
Chapter 114  Tragedy

Chapter 114  Tragedy

Even though it was day time, the tree\'s shadow made the forest look dark, rays of sunlight were peeking from the gap between trees, making the surroundings somewhat visible.

I held in my breath, then I turned my head away from the demon, as the three of us waited for it to go away. Second uncle held my shaking hand, and then he whispered:

" Ian, no matter what happens, I won\'t let you die. It\'ll be your 25th birthday soon and then you\'ll finally turn into an adult. So, just wait a bit longer. "

I nodded but the fear in my heart didn\'t subside in the least. Just then I felt the reflection of sunlight from something shiny, I squinted and while trying to calm my heart.

Even though it was Ian\'s body, the soul currently in control of it was mine, so my senses were almost as good as the third uncle\'s senses, even though my senses were restricted due to the emotion of fear.

Immediately I sensed a presence from some distance away, and I instantly knew who it was. But before I could speak, a shiny substance flew towards us at an incredible speed.

" Ahhhhhh " The blade hits the brave warrior\'s arm, as it pierces his skin. Blood oozed out from the wound, but he had no time to care about the injury, as all three of us felt a strong killing intent.

Turning our heads, we saw the Blind Dane Demon slowly walking towards us as it smelled the blood and sensed our auras.

" Who was it? " the brave warrior, grumbled looking around.

" I-It was the third uncle. " I spoke, the pressure the demon put on me was making me feel dizzy and weak.

" Third did? That bitch, I\'m going to kill him. " the second uncle said, clenching his fist.

All three of us were in a difficult position, if we move it would mean instant death, while if we stay at the same place, then it would only be a matter of time before the demon finds us, and there is also the third uncle to worry about.

" kiddo, stay hidden here, we\'ll distract that demon. " the brave warrior spoke, a solemn expression on his face.

" Son, run as fast as you can after the demon is far enough, also be careful of third, we don\'t know how low he can stoop. " the second uncle said, he knew that distracting that demon would mean the death of both of them.

He looked at the brave warrior, nodding, he spoke: " Let\'s go, before it- "

But it was already too late, we didn\'t even hear any sound or feel any movements, as the Blind Dane demon, appeared in front of us, its hollow eyes just a few metres away from us.

Everything seemed to have stopped, the three of us were too scared to move, it was the brave warrior who was able to come to his senses first. He took in a deep breath and activated his KIR ability, long poisonous spikes appeared all over his body.

" Run, both of you!!! " he shouted and lunged towards the demon, pointing the spikes towards its eyes.


Like a blur, the demon waves its front leg and hit the brave warrior. All of his spikes were broken instantly, as he was thrown several hundred metres away, his aura too weak to sense.


It was unknown whether he was still alive or not, just then the demon raised its head into the sky and roared, releasing a wave of energy. We didn\'t even have the time to blink, as the wave hit us, at first, we couldn\'t understand what was happening and then everything became dark.

" I-I can\'t see anything... " Second uncle spoke in a shaky tone, rubbing his eyes.

The Blind Dane demon\'s roar had taken our sight away, leaving us completely blind. With our sight gone, we were both too weak to even escape, not that we could\'ve even if we had our eyes.

I sensed the demon slowly walking towards me, but my body just wasn\'t listening to me, I placed both my arms in front of my face, as the sharp claws of the demon came down and hit me.


" Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh " A heart-wrenching scream escaped from my lips as I felt every part of my body aching and bleeding.


I was drifting in and out of consciousness, as I inspected my body, \' Broken left arm, broken ribs, one broken leg, a hole in my belly and several internal injuries. \'

The only thing that made me happy was that the fear was no longer halting my movements, though that job was now taken by my injuries.

" Ian, are you alright- ahhhhhhhhhhh- "


Hearing the second uncle\'s voice, I tried lifting my body up, but then I heard the sound of flesh being cut. I concentrated as an almost 3D map appeared in my mind, depicting everything within a distance of few hundred metres, since my fear was gone for some time, my senses were back to normal.

I watched as the Dane demon sliced second uncle\'s body in two, it severed his body horizontally, killing him instantly.

" Noooooooooo "

I shouted in anger and sadness, as I pushed myself onto my legs, and took a few shaking steps forward.

In front of me, the demon opened its mouth wide open, as it bit off Uncle\'s head and gulped it down. I could only watch, as the uncle whom Ian loved the most died, leaving behind a feeling of emptiness in my heart.

All of my fear and pain turned into rage, I walked forward, slightly limping and picked up one of the spikes that was lying near the spot where the brave warrior was hit.

Taking in a deep breath, I held the spike in my right arm, then stretching it back I placed all my concentration at a single point.


The demon turned its head towards me, ready to strike, then with all my strength I threw the spike forward, as it flew at an incredible speed.

The demon didn\'t even flinch as the spike flew off completely missing it, it disappeared into the woods and then I heard a scream from behind one of the trees.


The third uncle was sitting on a tree, a crazy look on his face, he looked with delight as the demon first hit the brave warrior and threw him off.


When the demon roared and released a wave of energy, the third uncle panicked slightly as his eyesight was taken away.

Then calming his mind, he concentrated his senses towards the demon and watched in delight as the demon struck me next. Then it slowly moved towards the second uncle, before cutting him into two.

He felt a little sad at the death of his kind brother, but nothing was more important to him than his own life. Not wanting to feel any guilt, the third uncle removed his senses from there and waited patiently for the demon to kill all of us and move away.

Just then he felt something flying towards him, he instantly shifted his body to the side but the flying object still gazed off his skin, leaving behind a big mark.

" Ughhhhhh "  he moaned in pain, as blood tricked down his shoulder.


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