
Chapter 99  The Lost Battle

Chapter 99  The Lost Battle


Jayden felt as if his mind was going to burst, blood flowed out of his ears, and he lost sight of the strange monster for a couple of seconds. Before he could stabilize his condition, Jayden felt a sharp pain in his shoulder, that after a few moments travelled all across his body.

" AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH " He shouted, his veins\' colour changed to brown as they began to bulge out, ready to burst.

Putting all his strength into his legs, Jayden pushed himself back, as a small part of his flesh was left inside the mouth of the big abomination.

Jayden felt that his injuries were taking much longer to heal than they should normally have, and the poison in his body made his movements slower.

He created some distance between them, and carefully observed the monster, that stood tall in front of him but wavered momentarily.

\' It\'s already injured? \' Jayden thought, as he finally got a good look at its body. There was a huge piece of flesh missing from its chest, which was hidden under the thick layer of black blood.

One of its hind legs was almost severed, and two of its hands were missing, \' So that\'s the reason it was being so cautious of me, and instead of directly charging at me used the mental attacks. \' he thought.

\' Do I have a chance against him if it\'s in such a bad condition? \' Jayden pondered, not letting his guard down.

Both the human and the monster stood still, not making a single move, Andrea finally transformed back to a mask, giving Jayden a decrease in his overall strength.

He instantly ordered Andrea to merge again with him. \' Fuck, at this rate I\'ll run out of energy, then I might as well make the first move. \'

With a thought, he created thousands of Sucking Demons like insects, using his imagination, and made them all charge at the injured monster altogether.

But even with all those insects charging towards him, the mind monster didn\'t seem to be panicking, instead, it took in a deep breath, before releasing a strong mental attack.



All the illusions that Jayden created shattered in an instant, The mind monster again made its move but this time he charged straight at Jayden, as if he thought Jayden was weak.


Jayden was prepared this time and threw a punch of his own, aiming at the injured area of its chest, but the moment his hand came in contact with the monster\'s chest, his hands passed through its body, as if its body was made of liquid.


But the Mind monster, was able to land a solid hit on Jayden\'s chest, creating a small hole just below his heart, as Jayden was thrown back more than a hundred metres back.

" ughhhh cough cough I don\'t believe my situation could be any worse- "


Before Jayden finished cursing his own luck, he heard a hissing sound coming from his left side, Turning his head a little, he saw a long snake approaching him at an astounding speed.

\' Azura coloured Ice snake. \' he thought.

" You already knew it was coming from there right? " Anna asks.

\' Yeah, just wanted to make it seem a little cliche haha. \' Jayden laughed, as he got up.

Anna couldn\'t believe he could still joke when two such dangerous creatures were out for his blood. " How could you be so relaxed when in between such monsters? " she asked.

\' Maybe my luck finally would shine, and these two creatures would begin to fight one another? \' he said while tracing the movements of the snake with his eyes.

The length of the snake was more than 20 feet, and it had two heads, one at the front and the other at the back, where its tail should have been. Its speed was comparable to Jayden\'s peak speed when he was not inside his DREAM DOMAIN. *Hissssssss*


The long snake hissed and charged straight at Jayden, who immediately jumped upwards, and held a bamboo to stay out of the snake\'s attack range. The Azura snake barely missed Jayden and struck the bamboo that was present behind Jayden, breaking it to pieces.

\' Okay, I agree my luck is completely rotten. Why are they both focusing on me, can\'t they just kill each other? And how am I going to hit that liquid bastard? \' Jayden mood dampened, as he stared at both the monsters, who were staring at Jayden while salivating.

Within a second, countless possibilities came to his mind about the reason that he wasn\'t able to hit that injured monster.

(1. It is not his real body, and he\'s hiding somewhere else.- But Jayden disregarded this option. 2. He has a certain weakness and only by using that could it be killed.- Jayden didn\'t entirely reject this option and kept it at the back of his head.

3. It has the ability to transfer mass inside its body, and so it could use it for both defence and offence.- Jayden felt that there was a high chance that it could be possible.

4. Or I could already be inside an illusion.- But Jayden disregarded this as well, as even if his mental energy is exhausted, he won\'t be caught in an illusion so easily, and there\'s also Anna to help.




There was not a single chance that the Mind like monster can\'t be injured physically, as it already sustained so many injuries. Making a small plan in his mind, Jayden stared into the eyes of Azura snake and used the little amount of mental energy that he had gathered.

Despite being in the Spirit Creation realm, its mental strength wasn\'t too high, even so, Jayden couldn\'t harm the snake with his puny mental energy instead he decided to make the snake hallucinate.


The snake\'s eyes became cloudy and his mind slowed down, he tried to use pain to stop the mental attack by banging its head on the ground, creating many craters all around it.

But it was already too late, even without himself noticing, the Asura snake, was already under the illusionary effect of Jayden\'s mental energy. As its mind became clearer, it shook its head and looked at the bamboo that Jayden was holding earlier, but there was no one. It looked around in confusion, and then the beaten and bloody Jayden came into its view.


Creating a loud noise, the Azura snake lunges towards the injured monster who is caught off guard, but still, the head of the snake passes straight through his stomach, as if passing through water.

*KRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR* The monster roared in anger, but in the next moment, the Azura snake bit his almost severed leg with its other mouth, tearing it away completely. *KUUUOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHH*

The big monster screeched in pain, as he threw away the Azura snake with a bang, hitting it hard with one of his pointy hands. The snake rolled on the ground in pain, before charging towards the one legged monster with even more ferocity. But this time it was ready for the upcoming attack, and as soon as the snake was in range, it pierced the snake with its pointy hands, before tearing apart his body to shreds and so killing the Azura snake in an instant.

Jayden takes in a cold breath, This injured monster was much more stronger than he initially thought, Jayden wanted to flee but before he could the Mind monster made his move again.

Pushing the ground with its remaining leg, it Jumped high into the sky, appearing before Jayden in an instant. Its speed was much faster than before, and Jayden was having trouble just keeping a track of its movements, let alone dodging its attack.


This time, instead of punching Jayden, the Mind monster pushes all its pointy hands into Jayden\'s body, before tearing his body apart.

" Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh- "


Throwing Jayden\'s ripped body parts away, the Mind monster, leans against a bamboo, finally letting its guard down and relaxing its body. Jayden\'s head rolls down on the ground, his eyes still wide open in surprise.



After the incident with Raven was discovered, the whole Coven was in an uproar. After receiving all those messages saying: " SUBMIT TO THE REMINGTON OR COVEN WILL PERISH,



Everyone in Coven was enraged, they were already suspecting the Remingtons, and with how they reacted the last time they were almost sure that Remingtons were the ones who killed their members, but after this incident they launched an all out war without any further investigations or negotiations.

They broke into Devdraean, opposed the rules instilled by the Vampire King and launched an attack on the strong hold of the Remington family. Both sides lost countless members, but the war was nowhere near its end.

Both sides weren\'t ready to back off, The Coven wanted to avenge their fellow members while the Remingtons wanted to show their dominance and create a strong image for their family. They wanted to show everyone that no one could suppress their family, even more so if they were on their home turf.

The war would continue for a long time until something happens that would shook the entire Devdraean...


Thanks for reading and have a great day. Is Jayden dead, if not how do you think he will kill the one legged monster?  

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