
Chapter 29: Milf’s Charm

Chapter 29: Milf's Charm

Jayden was lying on the bed with Alice snuggling and hugging him. He was deep in thought as he stroked Alice's beautiful long black hair.

His cunning Ego was already deactivated, giving control back to the happy Ego. Jayden wasn't sure as to why the cunning ego acted that way, but nonetheless, it was great.

As a charming voice rang in his head, he was stunned at first but soon filled with joy. He immediately tried to sit up but failed as Alice was hugging him tightly, holding him for her dear life.

He smiled, seeing the cute Alice in front of others; she was always cold and short-tempered.

" Little Jay, did you miss me? " Anna asks in her playful time.

Hearing her voice again after so much time, Jayden didn't know what to say, but his face broke into a big smile.

' Anna! Where have you been all this time? Why didn't you speak at all? Were you watching me the whole time? '

Jayden soon showered her with lots of questions; hearing the barrage of questions, she cut Jayden in between and spoke:

" Wait, wait! I'll tell you everything, so stop throwing more questions. "

After a moment of silence, Anna begins to answer jaydens' questions:

" Due to the strange energy in Graham, I was not able to form a connection with you. But as you entered this world, the effect weakened, and I was able to talk again. "

After a momentary pause, she continued:

" Yeah, I watched you the whole time, your 'every act.' First, tell me what's your age. "

Hearing her words, Jayden was brought back to reality as they spoke:

" I... I'm almost 18, and I'm a vampire now, so don't compare me to a Human. Also, it wasn't me who did all that; it was the cunning ego. "he replies in one breath.

After saying that, he looks to the side and starts whistling, not even himself convinced by his excuses.

" haa, Anyway, did you know the details about this quest? " Anna sighs and then asks.

Jayden expression turns serious as he replies:

" No, it didn't provide any detail. And I need to go back to Earth as fast as possible. "Jayden said with a worried expression.

" Hmm, let me try. "

Saying so, Anna went completely silent; Jayden didn't disturb her and waited patiently; after almost an hour, Anna's voice sounded again.

" Done. Praise me, little Jay," she spoke in a little arrogant tone.


[ Hidden Quest ]

[ Task ]: Find the Life Potion

[ Time ]: ∞

[ Reward ]: Life Potion

[ Punishment ]: Death


Jayden read the quest details a few times, but he didn't know what this 'Life Potion' was. So he asked Anna about it.

" What's this about the Life Potion? "

" Life potion is a potion which could increase the strength of a person a little, but its main function is to cure. It can cure anything; as long as the person isn't dead, he can be saved. "

" Maybe you need this because you can't handle all the energy you are absorbing from that mana room, so to avoid you exploding, the orb sent you to get the Life Potion. "

" But since this world has such a treasure, then there must be other supernatural creatures too. Be careful at every moment. "

Jayden hears Anna's explanation very carefully. After she finishes, he decides to find this potion as fast as possible.

" Don't worry about the time; a year in this world will be a month in Graham. "Anna said, sensing his worries.

Jayden sighed in relief. If there's such a time difference, then he would be able to complete the task and return to Earth. Then he asks the question he wanted to ask for a long time.

" Is it possible for me to bring the girls there back with me? "

Before answering, Anna thought for a few minutes:

" It's nearly impossible. Your portals can't be used to bring any other person unless you can find a flaw. Your brain works 100 times faster than a normal human, right? So think. "

Jayden's ability and mind manipulators have given him a brain that is 100 times better than normal humans in every aspect. But that didn't mean he used that ability at every moment, as he could get a headache if he used it for too long.

Still, he nodded with a solemn expression. He has to bring them back with him no matter what. But he didn't know whether he would be able to find a flaw.

After chatting with Anna for 1 more hour, he wishes her goodnight and goes to sleep.


He wakes up early in the morning as Alice smothered kisses all over his face.

He slowly opened his eyes and smiled at Alice:

" Good morning, Al. "

" hehe, good morning. " Alice spoke while giggling and cuddling in his arms.

After staying a bit longer in bed, he freshens up and goes to the discussion hall along with Alice; that's the first thing in his routine. His cunning Ego had already taken charge before he even reached the hall.

Jayden sits on his throne while Alice takes the other throne. Like every day, the people of his kingdom start to come to him with different kinds of requests.

Some to seek justice, some to show talents, and all kinds of reasons.

