
Chapter 359 So It Is War?

Chapter 359 So It Is War?

"I remember it was only a few years ago, when my ambassador met with you, and your supreme leader, and you assured us that the military buildup of the Dvrakain Consortium would end once the Naraku Menace had been defeated.

You have achieved your goals, and survived a harrowing ordeal that would be the death of most civilizations. And yet you still have not kept your promise. Rather, you have flagrantly disregarded your own words, and continued to supply the Dvrakian Consortium with weapons and technology that is making their military a force which we can no longer ignore.

The Heavenly Father has given me, his prophet, an ultimatum. Immediately cease your actions, and dismantle the Dvrakian Defense Forces, or they will be hell to pay!"

Despite the threat from the Galactic Leader, Erich was far from convinced. In fact, he was certain that a certain race of goblins was behind this sudden demand. After all, the Ennochian Theocracy could have made this demand any time within the last year. But they chose to do so now, during a period of transition within the Empire.

From the Epp Regime, to the Jaeger Regime. During most points in the Empire\'s history, a change in regime meant a purge of officials, and a purge of officials meant a period of weakness. It was during these times that most rivals of the Germanic Star-Empire sought to take their chances against what was an ever increasing threat to their own power.

All who had attempted previously had failed, even if some had made significant gains before their eventual defeat. But this was not the case with the current shift in power within the Empire\'s borders. Every single party member was in agreement with the former Supreme Leader\'s decision to retire early, and hand over the reins to the young up and comer.

The reason being was because of the unqiue position they found themselves in, and the dire circumstances of it. Along with Erich\'s spectacular ability to traverse timelines and see the future. Because of this, there was no purge of officials, in fact the Germanic government was more unified and stable than ever.

But the enemies of the Empire did not know this, and because of this, Erich suspected that the Ghimderi would make their move during the start of his administration. Thus, Erich remained stoic, as he refused the Ennochian Theocracy\'s demands.

"Your subjugation of our allies has come to an end. As a regional power, you should surely be aware of the difficulties you will face for challenging the Germanic Star-Empire. Now I know you have likely roped some powerful allies into your campaign to restore control over your vassal.

I have no doubt, you even have a sub galactic power or two backing your play. Perhaps even the suzerain of my other ally, the Great Oni Empire, is involved with this scheme of yours, or should I say your masters.

But allow me to make something abundantly clear to you, and those who have coerced you into making this foolish mistake. The Germanic Race will never allow itself to be bullied. We will never cower from a fight, nor will we ever accept the demands of anyone but our own suzerain, the Alfheim Dominion.

We will fight you and your alliance of Ghimderi slaves until the last man, woman, and child, if need be. And when we emerge victorious, we will enslave your races if you are lucky, or outright exterminate them if we are so inclined. And should we pursue the latter path, we will make sure that not a single shred of evidence remains that your wretches species ever existed within this universe we call home."

The Ennochian Prophet was surprised by Erich\'s stubborn refusal to his demands. But far more so by Erich\'s violent response. The angelic beauty bit her lip in frustration, after all, Bixle told her that by threatening war, and asserting that she had a Sub-Galactic Power backing her demands, then this new, and young Dictator would surely back down from his on position.

But Erich\'s response was stalwart, his defiance as tough as steel. No, that wasn\'t quite right. By the sound of it, this new Supreme Leader was entirely different. He was like iron, strong, but brittle. He would break before he would bend. And that was a rare, but admirable quality in a leader.

Because of this, the Angel-like Prophet who led the Ennochian Theocracy in place of their nonexistent deity was hesitant to pursue this matter further. After all, she had several vassals who were far more meaningful to her than the wretched devils, which she and her people absolutely abhorred.

But before she could bow out of this negotiation and accept the Dvrakian Consortium\'s recent military buildup for what it was. Another voice entered the chat, it was clear that someone else was listening into the conversation, no doubt invited into it by the Ennochian Prophet.

It was a haughty and proud voice. One that seemed almost eager to put down the Germanic threat once and for all. And it was the voice that belonged to the leader of the civilization that presided over the Great Oni Empire as their masters.

"So... It is war, then?"

Erich did not express any emotion, instead he sat in his seat calmly, as he responded to this arrogant ultimatum with complete and utter defiance.

"It would appear so..."

This response elicited a laughter from the mysterious figure who revealed his holographic projection. There was a conceited and excited look on the alien creature\'s eyes, as he boasted with such arrogance even Erich felt a bit of delight at the idea of exterminating his race once and for all..

\'Good... Good... It is about time someone put you up jumped barbarians in your place. I look forward to destroying your Empire..."

After saying this the call ended, war had just been declared between the newly founded Triple Alliance, and one backed by the all-powerful Ghimderi Trade Union. And it had happened on Erich\'s first day as the new supreme leader no less.

But his people would never hate him for a war. After all, the Germanic race as one of warriors, they revelled in the idea of achieving glory in combat, and with a new chance to prove themselves on the battlefield, against the pawns of the Ghimderi menace no less. Erich\'s approval rating would immeidatley rise to an all time high.

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