
Chapter 940 939: Familial Bliss

Chapter 940 939: Familial Bliss

Her barely lucid speech made me smile softly as I squeezed my arms around her, trailing my hands over her smooth skin and relishing in the unique hot yet cold feeling of her body as much as I could, all while I was still firmly inside her depths.

"That\'s a tough ask, my love... You just don\'t understand how hard you make me~! Nor do you understand the pains that come with being so madly in love with a woman and having your body give such a visible indication of your love... Or how the aching inside my loins will never cease when I am in your presence~!"

That made her snort in amusement as she rubbed herself against me, her soft body making me lick my lips as I tried to hold back from taking her again, only for me to snort as well when she said "Yeah... having an erection must be such~ a big pain... really, Anput?"

"What~? It is... I get so~ hard just thinking about holding you... is that not a pain? Or how much my heart aches when I can\'t have you in my arms..."

"Romantic... especially considering where your hands are placed, my love... my heart is just aching for you at the moment."

Her dry voice and exasperated expression made me chuckle as I gave her breasts a firm squeeze, showing them some love and enjoying their softness as my fingers sunk into their depths, something that my mate just endured quietly as she let me do as I pleased.

"Hey, tonight, I wanna fall asleep with my face on your butt."



We stared at one another for a few moments before she just chuckled and shook her head, that exasperated expression not leaving her face at all as she just repeated "What?" one more time, as if she couldn\'t believe what I had said.

"I wanna fall asleep on top of your butt. It\'s so soft... and it smells great, especially after I finish knotting you."

"What... Never mind; though I am curious... why not on my chest?"

"That is a very close second, but uh... the thought of falling asleep with my cheek on your cheeks is nice, and I get to be close to your thighs and your tail? It\'s just a win win for me..."

"Alright... yeah, whatever... do what you want, horny jackal..."

Chuckling, I kissed her neck some before finally pulling out, loving the pained gasp she made as I pushed against my pillows for tonight and freed myself from her insides, allowing my seed to spill out like a waterfall onto the floor, making me shake my head as I turned away from my mate as she started to clean up.

"Kat, really, I can\'t promise that this won\'t be a... an interesting couple of days, honestly, but I\'ll be fine, really. Just need some time. Oh, and remind Jahi and Leone that during these next couple of days, if they want to, they can just pull me aside whenever they want and fuck me. That\'ll be one hell of a help, honestly."

"And not me?"

Letting out a bark of laughter, I turned back around and grinned at Kat as I said "Baby, I\'m going to be using you once an hour at the very least, trust me. You all are tip toeing around me like I\'m sick or something, and the only cure is to make me feel good? Fuck yeah I\'m going to abuse this privilege! Your ass is mine for a few days~!"

Kat just gave me a dry look in response to that, but she sighed and muttered "I hate how I know that\'s going to happen... I want you happy, and they both just don\'t think too deeply about this in the same way; Jahi loves the excuse to use you freely, while Leone\'s way of solving this problem is taking the most obvious solution and handing it to you on a silver platter..."

"A platter that I will love~ to lick clean whenever and however she wants~! But seriously Kat, I\'ll be good. Just... let me be, go about your day normally... don\'t worry, I\'ll be perfectly alright. Just need some time is all. Speaking of, that pen of yours; how\'s it feel?"

Clasping on her bra, the Dogkin nodded and pursed her lips, staring at the pen and accepting this subject change once more as we got back to work, the dynamic of one second being all over one another and the next second being hard at work forging and enchanting.

"Good. Each type of mana so far seems to have its own sort of... personality, I guess? Even from the same element, they all act differently. Your Fire Mana is rough and powerful, while Leone\'s flows like water almost, but the power in it is... incredible. I can\'t even begin to wonder what Lightning Mana feels like... hells, or Light Mana honestly."

"Well we knew that, right? That old guy at the Academy, our professor or whatever? Didn\'t he say that your Wind Mana was like a gale whilst that random pipsqueak had a soft breeze or something? Mana is kinda tied to the personality of the wielder and also to their over all mana type."

The Dogkin behind me just nodded, raising a brow as I ogled her covered chest before I just turned away and rid myself of the horny... as impossible as it was, picking up one of the other chunks of ore as I got an idea helped quite well to getting me back to a normal state of mind.

"Just like how these two ores here are both Water attuned ores, right? But this one is dense and brittle, whilst having a higher mana capacity, and this one is malleable and soft, but has little mana in it. Both are Water attuned ores, but... they really are not that similar past that descriptor. Also... where did you find this? This is rather potent and of quite a good quality too... few imperfections that I can see... fucking hell, honestly it might be mostly pure already..."

"Oh... y\'know..."

Raising my brow, I glanced back at the Dogkin, staring at her sexy body and how utterly-

Taking a deep breath, I focused on her face and not those mountainous-

I mean...

Gods be damned it\'s hard NOT to be horny when she\'s just practically BEGGING to be bred again...

How much stronger can her scent be?!