Most things were boring, so Jayden didn't pay much attention to them and just gave his judgments at the end. Most of the time, he chatted with Alice.

Then an old man was dragged into the hall, bounded by iron chains. Jayden's curiosity peaked, and he put his full concentration on the new case.

" Your majesty, this vile man is charged with illegal medical practices, using human life in his experiments. He sacrificed many lives just for his satisfaction. I demand immediate execution. " A fat minister spoke while pointing at the old man.

The old man's eyes were lifeless, as if he had given up on everything. He didn't even try to tell his side of the story and just stood there looking down at the floor.

" Hmmmmm, so you committed such crimes? " Jayden said, looking directly into the old man's eyes.

" Do you have something to say? " Jayden asked, not looking away from the old man.

The old man didn't show any signs of talking, and seeing this, the fat man standing with him shouted.

" How insolent. How dare you not talk when our king is asking? "

The old man turns his face to look directly at Jayden, meeting his lifeless eyes with Jayden's, and speaks in a low tone.

" Just do what you want. What's gonna change even if I speak? " the old man has heard how stupid their king is; he was easily played by his ministers.

The whole Kingdom has been in decline ever since he took control of the kingdom; if not for Alice, the whole Kingdom would already have been taken by someone else.

An amused smile appears in Jayden's eyes; he uses his ability to check the old man's memories, and as he has the chance, he also copies his skills.

[ Mind Manipulator Activated ]

[ Obtained skill 'Divine Doctor' ]

' Oh! He must be one of the greatest doctors in this world. 'Jayden thought, seeing the skill.

The fat man turns red in anger and starts shouting about how dare he talk to the king like that and all.

But everyone went silent when Jayden stood up and walked towards the old man.

Alice looked at Jayden curiously; he never did much during such meetings; he just followed the suggestion of his ministers.

He stood in from of the old man and raised his hands as he ordered:


" But, your maj-" the fat minister wanted to object but shut his mouth, feeling Jayden's gaze.

' Why is this fool acting up suddenly? Something seems different about him. ' the fat man thought internally.

Hearing Jayden's command, the two guards who were escorting the old man stepped forward and released him.

Jayden stared into the old man's eyes for a moment and then spoke:

" Tell me, what happened, Dr. Lee? "

The old man, too, was staring at Jayden, thinking:

' Is he a fool? His aura says otherwise. Or is he hiding his strength? '

The old man saw a glimmer of hope, and he didn't miss the chance as he started to narrate his story.

" One month before this day, I was passing by a village where I saw people suffering from the plague. As a doctor, I couldn't see them suffer, so I started to treat them. "

Then the old man turns his gaze towards the fat man and, with an angry face, continues:

" When this minster found out that I was treating people for free, he wanted me to stop and let some of them die so he could sell his medicine for high prices, but I didn't listen to him, so here am I." saying that he finished his story.

"Hmm, that's quite a story. "Jayden commented

" Bullshit, this lying old man. your majesty, don't listen to him. We need to execute such creatures as soon as possible. "fatty shouted.

' You fool of a king, why can't you just nod, like you always do? ' he grunted internally

" Alright, I have decided. Punishment must be given. "

" Yes, your majesty, you made the right choice, "the fat man said, clapping his hands, while internally, he thought:

' Glad, he is still a fool. He frightened me just now. '

The old man's head drops, and the hope of surviving and treating the rest of the villagers, is extinguished.

' Just as I heard, he's a fool. ' Old man thought.

But his worries died down with Jayden's next words.

"Mr Lee, I want you to work for my Kingdom. I want you to become a royal physician. "

The old man looks up in surprise, while the fat man's face turns red with anger.

" What are you talking about? That is a wrong decision; we need to eliminate him. "the fat man shouted at Jayden, forgetting to respect him at all.

" SILENCE! "Jayden shouts.

Everything went silent for a moment before the fat man started blabbering again, throwing saliva every time he opened his mouth.

An irritated look appears on Jayden's face as he waves his right hand horizontally.

Suddenly, there was a pin-drop silence; no one moved; all looked at the fat man as his round head fells to the ground, with wide eyes surprised even in the death.

Everyone stood up from their positions; they all had a fearful expressions on their faces; Jayden's royal guard looked at him with surprise, as even he couldn't see Jayden's movement.

