
Chapter 174 Entertaining an Empress Part II

"So, is it not the best thing you have ever tasted?"

Erich nodded his head, as he washed down the tasty bite with some of the same substance which Lunaria was drinking from, only to find that flavor of his meal was suddenly enhanced. It was only after he had recovered from what was practically an orgasm in the mouth did he fully respond to Lunaria\'s question.

"It\'s amazing. I have never tasted anything so grand, not even my mother\'s home cooking can compare!"

This statement raised Lunaria\'s brow as she asked the next question in her mind.

"Oh, so I take it you are close with your mother, then?"

Erich did not notice the envious look in Lunaria\'s eyes when she said this, because he was quick to take another bite of the delicious meal. Once he had done so, he responded again.

"Of course! For a long time, my mother was the only person in my life who actually cared about me. She and I are quite close."

This answer ha caused Lunaria to simmer in envy. She was a deeply possessive person, and now that she had taken an interest in Erich, she wanted him all to herself. Perhaps this was why she asked the next question on her mind, with a particularly chilling tone in her voice.

"So, I take it the two of you have had sex, then?"

Erich practically choked on his drink when he heard this question and was ultimately forced to swallow it. He then gazed upon Lunaria with an odd look, before responding to her question with an almost hysterical tone in his voice.

"Of course not! She\'s my mother! I can\'t even imagine doing something so disgusting! Wait, don\'t tell me incest is common in the Alfheim Dominion?"

Lunaria immediately felt embarrassed when she heard how hysterical Erich had become at the thought of sleeping with her mother. Her dynasty practiced incest as if it were their sacred right. The fact that she had avoided marrying anyone, and had simply instead artificially created her daughters with the seed of one of her brothers, was something she alone had managed to achieve. She had no idea that incest was an enormous taboo in the Germanic Star-Empire and was quick to speak of this matter.

"I\'m sorry. I did not mean to offend you. I did not know that incest was such a taboo where you come from. In the Alfheim dominion, it is quite common, especially among my family, where it is the only form of marriage that we practice. Many Elven mothers are intimate with their sons, so I figured it was the same where you came from."

Erich was baffled by this information, but before he could properly wrap his head around it, Lunaria asked the next question in her mind.

"So... If you have not been intimate with your mother, then I must ask, how many women have you slept with? I know about Empress Kondo Yumi, and I have heard that you are already married, with an additional fiancee. So I\'m assuming you have already slept with all three of them, but are there any others?"

Erich was surprised that Lunaria knew so much about him. But more importantly he that knew sooner or later this question would appear, he was just hoping it would be after he had gotten to know Lunaria better. Unfortunately, that was not the case, and thus, he was forced to answer the question.

"Aside from the three you mentioned, there are two others. One is deceased, and the other one is nothing serious...."

Lunaria nodded her head in approval. To her, five was still an acceptable number for a man to have. And thus, she spoke her next thoughts aloud. This was a far more important question to her jealous mind.

"Do you love any of them?"

This was a question that Erich had been wondering himself for some time. His feelings towards Erika were quite complicated, and while Ayumi was a charming, and kindhearted girl, he had a difficult time admitting that he loved her, or was even capable of feeling such an emotion. Thus, he was quick to speak of these thoughts to Lunaria.

"That is a difficult question to answer. My marriage was one of political convenience, not to mention that Erika and I have a pretty difficult history together. It is only recently that we have started to get along, and even then, I have spent very little time with her other than in the bedroom.

As for Ayumi, she has been a great comfort to me, and perhaps I do love her. But then again, maybe I don\'t because the feelings I have for her are different from the ones I had for the girl who I previously mentioned is now deceased.

When it comes to Yumi, our relationship is currently more akin to friends who sleep with one another. There is definitely some potential for something more to occur between us. But at the moment, I would say that I do not love her. And if I\'m being honest, I\'m not sure I am even capable of feeling love anymore.... Not after everything that happened with S\'aleth."

Having listened to Erich\'s honest feelings, Lunaria wore a gentle smile. She could easily tell from the man\'s words he was still heartbroken about the girl who was no longer among the living. Which was something that was extremely difficult to overcome. It was also clear to the Alfheim Empress that Erich genuinely loved this girl and was not the same person without her.

But at the same time, he could sense some form of genuine empathy coming from the woman. Thus, 17:02

he could only wear a bitter smile as he thanked Lunaria for her kindness.

Having lived longer than the dawn of mankind, Lunaria was naturally aware of how to treat this affliction, and thus she reached across the table and grabbed control of Erich\'s hand. It was a gesture that the man wasn\'t expecting, and he recoiled in shock, but this only caused Lunaria to firmly grip his hand so that he could not pull it away from her. She then spoke to Erich in a gentle tone. Almost as if she were his mother, while assuring him that everything would be alright.

"It is okay to feel sad, Erich... You clearly loved S\'aleth, and I may not know the details of what happened between the two of you, or how she passed away. But I know that she meant a great deal to you. You are still young and grieving, and that takes time to get over.

It doesn\'t help that all these women have thrown themselves at you, while you are still not emotionally ready to accept their love. Perhaps that has even added to your confusion. They may not understand how you feel or what you need the most right now. But I do. I am here for you, and if you need a shoulder to cry on, I can provide that to you."

Erich despised being pitied, but in that moment, and was quite suspicious of Lunaria\'s kind words. But at the same time, he could sense some form of genuine empathy coming from the woman. Thus, he could only wear a bitter smile as he thanked Lunaria for her kindness.

"Thank you.... But I don\'t need to cry, I just need time to adjust. Whether that is a decade or a century. Sooner or later, this pain will go away. I know it will, and until then I will just keep moving forward."

While Lunaria was slightly let down that Erich had not chosen to embrace her, and cry into her bosom, as if she were his mother. She could accept that he was not a little boy, no matter how much she might think he was due to the enormous age gap between them. And was instead a man. And if that were the case, then it would indeed be a bit unbefitting of him to cry, especially in front of a woman.

With this in mind, she stood up from her seat and stretched, while showing off her divine figure. She then made a comment towards Erich, one that would once more entice him.

"That\'s my good boy! Now, how about you finish up your meal and meet me in the pool for some proper fun?"

Erich simply nodded his head in agreement with Lunaria\'s words, before assuring her that he would follow after the woman momentarily.

"Sure, just give me a minute and I will come find you. Thank you for everything."

Lunaria did not say another word, and instead simply smirked before running off to the pool. Leaving Erich alone with his thoughts. Especially towards the love he still held for S\'aleth, but also the complicated emotions he now had towards the Alfheim Empress, who was treating him like she was both his mother and lover.

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