
Chapter 88 87: My New 'Sisters'

"Really? It\'s a new day, Jahi!"

Scratching her cheek, Jahi just smirked down at me, her pride winning.

"Yeah, it was one hell of a night huh?"

I huffed, turning to the side before finally, finally feeling my hips return to a semi normal state.

Cancelling the spell, I stood up with a groan, looking over my sticky body before using another spell, cleaning myself off as best I could.

Jahi just watched me, her lips pulled into a self satisfied grin as her eyes trailed over my body.

Ignoring her, I moved towards the curtains, pulling them aside to allow the pale light of dawn into our new bedroom.

Cracking the window to allow air to flow, I turned and inspected the room.

A large bed against one wall, likely where the Empress used to sleep when she used the cottage.

Two dressers and tables on either side of the bed, a thin layer of dust coating their surfaces.

The bed was to my right, the door leading into the hall to my left.

Directly across from me was another door, and I shuffled over towards it, glaring at Jahi as her hand landed on my ass as I walked.

She moved behind me, her hands enjoying themselves as we entered the bath connected to our room.

It was similar to the one back at the estate; a shower on one wall, the sinks and mirrors opposite it, and a large bathtub in the ground at the back.

After inspecting the mana crystals, I sighed in relief when I saw they were still usable, turning them on.

Jahi took a seat in front of the shower, rinsing herself off before leaning back into me as I took my spot behind her.

Leaning her cheek on mine, Jahi nuzzled me, her horn gently prodding my head as she did so.

Sighing, my brow furrowed when she continued, this time her horn hitting my cheekbone.

Tilting my head away from her, I chuckled when she pouted at me, letting out a huff as she turned, sulking.

Finishing her wash, I watched as she got up with a stretch, before pulling me onto the seat.

As I surrendered myself to her gentle hands, I smiled as she asked "Are you ready to see Anput and Leone? They should be arriving today..."

I nodded, looking over my shoulder with a smirk when I said "I bet you\'re looking forwards to it too, huh? Having three beautiful women tending to your every need..."

Jahi smirked at me as well, burying her face into my neck as she whispered "I would be lying if I wasn\'t looking forwards to it... but I also am... irritated, that our alone time is being infringed on..."

Feeling her stiffening against my back, I sighed before saying "You make it sound like they are going to be with us every second of the day..."

Grinning, I looked at her with narrowed eyes, saying "If you want alone time, you\'ll have to earn it. We have a whole new city to explore; surely there\'s at least a teashop or restaurant that you could take me to?"

The rest of Jahi stiffened, looking at me with wide eyes as she froze, opening and closing her mouth before pursing her lips.

"A date huh..."

Rolling my eyes, I nodded, repeating that word.

"Yes, a date. We don\'t exactly go anywhere... special together."

Seeing her nod, I smiled at her, caressing her cheek as she finished up.

Entering the bath, I yelped as I was pulled onto her lap, as Jahi wanted to \'break in\' the bath.


Gathering up my suitcase from the other room, I moved it to our actual room, putting our clothes away before taking out the black cloth from my first day here.

Looking at the intricate runes woven into the black cloth made me smile, thinking over the journey from then till here.

Gently wiping off the dust from the furniture, I used my wind magic to move the air out of the room, taking a deep breath of non \'activity\' filled air.

It took only a few moments for me to clean everything up, as the room was virtually empty. Of course, it still wasn\'t up to par; the floorboards had some irritating stains in them, and the doors hinges creaked loudly every time we opened or closed the door.

However, it was a start, and I still needed to prepare the other two rooms.

It was just past dawn, with Anput and Leone joining us around dusk.

Rolling up the sleeves on my dress, I grinned as I set to work, taking in the layout of my new home.

Since it was a cottage, the total area of the building wasn\'t that large, being just above the suite Jahi and I lived in at the estate.

The cottage was separated into two sides; from the entrance, the left side was a large living area with a kitchen in the back, while the right side was where the three rooms were held.

The hallway on the right had the main room, where Jahi and I slept, on one side, while the other two rooms where on the other wall.

