
Chapter 225 Our Mark on This Place

Tomorrow came, and Xenia knew that it was the last day of her training on this island. After that, they’d be setting sail to Valcrez. She would finally get to see her sister after all this time.

Thinking about that, she found herself getting excited for what’s in store for her.

“Alright, Princess. Are you ready for your final day of training?” Osman asked her with a smile. “We’ll make this a bit quicker than the rest. It won’t even take you an hour if you knew what you were doing.”

“You always say that,” Xenia scoffed. “Just tell me what to do so that we can all get out of this place.”

Behind her, she could feel Darius’s gaze boring straight through her. For some reason, he decided not to take the celibacy potion on the final day. She could only assume that meant he had something in store for the two of them once this was all over.

It would also explain why the admiral seemed to be on edge every time he looked over her.

“Impatient, are you?” Osman smiled. “Fine then. Hit me with your best shot.”

Xenia blinked. “Huh?”

As if to answer her question, the admiral simply spread his arms out wide, presenting himself as if he was asking for her to actually hit him. He stood right on top of a small mound, his feet planted firmly on the ground as he braced himself.

“I meant what I said,” he smirked. “I want you to hit me. Make me move from this spot, and you pass.”

For some reason, such a simple request still felt like it was a trick question. Was he waiting for her to do something else? Was there some kind of trick here?

“Again, no tricks here, Princess,” Osman smiled. “Just make me move, and we’re done.”

“I’m assuming that means Xen can do anything so long as that goal is met?” Darius asked aloud from behind her.

“Now that would be telling, Your Majesty,” the admiral smirked. He then looked down at her as he reiterated. “Go ahead, Princess. Make me move.”

Xenia… wasn’t sure how to respond to that. He said she could do whatever it took to make him move… Did that really mean anything?

She smirked. She had a feeling that the solution was just as easy as the last trick question he gave to her. But first…

“You’re really going to try, huh?”


Planting her feet firmly on the ground, she kneeled to give herself some more support, bracing her arms as she tried to push Osman off the mound. As expected, he didn’t even budge. Even as she poured everything she had into pushing, the man just didn’t seem to break a sweat as he spread his arms out for her attempts.

“Is that all you’ve got, Princess?”

“Not yet.”

With a smirk, Xenia stood back, raring her leg back as she prepared for a kick. There was no hesitation. No mercy…

She aimed her kick right in between his legs.

“Take this, admiral~”

“Not fair!”

Xenia laughed as her leg connected with thin air, her target having moved away from her low blow. Behind her Darius laughed alongside her, his voice already moving closer to her before he stood behind her.

“That’s what you get for torturing her this past week,” Darius teasingly chided. “You didn’t even take your punishment like a man.”

“I wouldn’t be a man anymore if I did, Your Majesty,” Osman protested. “I still want to have kids in the future.”

“Well, you did say that I can do anything,” Xen smirked. “I was thinking of asking Darius to help me, but all those lessons about thinking outside the box struck me with a stroke of brilliance.”

“More like a stroke of a low blow,” the admiral sighed. “Either way, you passed. And clearly, you two are going to be very busy for the remainder of the time we have here.”

Xenia blushed at the implication. Not that she denied it, of course. It was just that-

“Yes. Yes, we will, Osman.”


Wha- “D-Did you seriously just say that, Darius?”

Turning her around, the princess was caught off-guard as her mate looked her straight in the eye. Immediately, she could tell that he was raring to jump her, his heat practically melting the snow around them as he spoke.

“Yes. Yes, I did, Xen,” he responded with utter sincerity. “I’ll be taking you for the entire day, and nothing’s going to stop me from doing so.”

Xenia blushed up a storm at what Darius just told her. She tried opening her mouth to speak, but all she managed were a few stutters as she felt her mind melting at the prospect of yet an entire day of pleasure waiting for her.

“See? What did I-“

“We’ll be seeing you on the Lucian, Osman,” Darius cut the admiral off, his arms already picking her up before he turned towards the cabin. “Xen and I will be spending the remainder of the day relaxing.”

Without any fanfare, Xenia could only snuggle into her mate’s arms as she let him carry her back inside. Feeling the heat from his body, she settled into his chest, feeling his beating heart as her own arousal began to flare up.

“I’ve been saving myself for this moment, Xen,” Darius growled as he kicked the door open. “How long have we waited for this?”

She giggled as she felt her back it the soft bed below. “More than long enough, I suppose.”

Then again, they already did the deed as soon as they landed on the island. As much as that had been enjoyable, it still didn’t feel like it was enough for some reason.

“I can’t take it anymore,” he breathed out, pinning her down as he hovered above her. “Just before we leave, I want to leave a mark on this place. Our scent permeating the air so much that Nicolai wouldn’t be able to ignore it.”

Xenia blushed. She should’ve been mortified at such a sentence, but her pride somehow liked the idea of her musk permanently staining the very air around them.

“Let’s do that then,” she smiled, placing a hand on his cheek. “Let’s leave our mark on this place.”

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