
Chapter 590 589: Confession

Chapter 590 Chapter 589: Confession

The Foxkin woman blanched as she knelt in front of the Empress, the blood draining from her face rapidly as she was met with the sight of the Empress\' stoicism, Lady Igna\'s small smile, Lady Fenryas\' grin, and Lady Lorelei\'s \'soft\' smile.

That wasn\'t adding on the imposing Demoness standing just off to the side, her deep ruby eyes unwavering as she stared a hole through the Foxkin\'s head, while the four of us all gazed curiously at the woman, treating her like some form of entertainment despite the possible repercussions we could face from our own actions.

Bessie was just hiding from everyone as best she could, being as quiet as possible and watching from as comfortable of a distance as she could manage while still sheltering behind me.

With everyone staring at her, the Foxkin grit her teeth before saying "I... We work for the Renacla Family, specifically Lady Vitra Renacla, the second daughter of Lady Ithica Renacla. Our Lady wasn\'t the one to be selected for the position of Countess, which instead went to her older sister Lady Hanara. Lady Vitra had been searching for something to sway her Mother\'s decision for over a year now, and it had started innocent enough..."

Sighing, the Foxkin leaned back on her haunches, her body language speaking of complete defeat as she stared at the ground, continuing her story.

"Opening various businesses, striking deals with other businesses and hiring a party of adventurers to delve into the Dungeons for extra coin... Lady Vitra tried it all, but her elder sister simply had her beat in too many ways; a tie to two smaller, yet powerful Baronies through marriage, a sister like bond with another Countess, businesses of her own, a sharper social acumen... Nothing she did could make her Mother pick her over Lady Hanara instead as Heir to the Renacla House.

One day she came back from working out deals with a myriad of merchant groups with something different about her. Lady Vitra was overly enthusiastic and elated, going around with a silly grin, proclaiming she had discovered a way to win over that spot as Heir once and for all. Lady Vitra wanted to bring back something utterly priceless to force her Mother to pick her instead of Lady Hanara. When she told us her plan, we were stunned. Lady Vitra wanted to steal something from House Asmodia... something that the Empress herself had made..."

Shaking her head, the Foxkin bit her lip as she slumped even further, only to have her ears flatten as Lady Fenryas let out a low bark of laughter, the Demonic Wolf grinning madly as she said "That was a cute story... but why exactly should we give a shit about your idiotic Lady suddenly having the dumbest idea possible?"

Lady Igna was the one to respond, a small frown on her scarred lips as she said "Because, Fen, it would appear that she wasn\'t an idiot. Perhaps not the brightest, nor the sharpest, but someone with their head on straight and a decent ethic for improvement. I assume she made no assassination attempts or other underhanded moves against her sister?"

The Foxkin shook her head rapidly, looking reenergized as she answered "No! Never! Lady Vitra loved her sister dearly! It was just a competition between the two of them, that was all!"

"Hmm... A sudden shift could be many things, but the story is still not only biased but also has holes. Why did you lot accept such an outlandish request? What made this seemingly normal Noblewoman suddenly take a turn towards obvious idiocy? Was she actually as you say, or was she perhaps wearing a mask over something more sinister? Either way..."

Lady Igna drummed her fingers against the armrest of her throne, before she glanced at the Empress, who said "Either way it doesn\'t excuse your actions, nor does it answer our own questions. Lorelei, figure out the truth from each of them and piece together something more... competent. Don\'t alter them at all though, dear. Leave them be for now."

The Foxkin shuddered at the Empress\' words, staring at Lady Lorelei with fear in her eyes as the Vampire smiled down at her, her crimson eyes flashing with something slightly sinister as she waved her hands, mana coiling around the three women and dragging them behind herself as she exited the throne room.

"Now... why exactly were we only allowed to know when you deemed fit, hmm? Do I perhaps need to remind you four about the last group of people who decided to target you? Is caution not a word inside your vocabulary?"

We all gulped as the Empress turned back towards us, and Leone was the one to answer as she shakily replied "We believed it best to work fast before whoever responsible could learn of what happened... Otherwise the trail might have gone cold..."

"Gone cold? Leone, my daughter, unless they utilized Ancient Magics, no trail goes cold. None."

"Bah, who cares? If you keep coddling them, how will they grow? If anything that any of you say is meant to be believed, that tricky bitch got stronger after being kidnapped. Conflict and hard times stimulate growth far faster than complacency and caution. Let them live, let them learn. If they decide to be stupid and get themselves killed again, so be it. They weren\'t meant to last long in this world anyways then."

That made the three women turn to glare at Lady Fenryas, who met their glares and grinned, uncaring of the emotions they felt towards her words as she added "I said nothing wrong. Each of them has a multitude of things going for each of them. If they can\'t take those gifts and strengths and grow stronger, then they don\'t deserve them."

The Dragon snarled "That doesn\'t mean they should die you mutt!" before turning towards us, her anger only abating slightly as she added "And that doesn\'t mean you lot should try and tempt fate as much as you possibly can! You\'ve already been bitten by it a few times; do you need it to bite again before you realize it\'s dangerous?! Especially you, Katherine!"

I blinked as I became the center of attention, though it was only for a moment as the Empress just sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose as she said "Just... After everything that has happened, I know you doubt our ability to protect you, but now that we know more about the changing of the world, do believe me when I say nothing can happen to you inside the Palace, and unless you seek it out, nothing should happen inside the Capital. I refuse to allow something to happen again, especially so close..."

Standing up, the Empress stepped down from her throne and approached us, her \'eyes\' searching us each before landing on Bessie, who shuddered behind me as the Empress added "Which brings us to you. What to do with you..."

Lady Igna stood as well, approaching the Cowkin and appraising her for a moment, while Lady Fenryas continued to lounge on her own throne, observing everything from afar with a small smile.

With the Empress and her Dragon standing before me, I dutifully stepped aside and left Bessie on her own out in the open, causing the Cowkin to let out a gasp of surprise at my sudden \'betrayal\'.

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