
Chapter 348 347: Head Full Of Thoughts

Kat PoV

As I went about completing my morning routine - washing my face, preparing my clothes, eating, the like - I found myself wondering just how long I\'ve already been away from Jahi and the others.

Sometimes, it feels like its been millennia that I\'ve been alone; time seems to draw out and become almost eternal when I wake up alone and go to bed alone.

At other times, it feels like it was just yesterday that I was with my lovers, and that it\'ll be soon that I\'ll see them once again.

However, reality is often different, and the reality was that I had been separated from Jahi, Anput, and Leone for almost three weeks already.

I had been truly alone for at least four days when I had awoken inside those snowy, frozen mountains, before I ran into the Arese and lived amongst them.

Then I spent a few days inside of Scythiara, before we departed for Polaris, which had been a multi day journey.

Afterwards, I spent a day inside Polaris City before departing, and I am now on my third day venturing north, to reach the eastern \'corner\' of the Labyrinthian.

Letting out a low sigh, I dissolved my temporary shelter before doing some quick stretches, loosening my muscles up as I prepared for yet another day of running - the third of many, if my calculations were correct...

Looking around, I nodded to myself as I took in the beautiful snow covered tundra of Nevrokopi State before glancing up at the clear blue sky, a smile tugging at my lips as I was lucky enough to have a - hopefully - flurry free day.

Running during a snow shower was not fun after the first few minutes, and it wasn\'t something that I wanted to deal with soon.

Finishing with my stretches, I took a deep breath before I set out in a jog, warming my body up completely before I began to run.

Instantly, I noted the difference in speed from yesterday; it wasn\'t some minuscule difference either.

I was currently in between the speed of my normal run and the magic enhanced run from yesterday, meaning that those 6.5 points of Agility that the Anklet of the Zephyr is giving to me... is well worth 1,250 Shop Points.

A rather happy grin spread across my face as I realized that the permanent 10% additional AGI would become my saving grace throughout my journey, as each day spent running would likely increase my base AGI by a half point - or a whole point - which would be given a solid buff from the Anklet.

Hopefully, that means that my timetable that I had created via estimates and averages would be pushed forwards immensely!

If I could continue to increase my AGI and DEX - since in order to be that fast I need control as well - then maybe I could reach home in a mere two or three months!

Shaking my head, I pushed those thoughts from my mind for the moment, not wanting to get my hopes up too quickly.

There was no guarantee that I could continuously increase my AGI and DEX this entire journey, nor was it a guarantee that speed was the only thing I would need going forwards.

Recalling the map, there were many zones that were labeled as \'dangerous\', some labeled as \'perilous\' and others that simply weren\'t mapped out.

Monsters were likely crawling inside those areas, and maybe there had been new spots that had \'spawned\' in the time that the map had been created and now, so I would need more than just speed and control.

I would need physical and arcane strength, as well as defense to guarantee that when I get back home, I was in one piece and relatively unharmed.

Letting out a low sigh, I mulled over the future ahead for the remainder of the run, going over pros and cons for every option that I could think of.

Speed was good because I could utilize hit and run tactics against enemies, while also simply being a rather luxurious ability to have when paired with my wind.

I could circumvent a lower CON by donning an Ice Cloak to keep myself protected, while my Wind Cloak would only bolster my speed even more.

STR wouldn\'t be necessary because, at high speeds, something blunt can pierce thick metal plating - or materials like metal - extremely easily.

However, what about when something manages to slow me down?

Domain spells exist, and I\'ve only ever actually fought against humans, who are this worlds weakest race.

What about a tribe of... let\'s say Earth Attuned Giants?

Mud is something that I\'ve seen Anput make before, and I can\'t utilize my speed inside of mud, which would leave me a sitting pup.

My lack of CON would make itself known very swiftly there...

Or what about something like those Arctic Cor\'s?

Things that were impervious to piercing damage?

How would I fight against them?

Those were the thoughts that warred inside my head as I traveled, and before I knew it the sun was kissing the horizon, casting the last of its light over the tundra.

Before it could depart completely, I stopped for the day and looked around, trying to locate some landmarks or roads to hopefully pinpoint roughly where I was.

Finding a set of hills and a relatively small forest, I unfurled the map and scanned it under dusks dim light, before letting out a surprised chuckle as I located my position.

I traveled roughly 60 to 65 miles today, if my crude calculations and guesstimations were to be trusted.

A day and a half of my previous runs were traveled today alone...

Glancing down towards my ankle, I grinned as I thanked the beautiful silver-green metal anklet that I had purchased the night before.

Without it, I doubt I would have broken 50 miles...

Rolling the map back up, I slid it into its container before setting down for the night, deciding to give myself some rest before tackling my future problems some more.


Quick note, since I realize that it is likely confusing to most (including myself a bit lol)

The time differences between Kat and Jahi is roughly a few days in book; obviously, they are still in the same \'time\' as each other, but what I write for Kat is a few days before Jahi.

Since Jahi\'s chapters are spent all in a single day for the last cluster of them, that\'s why she is \'ahead\' while Kat is \'behind\'.

Otherwise, I would need to blitz through Jahi\'s chapters to allow them to be the same \'time\' as each other, which I don\'t want to do. 

Besides, currently Jahi has more action than Kat, so if I tried to do the same style I am doing now - two chapters a day, one from each PoV - it would be rather boring since I would need to spend a LONG time (more than I did here) inside of Kat\'s thoughts, since she is just... thinking and running. 

Nothing else is happening with her, and I don\'t want to just throw in a bunch of monsters to \'give her something to do\' alongside Jahi.

If that makes sense?

Anyways, authors note done, hope you\'ve been enjoying~!


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