
Chapter 10: The Thicks’ Duel: Zorvax’s Cunning Strikes!

Chapter 10: The Thicks' Duel: Zorvax’s Cunning Strikes!

Zorvax recognized them from the descriptions he had gathered from his encounters with the Evolution System. These zombies were known for their immense size and strength. A battle between them promised to be a spectacle of raw power, a dance of titans within the world of the undead.

From a safe distance, Zorvax settled down, perched upon a ruined structure. He watched the approaching collision with a calculating gleam in his decayed eyes. It was not just the spectacle that captivated him but the potential reward it held. The fatigue that would follow the battle presented an opportunity for him to rip profit from their weakened states.

He whispered to himself, his voice a hoarse, disjointed murmur, "I'll watch them fight, see them tire, and then... I'll claim my prize."

In the grim, post-apocalyptic world where death was a constant companion, the pursuit of Evolution Points became a relentless journey. For Zorvax, observing this battle between giants was but another step in his relentless quest for power and dominance in the unforgiving wasteland.

The battle between the two Thick Zombies unfolded with a grotesque grace, a dance of brutality that only the undead could truly comprehend. Their roars echoed through the desolation, primal calls of violence and dominance.

One of the Thick Zombies wielded a colossal steel pole, an instrument of destruction honed through the ruthless lessons of survival. The other, armed with an enormous knife that defied reason, seemed to have stumbled upon his makeshift weapon through sheer chance in this post-apocalyptic world.

With a feral cry, the Thick Zombie with the steel pole swung his makeshift weapon with tremendous force. The heavy pole whistled through the air as it aimed for the head of his adversary, a crushing blow that would have felled a normal human with ease. But these undead monstrosities were far from normal.

The other Thick Zombie, undeterred by the impending impact, brought his colossal knife into play. With a swift yet uncannily accurate movement, he deflected the steel pole. A flash of rusted metal and a dissonant clash filled the air as the knife bit into the pole. It was a counterattack executed with animalistic precision.

The knife's razor edge met the pole's surface, and in a gruesome testament to the uncaring brutality of this world, a spurt of dark, congealed blood erupted from the wounded hand of the Thick Zombie holding the steel pole. A cruel smile would have graced any observer's face, but these creatures were devoid of emotion, fighting with the primitive instinct for survival that had become their existence.

The Thick Zombie, though wounded, wouldn't yield. He countered the counter, using his pole to batter down the knife-wielding opponent. The dull thud of metal against flesh echoed like a macabre symphony, punctuated by the eerie groans of the wounded combatants.

The one with the big knife grimaced, or at least it appeared as such in his grotesque, decayed features. He stumbled back, his steps unsteady but determined. The injury to his hand seemed to have little impact; these creatures lacked the sensory perception of pain that was once a natural deterrent to harm.

Their relentless dance continued a grotesque ballet of savagery. They were brutal, mindless, wild beings driven by an undying thirst for survival in this nightmarish world.

As Zorvax watched this gruesome spectacle, he couldn't help but marvel at the brutality that had become the defining characteristic of life in this post-apocalyptic reality. The two Thick Zombies were locked in a relentless struggle, each blow a testament to their strength and tenacity.

As Zorvax watched the battle between the two titans, he sensed the perfect moment to make his move. "Now is the time," he muttered to himself, his voice a hoarse and guttural whisper. With a determined grip on the double daggers he had acquired from the unfortunate survivors he had encountered, Zorvax took action.

With unnatural swiftness, he closed the distance between himself and the warring Thick Zombies. His footsteps were like the whisper of death itself as he darted forward, aiming to become the harbinger of their demise.

Zorvax's first target was the Thick Zombie wielding the colossal knife. His double daggers were poised, his movements almost a blur as he moved like a wraith. With silent, deadly intent, he struck, his daggers seeking the soft, rotting flesh of his adversary. The blades bit into the side of the Thick Zombie's head, causing it to spasm with grotesque, frenzied movements.

But the wound wasn't deep enough, and the Thick Zombie's mindless instinct kicked in, causing it to thrash and flail in an attempt to dislodge the intruder. Zorvax was sent hurtling through the air, his undead body tumbling end over end.

The Thick Zombies, having paused in shock at the intrusion, now fixed their grotesque gazes upon this new, unknown enemy. Zorvax wasn't one of them, and they couldn't quite fathom his purpose in the battle.

Zorvax quickly regained his footing, his resolve unbroken. He clutched his daggers with renewed determination. With a sadistic grin that would have chilled a living being to the core, he taunted, "You two are no match for me."

The two Thick Zombies, their primitive and decaying minds struggling to process this new threat, lunged toward Zorvax. Their immense forms closed in, but Zorvax was not to be underestimated. With a series of agile, evasive maneuvers, he danced around them, his movements fluid and unhindered by pain or exhaustion.

Zorvax's target remained the Thick Zombie with the oversized knife. Once again, he appeared behind it, his daggers aimed for a killing blow. The strike was delivered with brutal force, the daggers penetrating deeply into the undead creature's skull. This time, Zorvax used all his newfound strength, driving the blades through the Thick Zombie's decayed brain.

The creature convulsed one final time and fell, lifeless, to the ground.

Zorvax stood triumphant, his chest heaving with the exertion of the battle. He raised a dagger high in a mocking salute to the remaining Thick Zombie, the one armed with a colossal steel pole. "One down, you're next," he growled with cruel satisfaction.

The Thick Zombie with the steel pole roared in defiance, a mindless declaration of its intention to crush this new threat. The battle between the last Thick Zombie and Zorvax had just begun, a macabre dance of death in this unforgiving world where the distinction between life and unlife had become blurred beyond recognition.

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