
Chapter 55 The Hero Saved the Beauty

"You can stay out of this. It’s not that I don’t believe you, but just don’t want to get you into the trouble. If you confess after by being tricked by the police, should I blame you or not?"

Ding Ning pretended to say in a deep voice.

Ling Yun thought it also made sense, and said with a sigh, "You are right. I have been afraid of the police since my childhood. Even if I want to be Liu Hulan, I’m not as tough as her."

Ding Ning rolled his eyes and said, "You are such a weak person. I think if you were born in the war years, you will be the first to betray the country."

"Fuck off! Do I look like that?" Ling Yun ground her teeth stared at Ding Ning in anger.

"You don’t look like that. You are simply a weak person with no guts, even incapable of convincing your mom."

Noticing the situation was terrible, Ding Ning immediately transferred the topic to Ling Yun’s mother.

As he expected, it worked every time and became the best shot to discourage Ling Yun. Ling Yun immediately lost her spirits and said in dismay, "Well, I’m just a weak person with no guts. Send me home, and hurry to hide yourself."

"By the way, have you informed your mom and asked her to go home? I will feel worried if you stay at home alone at night."

Ding Ning suddenly thought of this question and asked quickly.

"I have already called her, and she said that she will come back later. Just rest assured."

Ling Yun felt guilty again. She had planned to spend a night with Ding Ning and kept it from her mother. Unexpectedly the plan could not catch up with the change. Besides, Ding Ning had to hide himself for a period due to the car theft issue, which made her plan fall through. .

In the face of Ding Ning, she did not dare to call her mother. She did not know if her mother would keep talking about the blind date over the phone, worried that it would be heard by Ding Ning.

"That’s good!"

Ding Ning got relieved, while fixing his eyes on the front.

In the front, an unlicensed business car was travelling at a high speed and passing him by. Someone lay prone on the roof of the car, trying to enter the car, which looked like a scene only appearing in an American blockbuster.

Ding Ning not only knew this person, but also was very familiar with her. It was Xiao Nuo who had just left him at noon.

Was this silly girl crazy? She was just a special policewoman, not a superwoman. She wanted to get herself killed?

Ding Ning instantly became extremely anxious. He slammed on his brakes, parked on the roadside and eagerly said to Ling Yun, "Get off the car and take a taxi. Send me a message of safety after you return home."

"What’s wrong?" Seeing Ding Ning’s strange expression, Ling Yun obediently got off the car and asked in puzzlement.

"I’ll explain to you after I come back."

Ding Ning stepped on the gas pedal and turned around to chase the business car, ignoring the curse from the car that was almost rear ended.

Ling Yun blankly watched Ding Ning drive wildly and quickly disappeared into the traffic stream. She was confused, wondering what happened to him.

"Wu... Wu... Wu..."

As sharp sirens came, more than a dozen police cars flashing with warning lights chased in the direction of Ding Ning.

Ling Yun’s heart lost a beat. She thought, "Oh, no. Ding Ning has been discovered. It’s no wonder that he asked me to get off the car. It turns out that he’s going to run away."

"He just stole a car. Is it necessary for them to send so many police cars to chase him? What if Ding Ning has a crash?"

"Bah bah bah. It won’t happen. My little follower is the strongest follower. He is invincible."

Ling Yun was perplexed in mind, standing in the same place blankly. Although she kept comforting herself, the scene of car crash kept flashing through her mind.

"No, I should catch up to take a look." As she thought, she hurriedly reached out to stop a taxi. Unfortunately, it was time for taxis to change shifts. After she finally stopped a taxi, Ding Ning had disappeared without a trace.

"Miss, where are you going? Tell me a place, and I could arrange the route in advance so as to avoid the traffic jam."

Seeing her keep telling him to driver forward after getting on the taxi, the taxi driver asked impatiently.

News. Yes, she could go home and watch the news. If an accident happened during the chase, It would definitely be broadcast in the news.

Ling Yun who was helpless could only choose to go home. After telling the driver her home address, She sat in the back row with falling tears.

"If I knew it will be so dangerous, I should have asked Ding Ning to turn himself in. Even if he will be put in prison for a few years, it is better than running away wildly. If something terrible happens to him, how could I go on my life?"

When she almost arrived at the entrance of the community, she was not even in the mood to join the crowd watching the warning line set because of the gun battle. She quickened her pace to go home, turned on the TV, anxiously waiting for the Ninghai News.

It made her ignore the car theft case which worried them a lot had ended because of the car explosion caused by the snipers’ attack. The snipers inadvertently helped them solve a big problem.

Ding Ning’s heart was torn with anxiety. He gave play to his driving skill to the utmost in the crowded traffic stream, like a swimming fish constantly shuttling between different gaps. In the urban area, he drove at an astonishing speed of one hundred miles per hour.

Lan Yang’s heart was also torn with anxiety. He watched his goddess drive a police car, toughly jump out of the window and reached the roof of the business car in an attempt to get into the business car to rescue Monkey at the moment when the police car passed by the the gangsters’ business car at the junction.

The gangsters in the car apparently had noticed the danger, so they constantly fired at the roof. Xiao Nuo needed to cling to the speeding car, as well as dodge the bullets from the gangsters with the instinct to danger.

It made Lan Yang’s heart almost jumped out of his throat. He desperately wished that he could replace her.

The members of Sharp Sword were stunned. They didn’t expect that the incredibly gorgeous cool beauty could be so tough.

This scene was usual in the American blockbusters. But in fact, no one dared to do that in reality, even including the king of soldiers.

