
Chapter 692 691: Fiendish Experiments (1)

Chapter 692 691: Fiendish Experiments (1)

Around the table stood Mom, Mother, Aunt Igna, and Aunt D'Arcon, while Monica stood beside her own Mother and stared at the flesh with a disgusted sneer, her blue eyes scrunched up.

"So... this belonged to a Tza Fiend that thought it could do something..? Interesting. Very rarely do you ever get to capture a Fiend's corpse whole. Most of the time the sheer amount of damage you need to deal to kill one is enough to ruin the body, or they just teleport away and die slowly somewhere else... So this..."

Mother leaned closer and stared at the meat, her lips pursed as her crimson eyes narrowed, while Aunt Igna stepped forwards and pulled on a pair of red gloves that shimmered with her potent mana, lifting up a few surgical instruments and poking the flesh.

"This is quite the gift, Leone~! I must say, I almost thought it was my birthday or something when you came back with these materials~! Though, I don't know when I was born... Ah, and I thought you might have outdone yourself for our anniversary my love~!"

The Dragon giggled softly as she remained focused on the lump of blue flesh, making me briefly wonder how she was observing anything considering both her eyes were long gone, but I looked back down towards her red gloves and made the connection instantly, instead just deciding that I should focus on what was happening and understand what I could from this session.

"And it's uncorrupted too... no large influx of foreign mana destroying its tissues despite... a rather destructive method of killing the thing considering your reports. Especially surprising considering just how potent and pervasive Light Mana can be."

Aunt D'Arcon nodded in agreement, adding "Especially since the Asmodia Scion's mana is incredibly volatile compared to my own. Probably because of her Demonic nature... they are a rather volatile, energetic bunch, not usually known for their refined control. Certainly doesn't help that Ria is such a..."

Trailing off, she glanced towards me and smiled, shaking her head as she murmured "Never mind." 

Mom chuckled beside me when I turned to look at her, immensely curious about what my Aunt was about to say about the Countess, who I had come to respect but knew little about, especially in regards to her prowess.

The little that I had to go off of was her title - Saintess of Lightning - and that one spar she had with Mother way back when, but that gave me so very little to base any sort of understanding of her on, so...

"You'll just need to learn about her yourself, my dear. Just know that she earned her position rather... quickly and explosively. Her and Chordeva are amongst the more respected of my advisors, and I tend to care more about their words than others. Hence why sometimes they're regarded as my right and left hands... though that was more so back in the day than in recent times."

Mom pat my head before staring at the flesh, suggesting "Igna, cut off a portion and bleed it properly. The blood and the flesh should have different properties. As for the bones, we can grind them down into a powder and study their reactive properties to some of the most common alchemical ingredients. I have to admit that most of the time, any Fiends that I come across don't have much of a body left behind..."

"I think most people tend to tear Fiends apart, and rightfully so; why would I want to risk one of these tenacious bastards coming back from the brink and killing me when I could just bomb them to hell and back or rip them apart with my Blood Magic."

"Mm... I know, Lei. I know... I can still remember that poor Noble who continued to harass you even after I made my claim known..."

Mother let out a huff as she crossed her arms beneath her chest, making Mom's lips curl further as she listened to the Vampire hiss "She deserved it! Treating me like that... then having the audacity to take me on a 'date'! Honestly, I think that thing between your legs impairs more of your judgement then you lot care to admit!"

Mom's smile stiffened as she looked away, while Aunt Igna just snorted and Monica blushed, understanding the conversation perfectly; as did I, but I was just focused on the flesh now, ignoring them.

The blue blood began to seep out of the meat as Aunt Igna sliced through it with her scalpel before pressing down on it over a bowl, collecting the liquid.

"Leone, grind that bone down for me. Fine powder, very fine. Don't lose any of it."

I nodded, grabbing the chipped rib and placing it inside a bowl of its own before taking the pestle that Monica handed me, which I used to further break and grind the bone down, doing as Aunt Igna asked.

We worked quickly, extracting the things we needed to begin experimentation with other ingredients to see if these things would have any actual alchemical use, or if we should just get rid of the meat and rid the world of its filth.

A bowl of blood, a bowl of bone powder, and a slab of meat; it looked more like the materials for an occult ritual instead of alchemy...

Though I guess many would argue that they were similar enough in nature...

With the ingredients ready for us, we began to gather the rest of the ingredients as everyone else watched on from the side, Aunt Igna, Mother and I working in tandem as we prepared the table for the upcoming experimentation, a variety of common, reactive ingredients waiting to be used.

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