightly alter with the mention of the name Ryuli?"

"There is something I need to ask her about. No matter how awkward it is." Jin said as he remembered the disaster within his Subconscious which Ryuli was in. Recently, he had been trying to take some time off to cultivate a little not just to maintain his cultivation but also to check on the Cardinals although the true reason was to revisit that terrible disaster that the state of Shenzhen was in.

However, whenever he tried to do so, he returned to the snowy mountainous cliff where he had first met Genbu and Yamata no Orochi. In that area, Suzaku would be slightly distant in her bird form, perched on a rather huge tree branch while Byakkou was acting like a little kitten lying but the fact that he was a huge ass tiger, only his head was resting on Jin's thighs.

It was at that point he asked questions about Seiryuu whereas the rest felt that it was not actually the best topic to talk about. It was only after a brief moment of silence that Genbu started speaking out. "Seiryuu was the most devoted to protecting the nation, so the incident at Lost Flower City had been a very big blow for him."

"Wait. Is that where Suzaku…erm and Zeru… That situation?" Jin could vaguely remember how Suzaku was extremely bitter against Zeru and vowed to kill him if she ever saw him again. However, deep down, everyone including Jin knew that she was still deeply in love with him for Love and Hate were just sides of the same coin.

"It's more like what had transpired after …that incident. You should have heard how Zeru managed to protect a politician against a thousand over thugs." Byakkou asked and Jin nodded his head.

"That infamous thousand thugs were not just thugs. They were actually from the people who worshipped Seiryuu. Cultivators who had been isolated from time and retained their tradition up to this day."

"Wait, so those people were not chasing after the politician but actually Zeru himself? What did he do?"

"By now you would have known what kind of techniques that Zeru used, right?" Genbu chimed in.

"Yes, the ehhh Lotus techniques. He taught me a few of it too…well just the basic few." Jin replied and the rest looked at him at the same time, he felt something was amiss.

"Is that something I should be worried about? Like how the techniques should not be used and they are forbidden or something like that? Or is it something that will take my life away?" Jin asked, now a little worried.

"Oh yeah, we forgot. You can heal yourself painfully." Byakkou returned to be a lazy kitty.

"What's the matter, hey don't leave me in the dark."

"Zeru basically lied to be Seiryuu's next successor when he actually took the techniques he learned and ran away to be with his wife, Fei Er," Genbu explained in the shortest summary of it all without all the bad things that happened in between Suzaku felt that it was doing the story a disservice.

"Wait, so all of you are from the Lost Flower City?" Jin asked and Genbu nodded his head. "So… if you guys are from there… and judging how Suzaku became a phoenix despite her past life… I am guessing. All of you are leaders of some sort of clan? Seiryuu is one of them by deduction… But how did you all become animal spirits?"

"Wow, for a guy as dumb and clueless as Jin, he managed to understand all of these rather well." Byakkou yawned while he turned his body and asked Jin for a belly scratch.

"Why am I doing this when you are scolding me." Jin could not understand the reason why as he used his Maqi to create multiple invisible hands and helped Byakkou.

"We are Cardinal Spirits because that is our duty. Until the death of our current successors, they will take over to be the next Cardinal Spirits." Genbu replied.

"What I do not understand is that you all have Cardinal Spirit duties, right? Then why are all of you residing in my mind?" Shouldn't you all be busy?"

"Nah, they don't usually call us out so we are practically lazing around doing nothing. Ming was the one who had decided to take us all into your pathetic cramp space to not make us bored. Granted, it was quite fun in the Synthesis World so I would not have regreted the decision." Byakkou explained. "Besides, it did good for Suzaku as well."

"So, you guys want me to settle Seiryuu as I did for Suzaku?" Jin asked and the reply was unanimous.

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