The wind resistance caused by the high-speed driving would make it difficult for her to breathe. Besides, it required extremely strong ability of keeping balance to stay on the car roof, not to mention avoiding bullets in such a dangerous situation.

She was so reckless. She might be shot by a bullet or rolled off the car, and unfortunately die without a whole body.

It was not just a matter of skill. It required fearless courage and absolute self-confidence, as well as the beast-like instinct to danger to do that.

They were stunned and their nerves were tightened as they watched Xiao Nuo swaying with the driving car. They were filled with admiration of this cool beauty.

Especially Lan Yang, he not only stared at Xiao Nuo fixedly, but also always paid attention to the speed of the police car. It should keep following the business car, while keeping a little distance with it.

Otherwise, once Xiao Nuo failed and fell down, even if she did not die from falling, she would die from being crushed by her car.

"Fuck, what does the Land Rover intend to do?"

Lan Yang suddenly found a Land Rover rushed out and was sandwiched between the military car and the gangsters’ car. He couldn’t help but curse.

"It must be the accomplice of the gangsters and intends to cover them. Crash into him."

Zhang Yang shouted with red eyes and a ferocious face.

"If it were not a gangster, but just a curious citizen?" Lan Yang said hesitantly.

"Now we have no time to find out who he is. If he dares to get in the way, we shall crash into him."

Wang Qing was also anxious, because they could never unfeelingly watch their future sister-in-law die.

"Well, fuck, no matter who you are, step aside."

Lan Yang suddenly accelerated and ferociously crashed into the tail of the Land Rover.

"Fuck, this is the car I borrowed."

Ding Ning felt that the car shake, and knew that the Brave warrior crashed into his car. He instantly uttered a distressed cry.

"Bang bang bang!"

Lan Yang went crazy, crashing into the Land Rover incessantly.

"Fuck, I must make you pay for the car later."

Ding Ning opened his eyes wide, turned around and stepped on the gas pedal to catch up with the business car. He looked at Xiao Nuo and shouted in anger, "You crazy woman, you want to get yourself killed?"

At the moment, Xiao Nuo’s face was pale, and her body was covered with sweat. It had exhausted her strength to constantly dodge bullets and keep balance. However, she had never been able to enter the car successfully.

Besides the driver, there were Monkey and another gangster in the car. Monkey seemed to have been subdued after a struggle. It was unknown whether he was alive or not.

The gangster should have not enough ammunition. At this moment, he had stopped shooting. Only when Xiao Nuo tried to enter the car would he shoot.

It made Xiao Nuo feel like riding a tiger with no way to get down. She knew that as long as she relaxed her hands, she would inevitably fall to death. She could only stretch her hands and legs and tightly grab the edge of the car roof in the hope of a turnaround.

As she became increasingly scared, tired and regretful for her reckless behavior, she suddenly heard Ding Ning’s faint curse.

The voice which sounded unpleasant but contained scarcely concealed care almost made her cry with joy. You Xumo, it was the voice of You Xumo. He had came, he had came to rescue her.

But in this moment, she clung her head to the car roof, not even daring to raise it. As long as she raised her head, the wind resistance caused by the high-speed driving would pour into her mouth and make it difficult for her to breath.

Ding Ning was careless in the moment, so he forgot to change his voice in front of Xiao Nuo, leaving such a big flaw.

But he didn’t care. After all, a lot of people had similar voices. As long as he didn’t admit it, no one could say he was You Xumo.

"What... what does he intend to do?"

Zhang Yang had climbed to the co-pilot position of the Brave warrior and stared at what was happening on the Land Rover.

Lan Yang had been too shocked to say anything, with his mouth opened wide enough to squeeze a big duck egg in it. After a long while, he cursed with grief, "Fuck, my goddess!"

Others were also stunned, marveling that today was really an eye-opening day for they saw such a master with exceeding strength and skills.

At the crucial moment of life and death, Ding Ning had no time to hide his strength. Anyway, his father only told him that before he had no absolute strength, he should not show the Cattle-butchering Skill he had inherited from his father. His father did not say that he should pretend to know nothing about martial arts. He simply pretended to know nothing about martial arts so as to stay away from trouble. He was low-key, not pretending to be weak.

As the door beside the driver’s seat of the Land Rover was suddenly opened, Ding Ning stamped hard on the car and leaped onto the roof of the business car like a lightning. The brand new Land Rover instantly rushed into a ditch and was completely scrapped.

Ding Ning kept his balance by taking his legs apart. He stood on the car roof steadily as though standing upon flat ground and bent over to pick up Xiao Nuo and carried her on his back, while scolding her in anger, "Hold me tight."

The blast of strong wind made Xiao Nuo unable to open her eyes, but out of her reliance and trust on You Xumo, she did not hesitate to hold Ding Ning’s neck while whispering dreamily.

"I know that you won’t leave me. You like me, and you are my hero. You will come to save me."

Ding Ning heavily beat her in the ass and said, "What the hell. You thought you are in a Hollywood blockbuster? Do you want to get yourself killed?"

The corners of the eyes of the comrades of Sharp Sword twitched hard. Oh my god, this guy was so audacious that he even dared to beat the cool beauty in the ass. The cool beauty didn’t get angry and looked like a timid and lovable little woman. What the hell.

Lan Yang’s face turned pale, and his heart was torn with grief and filled with unspeakable bitterness.

He was extremely reluctant that his goddess was stolen like that. However, at the thought of the tough man standing on the car roof without moving, he immediately gave in.

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