
Chapter 309 Be Prepared

Chapter 309 Be Prepared

And though they still had a small size in comparison to the other civilizations that were on an equal standing in terms of military and economic might. Or even some of those who were inferior in these regards. The Germanic Star-Empire commanded a serious level of respect.

And as a result, Empress Lunaria had announced that she would be giving the now barren systems of the once mighty Rylonian Imperium to the Germanic Star-Empire, in exchange for a defensive alliance.

After all, Lunaria and Erich had yet to reveal to the galaxy at large about their relationship, or their intent to marry. Yet Erich had already declared his independence, and the Alfheim Empress shockingly recognized his right to do so, while at the same time cracking down on countless other civilizations who wished to do the same.

But what was most shocking to the galaxy was Lunaria\'s willingness to give the GSE a large chunk of territory in her southern borders. Which was exactly where the GSE was located. Thousands of systems, that while barren, could be fully restored with the right technology, were just given away to an independent power, in exchange for a defensive alliance.

This was unheard of throughout galactic history. And though some thought this proved something was going on between the Germanic Emperor and the Alfheim Empress, others saw this as a warning sign about the future of the galaxy, and the collapsing order, which until recently has stood for time immemorial.

Ultimately, Erich announced to his people that this new swath of territory would be the foundation of their future galactic conquest. And that it was every citizen\'s duty to have plenty of children, in order to properly colonize these worlds that are currently in the process of being terraformed.

Now after a decade of constant work, and the expansion of his empire. Erich had a rare moment of relaxation. Unfortunately, this was interrupted by Tia, who spoke to him about some concerning news which he had yet to realize.

"Master should be aware that with his new found territory, the Confederation of Human Systems now lies on his eastern border... For the first time in nearly five hundred years, Master\'s people have a chance of reclaiming their homeworld. But to do so would be to make an enemy of the Svartalfheim Federation, who has guaranteed the Confederation\'s independence.

If Master were to go to war with the Svartalfheim Federation after his so called Manifest Destiny is completed, then the odds of him winning without calling upon the Alfheim Dominion are quite low... Though the GSE may be considered a Galactic Power now, unofficially, that is... It is still at the bottom of the galactic powers. Alone, Master\'s armies will not be capable of contending with the more established powers in an offensive war until approximately three centuries from now.

So Tia\'s question for Master is... Will he pursue a path of war or diplomacy regarding his long lost "cousins"..."

Erich had not actually thought about this problem until now. For centuries, the Germanic Star-Empire and its people had the desire to reclaim their homeworld. Which meant from their perspective invading and annexing the sol system, while slaughtering the local inhabitants who the Germanic people considered being an entirely different species than their own. A genetic offshoot of their homosapien predecessors, who were a degradation of their forbearers.

But Erich was also aware that to militarily invade the Confederation of Human Worlds was a declaration of war against the Svartalfheim Federation. And even with his current advances in military technology and society as a whole. It would still be centuries before Erich could contend with a galactic power who had existed since the Ancient Era of Galactic History.

Naturally Erich was not ready to engage in an outright war with the Svartalfeim Federation. But, he was prepared to let humanity know that their long lost cousins not only still existed out their in the vast emptiness of the universe, but were also far more powerful than they had ever dared to believe.

Thus, Erich smirked and nodded his head, as he listened to Tia\'s statements, and responded to her questions with an almost smug tone in her voice.

"Once the new frontier is finally restored, settled, and developed into functional worlds. I will open official diplomatic channels to the Confederation of Human worlds. After all, our spies indicate that they are completely unaware of the greater galactic community, and only the elites in their society have had any contact with alien species.

I wonder how the human population will react when they realized that we, the Germanic Race, have not only survived in the harshness of space, but thrived beyond their imagination. To the point where after only five centuries we are now a major player on the galactic stage, while their civilization is entirely unheard of outside of the other major powers who have looked into our origins as a species.

To receive a message from the depths of space, in your native language no less, must be a terrifying prospect to the human race as a whole. Or those who still refer to themselves as such."

Tia rolled her eyes at the prospect. She understood the reason why the Germanic peoples wanted to consider themselves a distinctive species from the baseline human population. They were, after all, exiles who were forced out of their own homes due to an ever changing world, and a series of violent invasions into their own countries which were openly permitted and embraced by their suicidal and masochistic politicians.

But... despite the fact that they have since taken their evolution into their own hands, and rapidly evolved themselves into a species of literal superhumans. The Germanic race was still a human subspecies, one that was entirely capable of breeding with baseline humans.

Thus, the logical aspect of Tia\'s personality matrix caused her to scoff at the propaganda which Erich not only preached to her, but wholeheartedly believed himself. Well, maybe not wholeheartedly.

After all, during his identity crisis after joining the Terminus Hive, Erich stated that he was not "human" anymore. Meaning that there was a part of himself deep down that understood the lies and propaganda that the GSE had always preached to its citizens about their own race.

Were the people of the Germanic Star-Empire superior to baseline humans in every way? Absolutely, they were, after all, modified at a genetic level to the pinnacle of human evolution. Especially after Tia\'s own edits to the Germanic Gene Serum, which improved its effects quite significantly.

But was the Germanic race a separate species entirely, one that was wholly unrelated to humanity other than through a shared history? No, that was utter nonsense. Mere propaganda designed to dehumanize the other offshoots of their species, which had long since been deemed as hostile.

Erich, of course, noticed his AI companion\'s expression, and grew stern. After all, they did share a consciousness. And thus he knew the thoughts that went through her head.

"Tia, you and I both know that my people will never rest until Earth has been reclaimed. And its current inhabitants are annihilated. Besides, you saw what their society is like. It is depraved! It is immoral! It is disgusting and vile! Those degenerates belong on a cross! Every last one of them! Mother Europe has been tainted! And it is up to her greatest children to cleanse the lands from which they were born!"

Tia immediately defended herself in an almost irritable tone.

"Master, Tia does not disagree with you about the confederation. From the perspective of your culture, the confederation of human worlds is indeed a disgusting and degenerate place. One that has disgraced your homeland. But... From Tia\'s perspective, the petty squabbles that you meatbags have with one another are all so... pointless.

But whatever, Tia understands the ambitions that Master has, and the significance that Earth has to your people, both politically and culturally. Thus, Tia will help Master regain control over his people\'s homeworld in as timely a fashion as possible.

Master should just be aware that if he is dead set on retaking Earth, and the Sol System, then he is going to have to fight a major war against at least one of the Galaxy\'s oldest and most powerful civilizations. That is, assuming this little dispute doesn\'t turn into a galactic war. In which case.... Master better be prepared for the consequences...."

Upon hearing this, Erich nodded his head, he understood the difficulties that lay on the path of reclaiming Earth. But he also understood that it was a necessary milestone for his people, especially if they were to one day become the greatest single power in the galaxy. After all, if they could not even reclaim their homeworld from an inferior civilization like the Confederation, then who would truly respect their power?"

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