Alice stood up from her seat and looked at Jayden with infatuation; she was getting more and more obsessed with him. Even the action he just did, made her excited; she felt her nether region getting a little wet.

" That'll be all," he said, waving his hand and moving back to his throne.

After sitting, he looks at the blushing Alice and, with a smile, takes her hand in his. Then he turns his gaze to the stunned old man and speaks in a calm tone.

"Mr Lee, from now on, you will be the royal physician. You can go back for now. "

Hearing his words, all people present came back to their senses as they sat back in their seats; they couldn't believe what just happened. Is their king the famous foolish king?

Everyone looked at Jayden with fear and reverence in their eyes; the old man looked very happy as he kneeled on the ground and thanked Jayden again and again before going back.

" Also, throw this out; I don't want my wife to see something this gross. "Jayden says while pointing at the body of the fat minister.

Hearing his words, Alice tightened her grip around his hand as her heartbeat got faster, and she looked at Jayden lovingly.

After a couple more hours, the whole program finally ended. Jayden told Alice he was going on a stroll, but she didn't want to let go, so he had to make a little sacrifice and gave her a few passionate kisses. Only then did she agree to let him go for a few hours, reluctantly?

Jayden walked into his castle, searching for the room of a certain someone.

After appearing in front of a room, Jayden took a deep breath and entered directly.


In one of the castle rooms, Peter's mother, Eleanor, was sitting in front of a big mirror and doing her hair. She had just returned from the hall, where she saw how Jayden killed the minister.

She felt relieved that Jayden didn't execute them all; it was hard to believe that the kind king suddenly acted like that.

At that moment, she heard the door to her room opening; like most of the times, she thought it was her daughter, Layla.

" Come inside, La-" but she swallows her words mid-sentence as she sees Jayden entering the room.

She immediately stood up and bowed in front of him.

" Your majesty, is there something you need? " Eleanor asks with a little shaken voice.

" No, I'm here just for a little chat with you. " Jayden replies with a grin.

Hearing his words, she had a bad feeling about it.

" Oh? A... about what? " she asks, lifting her head.

" Obviously, about your son, Peter. Don't you remember the offence he committed? "Jayden asks with narrowed eyes.

" But, haven't you spared him already? "

" Nah, but it'll depend on you whether he will live or not. "

Eleanor did not doubt today's event, that he could kill Peter; she bit her lip as she said:

" What should I d...do? "

" Nothing much, let's just play a simple game. "

While he said this, Jayden was surprised to find out that Peter and Layla were not Eleanor's biological children. They were her older sister's kids, but because her sister went missing a long time ago, she has been taking care of them ever since they were little.

Jayden eyes glowed red with excitement for a moment as he looked at Eleanor, the ' Virgin Milf '.

" What game? " she asks hesitantly.

" Oh, it's simple. One of us will make the other feel good in any way; if you moan, you will lose. But if we both ended up moaning, the one who moaned in less time would lose. "

He observes as Eleanor's face turns a little pale; an evil smile appears on his face as he explains the stakes.

" If you win, not only will I spare Peter for some more time, but I will also provide him with good benefits that could help him in the future. But if you lose, you will have to fulfil one of my wishes and play this game again in the future. "

Hearing him, she felt terrible. She has never been close to a man; she doesn't even have any experience except for what she reads in the books. But she wanted to protect Peter and keep the promise she made to her sister.

After thinking a bit, she makes up her mind and agrees to Jayden's conditions.

" Okay, but you'll have to fulfil your promise, too," she said with a determined face.

Jayden chuckles and promises to keep his word.

" Should I go first, or do you want to? "Jayden asks with a mischievous smile on his face.

" I'll do it first," she replies hurriedly.

" Do you even know what to do? " Jayden asks.

" O... of course, I know. Just wait; I'll make you moan in a few seconds. "

After some hesitation, she took off her dress, revealing her black lingerie.

She's looking gorgeous. She looked hot and seductive, just like a succubus. Jayden gulped seeing such a figure; she had big breasts and a big juicy ass, and all her curves were the definition of perfection.

Seeing Jayden's reaction, for some reason, Eleanor felt her pride rising and acted even more seductively; she looked down and gasped, seeing a bulge in Jayden's pants just after seeing her figure.

' Milfs are different. I can't wait to eat her. Milf supremacy! ' Jayden thought, drooling, just seeing her in her bra and panties.


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