Entering, I looked at the decent sized bed, a dresser, a desk, and a vanity stand. The room also had its own washroom, but it was quite compact; a shower, sink and toilet.

Setting about to clean the space, I hummed to myself as I worked, aware of the gaze of Jahi as she watched from the doorframe.


Jahi PoV

I smiled as I watched Kat hum happily to herself, her fluffy tail swishing about as she cleaned.

Chuckling, I thought back to what she said earlier, pursing my lips as I wondered what I should do.

A date...

Sighing, I leaned onto the doorframe, ideas rushing through my mind.

A candlelit dinner at a fancy restaurant?


Shopping at one of the large bookstores? Then grab a bite to eat at some small cafe?

She did like books, and always seemed to want... something subdued, whenever we did go out.

It was... odd, seeing how easily she slipped into any character, going from the confident, cheery woman in front of me to a cold, quiet maid when we were at any noble event.

Besides that, it was quite alluring when she slipped into \'that\' kind of maid...

Shaking my head, I took a few deep breaths before smiling again, watching as she looked around the room with those playful amber eyes of hers.

Walking forwards, I slid behind her and wrapped my arms around her, kissing her cheek as I whispered "I love you, Kat..."

Her chuckled warmed my heart, her hand gently tracing over my cheek as she whispered back.

"I love you as well, Jahi..."

As we stood there, her soft body in my arms, I wanted the moment to last forever...

"Now let me go! I still need have so much to do!"

Kat easily slid out of my embrace, making me chuckle wryly as she scurried from the room, still humming to herself.

Plopping onto the bed, I looked around the room, wondering which of the girls would make this room theirs...


Kat PoV

Taking a deep breath, I wiped the beads of sweat off my brow, looking over the now clean living area with pride.

Grinning to myself, I looked out the window, noticing that the sun was steadily going down towards the horizon.

Not everything was done, that was for sure, but it was a solid start.

At least Anput and Leone would be able to sleep in clean beds and without having dust tickle their nose all night, like Jahi and I had.

Nodding, I turned, colliding with Jahi\'s chest as she wrapped me in a hug.

My ears twitched as she breathed in my scent, before whispering "Do you think we have some time..?"

I quickly escaped her embrace, narrowing my eyes at her as she bit her lip.


Hearing my firm response Jahi\'s shoulders slumped, before shrugging.

"Fine, fine... whatever..."

She moved to plop into a couch, scooping up the book that was on the small coffee table.

As she started reading I sighed, making my way into the kitchen as I rummaged through the pantry, relieved when I found some non expired tea leaves.

Setting a pot on the stove, I lit the fire crystal below it, waiting for the water to boil.

It didn\'t take long, and after pouring the water into the cups I heard a knock on the door.

Jahi and I looked at one another, and rapidly made out way to the door.

The demoness took a deep breath, before opening the door, grinning as she looked at the two women on our doorstep.

On the left was a shuffling Leone, her pale skin glowing in the receding light of dusk. Wearing a dress made from red and orange feathers, which clung to her curvy body with ease. Her lava like eyes flickered between Jahi and I, biting her lip as she nodded to us.

On the right was a bouncing Anput, her thin cloth dress barely containing her breasts as she jumped up and down, her lips pulled into a wide grin. Her tail swished side to side, and her long ears twitched as she beamed at us.

As soon as she saw Jahi she jumped forwards, laughing as she clung to the surprised demoness with ease.

"Haha~ Finally! Finally!"

Nuzzling her cheek into Jahi\'s chest, I watched with a small grin as Jahi gently stroked her hair, making the excited girl purr.

Leone stepped forwards, gulping as she stared at Anput before turning to me.

Nodding to her, I was as surprised as Jahi when Leone pulled me into a tight embrace, the blushing vampire\'s face buried into my neck as she held me.

Jahi and I looked at one another with wry grins, returning the girls affections before going inside, waving goodbye to their escorts.


So, one more chapter of just them settling in, than the Academy starts.

Lemons a little past that...


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