And why is she looking all sorts of adorable as she squirmed around and hesitantly glanced at me from the corner of her eye?!

I just wanna pounce on her and make her my bitch all over again... but we just finished a few minutes ago... but I was so damn horny too... but we just did it...

My mind ping ponged around as I went from being horny to being able to think about why it was odd she was still quiet, before it just settled on horny when she shyly said "I just... got it? From... somewhere."

"Oh for... No, nope, get naked, we\'re having more sex right now. Like three rounds minimum... Oh fuck me, just keep looking at me like that and it\'ll be five minimum..."

Throwing off the apron that I had placed on myself again, I just pounced on my mate and started to take her again and again, unable to help myself as she mewled and pleaded under me, begging me to rough her up and make her entirely mine once more, something that only fanned the flames of lust inside me until I was completely and utterly empty... upon which Kat cast a healing spell and helped me regenerate some more spunk for herself.

Really, she was just the perfect lover in all sorts of ways~!


Jahi PoV

"Oh... Kat is certainly having an incredible time right now..."

Looking up from my book, I glanced at Leone and smirked at how my Vampire blushed at that news, her red cheeks matching her eyes now as she hesitantly asked "And... where is she..?"

"With Anput over at the forge. Cheeky little pup is probably milking this situation as much as she can... but, if that\'s what makes her feel better, than I certainly don\'t mind. Especially not since she seems to be even more in heat than normal. Bet you\'re loving that huh, Princess~?"

Getting up, I made my way towards the chair Leone was sitting in and sat on the arm, leaning down to bury my face into her soft hair and enjoy the spicy, warm scent that was so deeply ingrained into my psyche as the scent of MY woman...

It was to the point that cinnamon WAS Leone\'s, so every time I smelt it it made me think entirely of her, just like I hoped anything sweet made them think of me.

"Hey, could you two stop doing... whatever this is out in the open please? Try to get yourself proper for when your grandparents are here, alright?"

Peeking out from the nest of soft grey hair, I stared at Mom and just shook my head at the Demoness who was telling me to tone it down, when she herself was enjoying the embraces of both of her women, who were sitting on her lap.

Mother was rolling her eyes, whilst Miss Julie was blushing slightly as she tried to push away from Mom, who responded with the ever so powerful grab and drag, where she grabbed Miss Julie\'s butt and pulled her back over, all whilst squeezing and making the Dogkin even more embarrassed and shy then she was before.

"And why should I do that when you aren\'t..?"

"Huh? They KNOW that I am like this, and that there is no \'saving\' me or \'saving\' their daughter; what they don\'t know is that you are just as much of a horn ball as I am, so try to keep up appearances?"

"But... why?"

Ruffling Leone\'s hair just because, I stared at Mom for a few moments before looking at Mother and instead asking "Wouldn\'t it be best to just be myself and let them see the real me instead of putting on some fake mask? I feel like a businessman and an assassin slash spy would see through that right away, no?"

Mother just let out a sigh as she nodded, the Elf looking rather tired and unenthusiastic as she replied "That would be best, yes..." before glancing at Miss Julie as she added "On one hand, I envy you for being able to have a daughter as refined as Katherine, but on the other... well, we both know she isn\'t really that... \'refined\' either..."

Surprisingly, Miss Julie just smiled wryly and nodded as she said "I know, but... that\'s what makes her unique and so lovable, isn\'t it? Besides... she is well behaved and mannered."

"And I\'m not?"

"HA! Fuck no you aren\'t!"

I just blinked, before Mother and I both said "She is (I am) more refined than you are!" at the same time, making Mom freeze before she just snorted and shook her head.

"Nope, incorrect. Besides, I have the ability to flaunt my Knight status and wealth to excuse what you call poor behavior! Not many people can claim to be the in-laws of Knights you know!"

We all gave Mom a dry look at that, the pride that laced her tone as well as the sheer arrogance in her proclamation making us all shake our heads, before Mother spoke up again.

"And not many can say they have my Father or my Mother as in-laws, or say they are married to a Saintess, and yet here you sit..."

Mom just frowned before rolling her eyes and looking at Miss Julie, who was giving Mom a blank stare as she muttered "Can you believe this knife ear?"

"Jahi, just don\'t grow up to be as dimwitted and as suicidal as your Mom, and I think your grandparents will consider that a win."

The sharp scent of ozone made Mom freeze, and I smiled wryly as I said "Yeah... also, Mom, might be time to drop that \'nickname\' huh..? Don\'t know why you haven\'t learned yet..."

Pursing her lips, Mom stared at Mother out of the corner of her eye as she just responded "Risk and reward, Jahi, risk and reward... The risk is high, but damnit is the reward not worth it and then some. Honestly I think you were conce-!"

She was shocked swiftly before she could finish that sentence, and I raised a brow before tactfully nodding at Miss Julie when she gestured for me to leave now, instead of prying into... whatever that was.

And considering the azure eyes Mother currently had, as well as the red ears and cheeks, I guarantee that this was something I really, really didn\'t want to hear...

Not ever...

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