
Chapter 73 Rendezvous With The Oni Fleet

Perhaps it was the desperate attempt of a man going through an early life crisis. But the Great Oni Empire had recently begun to revitalize the legendary warrior spirit of the Oni race. Something which had lied dormant for the past millennium. Thus, he had manufactured a cause for war with his western neighbor.

Of course, wars were not always as easy to win as one might initially perceive, and the fighting had begun to reach a stalemate between the two relatively equal regional powers. Thus, in order to break this war of attrition, the Great Oni Emperor had begrudgingly asked for Germanic assistance. Something which the supreme leader was all but too eager to accept.

Thus, Erich now found himself waking up from his slumber and getting dressed in his dress uniform. Because the Thirteenth Fleet was now Rendezvousing with the 27th Reserve Fleet of the Great Oni Navy. And as the CAG of the Fleet\'s Primary carrier, it was his responsibility to greet the allied admirals when they arrived at the bridge.

After getting dress in his uniform, Erich marched to the bridge, where the Admiral and executive officer were currently waiting for him. He quickly stood at attention for some time while waiting until finally the doors to the bridge opened to reveal the Oni Admiral, Executive Officer, and CAG. As well as a group of marines who were tasked with their protection.

Unlike Germanic Star Marines who stood at 213 centimeters, or seven feet on average, and were clad from head to toe in power armor. The Oni marines were much smaller and appeared to be dressed in far more primitive combat gear.

As for the officers, their dress uniforms could be described as loosely based upon those worn by Imperial Japan during the Second World War of Earth\'s history. Meanwhile, those worn by the Germanic officers resembled the dress uniforms of the Wehrmacht and Bundeswehr.

The Oni admiral quickly introduced himself, and the two officers by his side, as he saluted the Germanic Admiral in what was a more traditional gesture.

"I am Admiral Ogami Nobuhisa, and this is my executive officer Commander Goto Akinori, along with the CAG of my Air Group, Commander Kondo Ryu. It is a pleasure to meet you all."

Erich gazed upon the men who had just introduced themselves. The Admiral and captain both appeared to be middle-aged, if not outright elderly. Which meant that they were likely well over five hundred years old, if not older than a millennium.

But the man who caught Erich\'s interest the most was the young man named Kondo Ryu, who stood by their side. Naturally Erich recognized the surname as being identical to Yumi\'s and thus, before his Admiral could make some proper introductions, Erich spoke out of turn, and question the indigo haired lad about his relationship with the woman who had taken his virginity so many years ago.

"Your name is Kondo Ryu? Apologies if this seems sudden, but do you perhaps know a woman named Kondo Yumi?"

It shocked Ryu that Erich knew his great aunt\'s name. A sentiment which the Oni Admiral and captain also shared. And in the next moment, the young prince responded to Erich\'s question as if it were an insult.

"How the hell does a filthy commoner like you know my great aunt?"

This information baffled Erich. Until now, he had not been aware of Yumi\'s true identity. Sure, he knew she was an ambassador to the Empire, and thus held a rather important position in Oni society. But he never would have dreamed that he had slept with a member of the Oni royal family. Thus, he could only stammer in shock as he repeated the words back to the Oni Prince.

"Your great aunt?"

There was a clear look of fury on the young Prince\'s face, as he could easily have guessed how Erich and Yumi "knew" each other. After all, his father had explained his great aunt\'s particular fetish to him during an awkward drunken conversation. And thus, Ryu felt it was his royal duty to purge this obscene man who had dared to defile his bloodline.

Thus, the Oni prince quickly withdrew his pistol from its holster and pointed it directly at Erich\'s forehead. Much to the shock of everyone on the bridge, as he repeated his question with a stern tone in his voice.

"I\'ll ask you one more time! How do you know my great aunt!?!"

The Star Marines readied their plasma rifles the moment after the Oni officers had dared to act hostile on the ship. All while shouting their commands at the Oni Prince.

"Drop your weapons! Now!"

The situation had become incredibly chaotic, to the point that shouting had drowned out all sound. And yet, Ryu heard Erich\'s words so clearly, even if his lips did not move as he spoke them.

"How do I know your great aunt? Well, she did take my virginity...."

A flash of rage appeared on Ryu\'s face as he pulled the trigger of his pistol. Unfortunately for him, it jammed in that very moment. Causing him and the Oni officers to get blasted with energy bolts, which dropped them to the floor.

Though the Star Marines had switched their weapons to stun mode, the very act of incapacitating the Crown Prince of the Great Oni Empire was enough to cause severe diplomatic issues between the two nations.

Especially after the Star Marines apprehended the Oni Officers, and Marines before escorting them to the bridge. The Germanic Admiral gazed at Erich in awe. Naturally he he had not heard what the man had said that had triggered such a violent response from the Oni Prince, and was instead wondering how the hell the situation had devolved so quickly.

"What the fuck was that? Do the two of you have history? You should have alerted me beforehand!"

Erich simply shook his head and pretended as if he was just as astonished as the Admiral.

"I have never met the man before in my Life! You heard me! I simply asked if he knew someone with a similar name, and all of a sudden he got offended. I have no fucking clue why he responded so violently!"

The Admiral was clearly having a meltdown, while the executive officer of the carrier began to run damage control. The only words that escaped the Admiral\'s mouth were incoherent cursing.

"God fucking shit! Mother fucking whore of a bitch! Cunt fucker! We are in so much trouble now!"

Erich, however, had a proper understanding of the situation they were in, and was quick to give his input on the matter.

"The prince is alive, and detained. All we have to do is release the camera feed of what he had done, and the Great Oni Empire will have to apologize. We will then send him on his way back to his ship. No harm has been done."

Perhaps Erich\'s voice was one of the reason in a world gone mad, but it had suddenly calmed the Admiral\'s anxious mind. As he thought about the man\'s words for several moments, before confirming that this was indeed the proper course of action. He immediately contacted Imperial High Command, and sent them the relevant information, who would contact the Great Oni Emperor on their behalf, and inform the man of their situation.


When Supreme Leader Alaric au Emrys received word of what had happened and watched the video, he could pretty much put two and two together. Erich had spoken out of turn and asked a seemingly innocent question.

One that was perfectly normal for casual conversation, while the Crown Prince over reacted. The reason for being? Because Erich had obviously fucked Yumi, which was a matter of disgrace for the Kondo Dynasty. Being the rather death defying little shit that he was, Erich openly admitted this, perhaps as a means of spiting the man who held a gun to his head, and thus, causing this whole situation to go down.

Of course, the audio did not reveal what Erich had said. Despite this Emrys was naturally aware of the man\'s abilities, and could easily tell that he had taunted the prince with his telepathy. Still Emrys believed he was safe to use this as a means to extort the Great Oni Empire. Thus, this incident had actually ended up in the favor of the Germanic Star-Empire.

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